who thinks Global Warming is man-made, or naturally occurring?

Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
I definitely don't think we help the matter, but I think most of it is naturally occurring.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Errant Venture
Yeah, but I'd rather not die out just yet
Haha, so true!
Contributor: Modern^Spank^Anthem Modern^Spank^Anthem
some of it is natural
Contributor: Stagger13 Stagger13
Originally posted by TumorCrunch
do you believe all the talk of global warming being all humanities' fault? or do you believe it is part of the earth's naturally occurring cycles? and why?
Hard to truly tell exactly what the cause is...Lots of theories though.
Contributor: glasskitten glasskitten
Well whatever is happening, we certainly aren't helping things!
Contributor: damnbul12 damnbul12
i believe it happens naturally , but are definitely not helping
Contributor: tortilla tortilla
I think we are definitely a factor in that
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
We're definitely not helping. Regardless, all the crap we dump into the air/water isn't good for us
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by TumorCrunch
do you believe all the talk of global warming being all humanities' fault? or do you believe it is part of the earth's naturally occurring cycles? and why?
i believe it happens naturally , but are definitely not helping.
Contributor: RebelRebelJen RebelRebelJen
Originally posted by TumorCrunch
do you believe all the talk of global warming being all humanities' fault? or do you believe it is part of the earth's naturally occurring cycles? and why?
We aren't helping any lol
Contributor: Eva Schwaltz Eva Schwaltz
Some really good points here and I agree we as humans are contributing greatly to climate change.
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
I believe that it is a natural cycle, but we aren't helping things. I don't know that we are actually facing more natural disasters than we have in past centuries or if we are just more aware of it, but I definitely think we are partially, but not wholly, responsible.
Contributor: Kenneth Fort Kenneth Fort
Originally posted by TumorCrunch
do you believe all the talk of global warming being all humanities' fault? or do you believe it is part of the earth's naturally occurring cycles? and why?
Is this even something people still think opinions on override the official story? It's a natural occurrence, but yes, humans have pushed it to be bigger than usual. The real question is whether we're going to push it over a livable limit for us, or whether it will still start to go back down after awhile like it generally did in the past.

Not to mention whether it will effect us in the near future to any huge degree that could cause mass extinctions.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by RonLee
Does it really matter whose "fault" it is?
Shouldn't we be attempting to learn how to deal with what is or may be coming rather than smugly pointing fingers?
Of course it matters whose fault it is! If humans are to blame, then we need to admit it and change what we can to save our planet! Too inconvenient for some to make changed in their lives, I guess. I assume they think they'll be dead before it gets too bad, so fuck the future and the people who will have to live then?

Part of this was known in the 1970s, and there were a number of start up solar and wind power companies. My husband and I have a friend who had one, and (he was very naive at the time) was bought out by a major oil company who said it would "develop" the systems for him and keep him and the other people he started the company with on. What happened? They fired everybody, said the system was "unworkable" and destroyed the company. This has happened to DOZENS of start up alternative energy companies. We were much more naive about evil oil companies years ago.

The ONLY thing we can do is to reduce our individual carbon footprint, work on developing WORKABLE alternative energy sources and FUCK the oil companies. They are a HUGE part of the problem. If alternative energy sources had been developed in the '70s, not only would we NOT be having this conversation now, we wouldn't be calling it "alternative energy." It would just be "energy."

You DO know that the Koch brothers are behind a good number of these alternative energy companies going bankrupt, don't you? If you don't know who the Koch brothers are, I suggest you do some research. They also funded the bullshit "grassroots" "Tea Party" and other Right Wing hate groups, in order to save their OWN billionaire asses.

Instead of whining about having to give up one's carbon farting SUVs, why not CONTRIBUTE to helping fix the problem? I've found too many people who don't believe in Global Warming don't want to be "inconvenienced.& quot; It's going to be damn inconvenient when our planet is impossible to live on!

BTW, when a Solar Energy "spill" happens... it's just called a "nice day."
Contributor: Scythe Scythe
Originally posted by loveshocks
Oh good, my expensive ecology courses can come into play here

Cycles of ice ages and warmer times naturally occur, but human actions are definitely speeding up the cycling. And if you look at charts of changes in carbon dioxide over time, ... more
Its a combination of man & nature.
Contributor: dancingduo dancingduo
Originally posted by TumorCrunch
do you believe all the talk of global warming being all humanities' fault? or do you believe it is part of the earth's naturally occurring cycles? and why?
Ironically most environmentalists will tell you the earth is overdue for an ice age. Not a warming.
Contributor: Gary Gary
I don't believe all of the crusaders, but I think the humans are definitely doing some damage. I do also know that science has proven that drastic global climate changes have naturally occurred many times before. So I would say 'both' as an answer.
Contributor: WestTexasBarbie WestTexasBarbie
I think global warming is something that has been cycling for millions of years & is way over-rated. I think some of the things that we are doing are helping, but ultimately, I believe that it's going to happen with or without our input into nature.
Contributor: spiced spiced
Required reading if you're skeptical or undecided about the current climate change and/or its cause: NASA's page on climate change.

Yes, there ARE naturally occurring cycles of climate change, but what's happening now is WAY outside the range of what has occurred in the past. In fact, we would almost certainly be in a cooling period right now, but for the tremendous amounts of CO2 we keep pumping into the atmosphere. Among the people who actually study this stuff, there's no real doubt about what's happening, and why.

So...why is there so much doubt in the public mind about global warming? There's a lot at stake for industries which depend on burning fossil fuels for their revenue. It's much less expensive for them to mount a disinformation campaign than to change their business model. Read here how those interests have spent heavily to mold the public view of climate change.
Contributor: Cosmonaut Cosmonaut
It naturally occurs. I just think we sped it up.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
I think it's both, but we need to do our part not to encourage it.
Contributor: Beautiful-Disaster Beautiful-Disaster
I believe it happens naturally, but we're not helping.
Contributor: oneeyedoctopus oneeyedoctopus
It's impossible to find good information on politically polarized topics. It's very annoying.