Ever Gave/Received Flowers Within a Relationship? *Good One*

Contributor: Kynky Kytty Kynky Kytty
Ok, since I made a mistake with the first poll (single answer rather than multiple, I'm making a new one, and I added some options too. Sorry for the spam, but eventually the first one will disappear. So here is the poll:

My poll is about giving and receiving flowers while dating or during a relationship. I've never had any and I am starting to wonder if there is a point where it has become old-fashioned or even lame???

So my first question is: Have you ever given or received flowers? And do you care?
The other question is: What is your age group?
And do you have any opinion or stories to share about your experience?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Chilipepper , Dusk , ZenaidaMacroura , Ajax , Jobthingy , Trashley , Selective Sensualist , Airen Wolf , Bunnycups , Kindred , Kim! , Pleasure Piratess , isisandshiva , Darling Jen , ~LaUr3n~ , Sir , PassionQT , removedacnt , DeliciousSurprise , Alicia , Lady Venus , Illusional , Miss Cinnamon , Lily Night , Waterfall , Madeira , Blinker , Persephone's Addiction , Adriana Ravenlust , Polyserena , bamaswingers2010 , leatherlover , Jul!a , Kinkme , Anne Ardeur , darthkitt3n , LavenderSkies , Lummox , ToyTimeTim , Rckt56 , clp , Porfiriato , Mistress Kitty , Alegria , Xavier7 , toxie m , sbon , nerdgirl , Lady Neshamah , Epicurean , SexyTabby , kittychilla , moonch1ld , Alan & Michele , Redboxbaby , RonLee , firekitten , Joie de Cherresse , Shellz31 , mystepmotherisafish , Naughty Student , Mr.RightNow , lkb , TheSinDoll , zeebot , wetone123 , PiratePrincess , StephieBoo02 , tomservo1028 , Andromeda , sexyintexas , 0 , Scarlette , Spring , sexygoddess , lesbianlesbian , tickle me pink , Iskandur , ellejay , SexyStuff , link82 , tigerkate , Valentinka , *HisMrs* , padmeamidala , barrettbn2 , froggiemoma , IrishLassie , (Re)tired Stripper , K101 , GravyCakes , guard083 , sarki , null , eggiweg , Princess-Kayla ♥ , Ansley , Bry & Jenn , kokopelli , Ivy Wilde , Lucky21 , InNeedOfABuzzzz , ToyGurl , cheetahpita , Silverdrop , Nora , hyacinthgirl , curious kitten , Bignuf , BlooJay , alayamae , catsin , freud13 , Ice1 , richsam , pootpootpoot , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Bethy Cassatt , anonkitty , Lickable Lollie , aliceinthehole , CynicallyYours , Lilith Bealove , dks210 , JennSenn , StarFire , Sci , pixxie87 , gsfanatic , pitona , phozersexy , Gracie , hillys , (k)InkyIvy , sugar&spikes , Lildrummrgurl7 , PepperPot , butts , moongirl , Katelyn , AliMc , CaseyDeuce , woodsdragon , nikki0668 , vulvalicious , winterseve , mjtheprincess , toy review man , Robespierrethecat , caligaliber , Noelle , True Pleasures , ginnyluvspotter
Kynky Kytty , Coralbell , Lonewolf , Eeyor89 , Envy , Persephone Nightmare , DixieDoo , bunny love , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , SiNn , Stephanie Marie , REDRUM , MaryExy , angel142stx , systematicweasel , dhig , Bex1331 , Elaira , Ilovelingerie , Geogeo , potstickers , Falsepast , Incendiaire , Intrepid Niddering , mp3me
and I care.
Kynky Kytty , ZenaidaMacroura , Selective Sensualist , Lonewolf , Airen Wolf , Bunnycups , Kindred , Pleasure Piratess , isisandshiva , Persephone Nightmare , Darling Jen , Sir , removedacnt , DeliciousSurprise , Alicia , Illusional , Miss Cinnamon , Lily Night , Waterfall , Persephone's Addiction , Adriana Ravenlust , Taylor , Polyserena , bamaswingers2010 , leatherlover , Kinkme , Anne Ardeur , darthkitt3n , LavenderSkies , Lummox , ToyTimeTim , clp , Mistress Kitty , Alegria , Xavier7 , nerdgirl , Lady Neshamah , Epicurean , SexyTabby , Alan & Michele , Redboxbaby , RonLee , firekitten , mystepmotherisafish , TheSinDoll , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , wetone123 , PiratePrincess , StephieBoo02 , Andromeda , Scarlette , Spring , sexygoddess , lesbianlesbian , tickle me pink , REDRUM , SexyStuff , tigerkate , *HisMrs* , padmeamidala , barrettbn2 , IrishLassie , (Re)tired Stripper , K101 , GravyCakes , guard083 , systematicweasel , Princess-Kayla ♥ , Ivy Wilde , Lucky21 , ToyGurl , Silverdrop , Nora , hyacinthgirl , curious kitten , Bignuf , BlooJay , alayamae , catsin , freud13 , Ice1 , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Bethy Cassatt , Lickable Lollie , aliceinthehole , CynicallyYours , Lilith Bealove , Elaira , dks210 , Ilovelingerie , StarFire , Sci , Gracie , potstickers , (k)InkyIvy , Lildrummrgurl7 , PepperPot , Katelyn , AliMc , CaseyDeuce , woodsdragon , nikki0668 , vulvalicious , winterseve , mjtheprincess , toy review man , Falsepast , caligaliber , Noelle , mp3me
and I don't care.
Chilipepper , Ajax , Jobthingy , Coralbell , Kim! , Envy , PassionQT , Adriana Ravenlust , DixieDoo , Jul!a , Kinkme , toxie m , sbon , firekitten , Joie de Cherresse , Shellz31 , bunny love , Naughty Student , lkb , zeebot , SiNn , tomservo1028 , Stephanie Marie , Iskandur , MaryExy , link82 , IrishLassie , GravyCakes , sarki , null , eggiweg , Ansley , cheetahpita , dhig , Bex1331 , pootpootpoot , Geogeo , Deeder , Robespierrethecat , Intrepid Niddering
Dusk , Trashley , Lonewolf , isisandshiva , Persephone Nightmare , Lily Night , Madeira , DixieDoo , Kinkme , Anne Ardeur , LavenderSkies , Mistress Kitty , Alegria , Xavier7 , bunny love , mystepmotherisafish , lkb , PiratePrincess , StephieBoo02 , Andromeda , 0 , lesbianlesbian , REDRUM , ellejay , MaryExy , guard083 , systematicweasel , null , Princess-Kayla ♥ , Bex1331 , alayamae , Ice1 , pootpootpoot , Lilith Bealove , Ilovelingerie , Katelyn , mjtheprincess , Robespierrethecat
Kynky Kytty , ZenaidaMacroura , Ajax , Coralbell , Bunnycups , Kim! , Pleasure Piratess , isisandshiva , Envy , Darling Jen , ~LaUr3n~ , DeliciousSurprise , Alicia , Lady Venus , Illusional , Miss Cinnamon , Waterfall , Blinker , Persephone's Addiction , Adriana Ravenlust , Taylor , Polyserena , leatherlover , Jul!a , Anne Ardeur , darthkitt3n , Rckt56 , clp , Porfiriato , toxie m , sbon , nerdgirl , Epicurean , moonch1ld , firekitten , Joie de Cherresse , Naughty Student , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , zeebot , SiNn , tomservo1028 , Scarlette , Spring , sexygoddess , tickle me pink , Stephanie Marie , SexyStuff , link82 , tigerkate , Valentinka , *HisMrs* , barrettbn2 , IrishLassie , (Re)tired Stripper , K101 , GravyCakes , eggiweg , Ansley , Lucky21 , ToyGurl , cheetahpita , dhig , hyacinthgirl , BlooJay , catsin , freud13 , Bethy Cassatt , anonkitty , Lickable Lollie , aliceinthehole , CynicallyYours , Elaira , dks210 , JennSenn , Geogeo , StarFire , Deeder , pixxie87 , gsfanatic , hillys , potstickers , (k)InkyIvy , Lildrummrgurl7 , butts , moongirl , AliMc , CaseyDeuce , woodsdragon , winterseve , caligaliber , Intrepid Niddering , True Pleasures , mp3me
Chilipepper , Jobthingy , Airen Wolf , PassionQT , bamaswingers2010 , Lummox , ToyTimeTim , Lady Neshamah , SexyTabby , Redboxbaby , Shellz31 , TheSinDoll , Iskandur , padmeamidala , Silverdrop , Nora , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Sci , PepperPot , vulvalicious , Cat E.
Selective Sensualist , Kindred , Alan & Michele , wetone123 , sarki , Ivy Wilde , Gracie , nikki0668 , Noelle
RonLee , curious kitten , Bignuf , toy review man
isisandshiva , Deeder
Total votes: 495 (181 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Shit, meant to put 'I care'. My head's fuzzy, so that must mean bedtime.
Contributor: Dusk Dusk
I've received flowers quite a few times, and I absolutely love it. In the spirit of gender equality (and awesomeness?) I've also gotten flowers for my current partner a few times. I think its totally adorable.
Contributor: Ajax Ajax
My bf gives me flowers all the time, but I don't think I've ever given him any. hmmm..might have to fix that, I know he loves them. I enjoy getting them, but if I didn't get them I wouldn't mind at all.

I have a friend who likes to make bouquets of flowers for his girlfriend. He'll make them out of papers, foils, tissues, fabrics and they're always so pretty. I think that's sweet too.

I do think it may be becoming a little old fashioned, but I don't think it will ever be lame.
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
I like them but it is not a *must*.

He picks me lilacs in the spring, that i LOVE because it is my favorite flower... and he picked them
Contributor: Trashley Trashley
Originally posted by Dusk
I've received flowers quite a few times, and I absolutely love it. In the spirit of gender equality (and awesomeness?) I've also gotten flowers for my current partner a few times. I think its totally adorable.
Same here. It's never expected, just such a nice gesture. I've gotten everything from fire roses to black eyed susans, but my favourite was when my partner picked rosemary and poppies for me. So adorably mis-matched and so deliciously smelling.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Kynky Kytty
Ok, since I made a mistake with the first poll (single answer rather than multiple, I'm making a new one, and I added some options too. Sorry for the spam, but eventually the first one will disappear. So here is the poll:

My poll is about ... more
I have both given and received flowers. I definitely care, but to be honest I would rather not get something that is going to die. Still it is such a thoughtful thing and they are very beautiful.
Contributor: Bunnycups Bunnycups
I have been given flowers. In the past they weren't meaningful. They became expected or given to make up for some jerk-like thing an ex would do.

I have someone special in my life who sent me flowers. It was a surprise. They were delivered and totally unexpected. I saved the card. It was sweet, thoughtful and special. They made me feel special. Every time I walked in the room I'd see them and smile.
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
I give my wife flowers every year for Valentine's Day, our anniversary, and her birthday. She doesn't ask for much, and I know how much she loves fresh flowers. Is it frivolous since they die? Maybe, but she enjoys them and so it's worth it.

One year I gave her a homemade gift card where basically I sent her flowers every month for a year.
Contributor: Kim! Kim!
My one ex used to get me flowers when he was a dick.
Honestly, I'm not a big flower person, give me a whole plant, not something that's just going to die. I love plants when they're whole. I know it's the thought and all but I'm still not a huge fan.
My now-ex was bringing over flowers tonight for me because it would be our 6 month mark. I don't know if, subconsciously, him planning on bringing flowers helped with the desire to end it or not but I broke-up with him Thursday. I've told him how I feel about them before. (There were other things going on, it was not entirely because he was going to bring me flowers.)
Contributor: Eeyor89 Eeyor89
Originally posted by Kynky Kytty
Ok, since I made a mistake with the first poll (single answer rather than multiple, I'm making a new one, and I added some options too. Sorry for the spam, but eventually the first one will disappear. So here is the poll:

My poll is about ... more
None of the people I dated have cared to give flowers. (it kinda sucks...)
Contributor: Envy Envy
Nope and I don't care much for getting flowers since they end up dying anyway.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
More awake now, and I'll repost from the 'obsolete' thread:

I prefer to buy flowers myself. The only time I ever got flowers from somebody was in 7th grade from my best guy friend on Valentine's Day ...

Yeah, my lousy husband never bought me flowers.

So I'm old-fashioned and delight in the simplicity and romanticism of flowers. It's also cheaper than jewelry and there's no chance of him picking out something ugly. It's also easier to find space for flowers - just put the vase back in the cabinet when the flowers wilt; don't have to find a 'new' space for something that'll hang around a while, and you don't have to worry about getting rid it out when the relationship ends. (Being an old-fashioned romantic can be practical.)

Besides, there's something breathtaking if someone goes all out to get something like this ...

Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
I have gotten them from every boyfriend I have had. BUT, it is a large range. For instance, my first serious boyfriend gave me a dozen roses EVERY month. It kind of got old even though each was a new color. They became not special because I expected it. So...I much more loved it when boyfriends after, who said flowers were totally not their thing, gave them once a year or every couple of months. I even got flowers from a bf that said he had never given them and never would. It was SO much more romantic than the ex who gave them every month.

I don't care or care. I'm kind of indifferent. Its not something I expect, but it's nice when it happens. I don't hate them like I used to.
Contributor: Kynky Kytty Kynky Kytty
Right, it's not like I'd want them regularly, but just the gesture that he once thought about giving flowers at least once as part of other things he'd do to be romantic. It's not even complicated.

I'm glad that I never associated flowers with 'I'm sorry'. That would really suck.
Contributor: Sir Sir
I've given flowers to partners. Even though THEY never cared about the gesture, I did.
Contributor: PassionQT PassionQT
I appreciate the gesture of flowers, but only every now and then.
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
I don't get them very often, but I love it when I do. My hubby knows my favorite flowers are purple roses.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by removedacnt
I don't get them very often, but I love it when I do. My hubby knows my favorite flowers are purple roses.
OOO I never got purple! He never got around to that color.
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
I have gotten them from time to time. It's not often and it's usually just a single rose or something of the like because he knows that I am not a fan of spending money on things that die. I never expect them, and he usually gets them just because. He's really sweet like that, sometimes he even gets me cards just because I think the last time I got a large flower arrangement was about 5 years ago or so at work.

Honestly my husband knows me too well. He knows that I'm much more happy with a surprise cup of Starbucks coffee than I am with flowers and I get surprise coffee much more often hehe
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
I love flowers, Stargazer lilies are my favorite. And he's gotten them for me a few times. I believe it's an old romantic thing to do and I'm 23.. so I'm not old but I love everything vintage. Picnics in the park, flowers and things like that. <3
Contributor: Lady Venus Lady Venus
The best flowers I've ever gotten was a rose bush. Yes, the whole damn rose bush!....he said he wanted to get me something a little different than flowers.
I don't expect flowers, but they are a nice gesture every now and then. The "just because" flowers are the sweetest.
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
I was given flowers once by my current boyfriend, on this past Valentine's Day. It was the first time I'd ever been given flowers and it touched me. I like to think I'm modern and beyond simple romantic gestures, but I cried. It was so sweet. I still have the dried roses in the original vase and I smile whenever I see them.
Contributor: Persephone's Addiction Persephone's Addiction
Guys should give flowers - and NOT as an apology for screwing up!! (Because then you sit there looking at them, blaming them for his fuck-up, staring at their sepals, leering at their leaves, cursing their chloroplast... and it gets him off the hook.)

Seriously though, it is an awesome thing to get flowers for no other reason than being loved by someone. I like it when plants have to die for me.
Contributor: leatherlover leatherlover
Originally posted by removedacnt
I don't get them very often, but I love it when I do. My hubby knows my favorite flowers are purple roses.
The first time I bought my wife flowers was when we were dating in college, and I got her purple roses, which is her favorite color. That was an interesting drive home, vase of roses in left hand, driving and shifting with the right. I need to do it again soon, it has been too long.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Illusional
I love flowers, Stargazer lilies are my favorite. And he's gotten them for me a few times. I believe it's an old romantic thing to do and I'm 23.. so I'm not old but I love everything vintage. Picnics in the park, flowers and things like that. <3
Stargazer lilies are my favorite too. After my college graduation I met up with everybody who was there and he had gone after he dropped me off to go get me a few stargazers from the store so he could surprise me with them.
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
My boyfriend has given me flowers before, though I think it was just because someone else gave their girlfriend flowers and I said I had never gotten flowers before.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Yes, I love flowers
Contributor: Porfiriato Porfiriato
Given, and received
Contributor: clp clp
I've bought and received for my male and female partners. I love both sides of it.

Any loving gesture should be seen as just that, regardless of how it is shown.