I don't feel like I had learned a lot from school sex education. Thank goodness I was very, very well-read on sex. I didn't have sex ed at home. I am actually grateful for this as I developed my very own sort of sexuality. But my young mind was really interested in sex and school wasn't enough. So I read encyclopedias, women's magazines, teen magazines, found my mom's romance novels, and when we got the internet--oh boy!! But I still dreaded sex education class despite all that lust for knowledge.
But the problem with school wasn't exactly how long we went over things, it was how things were taught. The focus was too much on hair in strange places and about baby making--which was unappealing to me then as well as now. There were old movies, diagrams about my menstrual cycle that I couldn't comprehend. There was never anything fun to keep us interested.
I remember being in middle school home economics(!!) when a student asked the teacher was a clitoris was. Our home ec teacher told us about it. -_- I can see now why teachers might feel nervous telling us about a part that is just for having fun. But we learned so little about out bodies, I felt. When my Bartholin's Gland got infected, I had no idea what was infected. I would have liked to have known more about understanding my fertility. My 29 year old friend and a mother just recently told me she didn't know what a cervix looked like.
Even late in high school, only a few of my friends were sexually active. I think there was a bit of fear in us. Which is good, because I do think that abstinence should be highly encouraged, but birth control use should be also. We needed to know our options better.
I think sex education should be made more fun.
But the problem with school wasn't exactly how long we went over things, it was how things were taught. The focus was too much on hair in strange places and about baby making--which was unappealing to me then as well as now. There were old movies, diagrams about my menstrual cycle that I couldn't comprehend. There was never anything fun to keep us interested.
I remember being in middle school home economics(!!) when a student asked the teacher was a clitoris was. Our home ec teacher told us about it. -_- I can see now why teachers might feel nervous telling us about a part that is just for having fun. But we learned so little about out bodies, I felt. When my Bartholin's Gland got infected, I had no idea what was infected. I would have liked to have known more about understanding my fertility. My 29 year old friend and a mother just recently told me she didn't know what a cervix looked like.
Even late in high school, only a few of my friends were sexually active. I think there was a bit of fear in us. Which is good, because I do think that abstinence should be highly encouraged, but birth control use should be also. We needed to know our options better.
I think sex education should be made more fun.