I might be sexually active but I'm honest and safe.
Does everyone cheat?
I dont think everyone cheats but i do think sometimes people have the opertunity to. Personally If you have an open committed relationship if you stay open and communicate there really isnt any reaosn to cheat
Originally posted by
Carrie Ann
Related to: High Infidelity: What Cheating Is (and Maybe Isn't)
Statistics seem to say yes, at least once, at least at some point in their lives.
What do you think? Does everyone cheat? ... more
Statistics seem to say yes, at least once, at least at some point in their lives.
What do you think? Does everyone cheat? ... more
Related to: High Infidelity: What Cheating Is (and Maybe Isn't)
Statistics seem to say yes, at least once, at least at some point in their lives.
What do you think? Does everyone cheat? less
Statistics seem to say yes, at least once, at least at some point in their lives.
What do you think? Does everyone cheat? less
no i dont think so, but im sure people have a different definition for this
No, I don't think everyone cheats.
I have to go with this answer. As much as many do, plenty actually don't or haven't.
Originally posted by
I do not think that everyone cheats. Perhaps most do, but not everyone.
Eating, drinking, and breathing are necessary to live, cheating is a choice. I don't think everyone cheats. I think some people have the strength and self-respect not to.
Originally posted by
Carrie Ann
Then your answer is "no, everyone doesn't cheat."
Of course everyone is different.
But we all do some things. Eat. Drink. Breathe.
I want to know how many people also think everyone, at some point in their lives, cheats.
Of course everyone is different.
But we all do some things. Eat. Drink. Breathe.
I want to know how many people also think everyone, at some point in their lives, cheats.
NO. Two partners. at 15 and 27. Divorcing (after 21 yrs). (not about the sex) we grew apart, rough financial times and the love is GONE. But, I have a roof over my head because I did some things (like never cheating) right. And I want a lover more than ever. It has been years. I was never a Casanova and no women has showed interest in me, in a long time. It is very lonely and sad. I don't have any money either. That hurts; you need money even to meet for coffee.
Originally posted by
Carrie Ann
Related to: High Infidelity: What Cheating Is (and Maybe Isn't)
Statistics seem to say yes, at least once, at least at some point in their lives.
What do you think? Does everyone cheat? ... more
Statistics seem to say yes, at least once, at least at some point in their lives.
What do you think? Does everyone cheat? ... more
Related to: High Infidelity: What Cheating Is (and Maybe Isn't)
Statistics seem to say yes, at least once, at least at some point in their lives.
What do you think? Does everyone cheat? less
Statistics seem to say yes, at least once, at least at some point in their lives.
What do you think? Does everyone cheat? less
No, I definitely don't think everyone cheats. And I think that if this were to become a believed "fact", then it would just make cheating more inevitable than it is at this point.
I dont think everyone does. I think that probably a majority will at least once - both male and female. I also think that almost everyone will consider it at one time or another but not act on it. I have several friends who are not in the same open sexual marriage I am in who "Never would I xxxxx", but they almost all read the steamy sex novels and fantasize its happening to them. I think in part its human nature and in part hard to not be tempted especially as our marriage or relationship ages so to speak and looses some of the passion and fire. In my case personaly I very much love ny husband and he loves me ( I know I will face some how can you say that ) for that decloration - but we each have open permission to have sex with others with the prior knowled and approval of the who from each other. I know that most will consider this just cheating with a spin but it keeps the openness and honesty between us and if the answer is "no" its tespected without arguement or discussion. Do I think its right to hide it and do it? No. Do I think that most do/will? Yes. Does it mean that they want to leave their current spouse for someone else? No- not in most of the cases that is. But if you are going to do it make sure its clear up front with whoever you are going to do it with that its just sex and nothing else to avoid confusion. And at the first sense of deeper emotion you need to break it off completly - or if your looking for a teplacement have the respect to either work through your issues if thats what is causing your desire and if that doesnt work end what you have before starting what you want. Life is hard and unfair sometimes in relationships and marriage but a lot of the bitterness and heart ache can be avoided by simply keeping open honest communication. If you a a woman and tell me "I have never though about it or been tempted" I will say congratulation and you are that rare person. The same for the guys. If your one of the ones who is thinking about it, has done it or is doing it- welcome to the reality and majority of most modern relationships. If you feel guilty just remember that probably five out of seven of your neighbors has done the same at some point in some relationship. Be honest with yourself first and true to yourself. Dont hate your spouse for a choice you made and dont hate yourself. I dont suggest my situation for all of you, or even most of you for that matter because it takes contrary to popular assumption a very strong trust and respect for it, and it is very easy for you if you or your spouse are the jealous type for it to fail. Talk often, say how you really feel, dpnt be afraid to be yourself and share your emotional needs and desires openly with one another. XOX CreamySweet
Originally posted by
Carrie Ann
Related to: High Infidelity: What Cheating Is (and Maybe Isn't)
Statistics seem to say yes, at least once, at least at some point in their lives.
What do you think? Does everyone cheat? ... more
Statistics seem to say yes, at least once, at least at some point in their lives.
What do you think? Does everyone cheat? ... more
Related to: High Infidelity: What Cheating Is (and Maybe Isn't)
Statistics seem to say yes, at least once, at least at some point in their lives.
What do you think? Does everyone cheat? less
Statistics seem to say yes, at least once, at least at some point in their lives.
What do you think? Does everyone cheat? less
No I do not think everyone cheats. Of course it does really depend on the relationships agreed upon definition of cheating.
everyone isn't the same!
I am as loyal as they come, but unfortunately for me, the last guy I was with was a man-whore. He cheated on me constantly.
I think cheating is a simple definition. If you are in a relationship with someone, and explore a relationship with another on any level of intimacy (dating, kissing, sex) without your partner's knowledge or consent, it's cheating. However, the lines of whether an instance of infidelity was right or wrong, and who is to blame, are certainly up for debate and interpretation. I'm not going to begrudge a person who cheats on the path to leaving an abusive relationship. I do not, however, agree with a person who will take any opportunity they are away from their partner to sleep around just for the fun of it.
I don't believe everyone cheats, but I also believe there is a grey shade to everything. I met my husband while he was married. At the time, she was in a psychiatric hospital, and their marriage had been dead and abusive for years. So yes, he technically cheated. But, I can't say it was wrong. I don't in any way shape or form believe that cheating is part of his character, or that on a whim he is going to go bang a stewardess. I do however, believe that if we made it to a point in our marriage that I was forcing him to find love and companionship with someone else, then I'm the one that screwed up somewhere.
Hooray for ideas and discussion! Great question, CarrieAnn!
I don't believe everyone cheats, but I also believe there is a grey shade to everything. I met my husband while he was married. At the time, she was in a psychiatric hospital, and their marriage had been dead and abusive for years. So yes, he technically cheated. But, I can't say it was wrong. I don't in any way shape or form believe that cheating is part of his character, or that on a whim he is going to go bang a stewardess. I do however, believe that if we made it to a point in our marriage that I was forcing him to find love and companionship with someone else, then I'm the one that screwed up somewhere.
Hooray for ideas and discussion! Great question, CarrieAnn!
I don't think that everybody will cheat, but the temptation is certainly there for many, at one time or another.
Interesting zoological fact: sexual monogamy is almost nonexistent in the animal kingdom, excepting of course those animals that die immediately or soon after mating. Individuals may stay faithful, but across a given species most animals will cheat on their mates at some point. Even creatures that practice social monogamy (generally staying/living with one mate for most of their lives), like wolves and ravens, will sometimes cheat.
So perhaps the instinct to cheat is there for humans, but societal norms and personal preference makes sexual monogamy more common than it might be otherwise. Food for thought.
Interesting zoological fact: sexual monogamy is almost nonexistent in the animal kingdom, excepting of course those animals that die immediately or soon after mating. Individuals may stay faithful, but across a given species most animals will cheat on their mates at some point. Even creatures that practice social monogamy (generally staying/living with one mate for most of their lives), like wolves and ravens, will sometimes cheat.
So perhaps the instinct to cheat is there for humans, but societal norms and personal preference makes sexual monogamy more common than it might be otherwise. Food for thought.
Not everyone cheats, I think most people will have the choice of doing so or not. Its not like we are programmed to cheat. Its like saying Everyone eats meat, just because a lot of people do so does not mean everyone does.
I don't believe that every person will or does cheat in a relationship. I believe everyone cheats at something at least once, like on a test or on a partner. I've never cheated on a partner and I have EXTREMELY strong feelings about cheating... so strong that some people wouldn't ever understand, but that's just me. It's something that hurts way too much and I will never hurt a person like that. There's always an option to break up and I am proud to say I've never cheated... Now at school, that's a different story. I didn't mind cheating homework or copying each other's homework in school. In that case it doesn't hurt anybody but yourself and Im the kind of person that will hurt myself much quicker than I'll hurt someone else. Not that that's something I would suggest doing and not that it's a good way to be.
My partner and I have been together for 5 years and we keep very "disciplined" ways of living. We don't consider it discipline, but most call it that. One way of doing that is by never allowing yourself to be in any position where things could happen or where a person could put the moves on you. That doesn't work all the time as I've had several put the moves on me since I've been with my partner and he has too, but it's a simple as immediately making yourself clear to the person and getting otu of the situation. So, no I don't think we will ever cheat. We have a very close relationship and both feel strongly about cheating.
My partner and I have been together for 5 years and we keep very "disciplined" ways of living. We don't consider it discipline, but most call it that. One way of doing that is by never allowing yourself to be in any position where things could happen or where a person could put the moves on you. That doesn't work all the time as I've had several put the moves on me since I've been with my partner and he has too, but it's a simple as immediately making yourself clear to the person and getting otu of the situation. So, no I don't think we will ever cheat. We have a very close relationship and both feel strongly about cheating.
it depends on what the relationship defines as cheating. everyone is different and has different rules
definitely not

Seems the majority say's 'NO' everyone does not cheat.
I would agree even though I have never been faithful but then I have never really been in a truly commited relationship so would that count as cheating?
I would agree even though I have never been faithful but then I have never really been in a truly commited relationship so would that count as cheating?
Certainly not everyone cheats. Cheating is common; much more common even than it used to be I think, but not everyone does. I can honestly say I've never cheated. Does that mean I won't? I can't really say that because we all do things we said we wouldn't do, but up until now I've never done it.
Originally posted by
No, but it depends on your definition of cheating.
My husband and I feel the same way. We try not to pass judgement, because we know that we have a very strict sense of the word and our rules about the grounds of cheating are a little extreme. We try to remember that life is one big grey area, and all you can do is control your own path. We are happy with the way we look at it, because it works for us, but don't expect others to feel the same way. And that's okay by me.
Originally posted by
I don't believe that every person will or does cheat in a relationship. I believe everyone cheats at something at least once, like on a test or on a partner. I've never cheated on a partner and I have EXTREMELY strong feelings about
I don't believe that every person will or does cheat in a relationship. I believe everyone cheats at something at least once, like on a test or on a partner. I've never cheated on a partner and I have EXTREMELY strong feelings about cheating... so strong that some people wouldn't ever understand, but that's just me. It's something that hurts way too much and I will never hurt a person like that. There's always an option to break up and I am proud to say I've never cheated... Now at school, that's a different story. I didn't mind cheating homework or copying each other's homework in school. In that case it doesn't hurt anybody but yourself and Im the kind of person that will hurt myself much quicker than I'll hurt someone else. Not that that's something I would suggest doing and not that it's a good way to be.
My partner and I have been together for 5 years and we keep very "disciplined" ways of living. We don't consider it discipline, but most call it that. One way of doing that is by never allowing yourself to be in any position where things could happen or where a person could put the moves on you. That doesn't work all the time as I've had several put the moves on me since I've been with my partner and he has too, but it's a simple as immediately making yourself clear to the person and getting otu of the situation. So, no I don't think we will ever cheat. We have a very close relationship and both feel strongly about cheating. less
My partner and I have been together for 5 years and we keep very "disciplined" ways of living. We don't consider it discipline, but most call it that. One way of doing that is by never allowing yourself to be in any position where things could happen or where a person could put the moves on you. That doesn't work all the time as I've had several put the moves on me since I've been with my partner and he has too, but it's a simple as immediately making yourself clear to the person and getting otu of the situation. So, no I don't think we will ever cheat. We have a very close relationship and both feel strongly about cheating. less
I hope not, or else I'll be single forever, I don't want a man who is going to cheat on me.
i hope not...
I don't think everyone does, though I think a lot of people do.
Due to recent events...I'm starting to believe that yes, they do.
I've been in two relationships and I've never cheated.
No, I know alot of people who have never cheated, ang I never have.....
I've never cheated... I would never assume that everyone did!
I have never cheated. I've been cheated on... multiple times. Actually, hiding his cheating was one of the only things my ex put any effort into, because he knew that was one of my two iron-clad deal-breakers.
I'm not denying that everyone will do things wrong, but everyone is wired differently. Some people can not conceive of being unfaithful to their partner in any way - it's just anathema to them. They will definitely do other things wrong, but the idea of being emotionally or physically intimate with another person is almost repulsive. Personally, I didn't cheat on my kindergarten beau, didn't cheat on my high school sweetheart, didn't cheat on my on-off loser college boyfriend, and didn't cheat on my cheating ex-husband. I agonized for years because I had kissed a boy while on a break (clearly defined, established prior to the kiss) break with my high school sweetheart, because since I still loved him, even though we weren't exclusively dating, it seemed close to cheating.
So... yeah. Not trying to make it that those of us who would just as soon physically wound our partners as cheat on them are holier than anyone, but not everyone can cheat, let alone will cheat.
I'm not denying that everyone will do things wrong, but everyone is wired differently. Some people can not conceive of being unfaithful to their partner in any way - it's just anathema to them. They will definitely do other things wrong, but the idea of being emotionally or physically intimate with another person is almost repulsive. Personally, I didn't cheat on my kindergarten beau, didn't cheat on my high school sweetheart, didn't cheat on my on-off loser college boyfriend, and didn't cheat on my cheating ex-husband. I agonized for years because I had kissed a boy while on a break (clearly defined, established prior to the kiss) break with my high school sweetheart, because since I still loved him, even though we weren't exclusively dating, it seemed close to cheating.
So... yeah. Not trying to make it that those of us who would just as soon physically wound our partners as cheat on them are holier than anyone, but not everyone can cheat, let alone will cheat.