Should a woman who wants an abortion be forced to get an ultrasound?

Contributor: ShadowedSeductress ShadowedSeductress
Originally posted by P'Gell
They are talking about mandating INTRAVAGINAL ULTRASOUNDS, which most places don't even have the equipment for, as it is an outdated procedure. Also, this procedure is not only an outdated method of ultrasound (a huge, dildo like probe is ... more
Well I am NOT okay with this!
Contributor: WestTexasBarbie WestTexasBarbie
I am in my 40s now and straddle the fence on pro-life. However, when I was younger, I did have two abortions. I can't say that I regret them. If I knew then what I know now about life experience, I would have had the babies because I knew that I would have been able to handle the situations. Hindsight is 20/20 & all that. My stance now is that it's a woman's body & it's her right to choose. My observations are that the extremists who tout the anti-abortion propaganda are usually older, wealthy white men. I wouldn't think that any of them have ever had a uterus, so I can never figure out what makes them think they are qualified to lead the parade on "save the babies". I am totally against abortion as birth control, but if a woman finds herself in a situation that isn't right for her or the child she is carrying, I feel it is her own judgment call to make. And forcing anyone to do anything such as have a sonogram before an abortion is just wrong on all levels. That is mind manipulation at its best.
Contributor: xilliannax xilliannax
Originally posted by Rawhide
Any ultrasound, invasive or not. This is the question circulating our legislators right now, thanks to the GOP.
Absolutely not. I dont even understand the point... are you trying to convince her to keep it by seeing it? There are some people in this world that have children and dont want them but society is pressuring them to keep them. This is wrong. If a person doesnt want to be a parent they shouldnt be made to be or made to feel guilty for not wanting to be
Contributor: Rawr4483 Rawr4483
No, it's not any of their business really
Contributor: A&M A&M
Originally posted by Rawhide
Any ultrasound, invasive or not. This is the question circulating our legislators right now, thanks to the GOP.
As a member of the GOP I am not personally in favor of this concept. Though I don't think that abortion should be looked at as a form of birth control. (as I know someone who has had seven of them sense high school) But I don't think using guilt is a good choice either.