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I think it should be left at home for each parent to decide how they want their kid to find out about it. The choice is simple.
If I had a kid, I would tell them everything and let them make up their own mind. My parents pushed abstinence,
I think it should be left at home for each parent to decide how they want their kid to find out about it. The choice is simple.
If I had a kid, I would tell them everything and let them make up their own mind. My parents pushed abstinence, and obviously it didn't work.
Schools should not be in charge of this. If a kid's parents are lazy and don't deal with the situation and the kid ends up pregnant/with an std/whatever, it's the parent's fault. You teach your kids not to put their hands on the hot stove, you teach your kids not to stick their dick in the wrong place. It's that simple.
(I do not mean to offend anyone with this post. I'm very passionate about how parenting should be handled, as it was truly mishandled in my situation.)
I totally agree! I couldn't have ssaid it better. I prefer being the one who teaches my children. I was the one who taught them! My parents taught me and we openly discussed the matter to an extent of course. I wouldn't have asked my parents what position is fun, but they were easy to talk to and they done the job right.
I took as sex ed class about the female body and it should be taught, but I think parents are the ones who should take responsibility and talk to their children. I think it;s very lazy to never speak of those subjects as parents.
I don't want my kids learning sex from the back of the bus. I will teach the morals, right from wrong and I'll do my part in sex ed. I don't mind them learning from sex ed about their bodies and protection, etc. I however will not stand for the schools showing them how to masturbate!
We all know that kids are not always abstinent, but as role models, we are to teach that it's the BEST option. I however, believe we should also teach how to protect themselves and provide them with the means to birth control just in case, but I think teaching the consequences and making sure they know that abstincence is the best option should always be taught.
In school, I was taught that way. I was taught that abstinence is the only reliable way to go, but we were also provided with means of help, counselling, and birth control if we chose to take that road.