In what places do you believe smoking should be banned?

Contributor: beautiful beautiful
Although I absolutely hate smoking, and can't stand the smell, I think it should still be allowed in outside public areas such as the sidewalk, the beach, and a person's own personal vehicle. I do not agree with smoking in an apartment complex because I live in the top apartment, the family below my apartment smokes and it comes through our vents and stinks up our apartment. Needless to say we have an 11 month old son who was born 3 months premature, so I am very concerned about his health. But, if you had your own place and weren't in a condo/duplex/apartment complex then smoke your self away. Smelling smoke gives me such bad migranes and just ruins my day. In Tennessee, we had the law passed back a few years ago to where nobody is allowed to smoke in restaurants or bars/clubs anymore, and I am so thankful for this law now.
Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
Originally posted by Airekah
WAIT, is smoking not permitted in a private vehicle anywhere?
Vehicle smoking prohibitions are already in place in several states but they are limited to vehicles with children.

There are prohibitions on smoking in vehicles with or without children in several nations.
Contributor: Bunnycups Bunnycups
Originally posted by Gallowraven
I am a smoker, while I agree that there are certain areas smoking should be restricted. I think any outdoor public place should be smoker friendly. If it is really that big of a deal put an ashtray out, and paint lines on the sidewalk for designated ... more
I agree with this. I also think bars should allow smoking. I think it's okay at restaurants if there is an enclosed smoking room.
Contributor: Stephanie Marie Stephanie Marie
I do think that smoking should be allowed in some places.
I hated where i used to work. They first let us smoke wherever outside. Then they switched to a smokers tent(which sucked ass). Then eventually they said you couldn't even smoke in your cars. wtf. or you got wrote up.
Another place I worked you couldn't smoke anywheres on the property at all.

I think you should be allowed to at least smoke in your car at work. an you imagine all the grumpy ass people? Ughh yucky!!!
Contributor: skunked skunked
I quit smoking in November, after 5 long years. I personally have no desire to ever be around it again.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
I think smoking should be permitted in areas that require you to be 18/21 or older- strip clubs, clubs, bars etc. I don't think any other public place should permit it. Maybe if people started being more responsible with their litter...
Contributor: lezergirl lezergirl
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Originally posted by Darling Jen
I had asthma as a child (maybe from my mom smoking during pregnancy...) and was NEVER told. Then I had a major attack at school and my mom came to get me and said, ever so calmly while I gasped for air in the back seat, "Yeah, the doctor told me ... more
Wow - that's real nice of ya mum! But unfortunately from what I have found, smokers only care about getting their hit. There's no consideration at all for us by most. Mum is the same - she has chromic asthma due to her stupid mother and father smoking like crazy in the house and car! If she has to deal with someones smoke, it cuts off her breathing. I have to wonder if anyone wants to take responsibility of killing someone in that way.
It just totally sux that parents can harm children they supposedly love in that way. I don't understand it!

If people are going to do something that harms the health of other around them, they should be just a little more considerate.
Yes - fine if someone is smoking ... if ya concerned for ya health ya walk around (although personally, I don't see why people who aren't polluting the air have to go way out of their way), but sometimes it's not possible to avoid the smoke!

I for one will rejoice if they ever ban cancer sticks altogether!
For me, I have no interest at all being around people who smoke. They stink and I'd rather spend my time in a cleaner environment.
Fortunately over here (maybe cause of the tougher laws) most people I come across (as in new people I meet) don't smoke.

For those who think it's all good to harm others lungs with their smoke, you shouldn't have a problem with other people who drink and drive either. Either way, it's putting other innocent lives at risk!

And like you Jen, there's a lot of people out there who suffer from asthma or other lung issues that smokers don't seem to think or care about.
The smoke can cause days of suffering or even death.
It's like no one gives a shit about anyone but themselves any more. And I mean that in everyday living things. There use to be more respect for others but it's becoming less and less by the day.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Originally posted by Darling Jen
I had asthma as a child (maybe from my mom smoking during pregnancy...) and was NEVER told. Then I had a major attack at school and my mom came to get me and said, ever so calmly while I gasped for air in the back seat, "Yeah, the doctor told me ... more
Even with the windows down, that's not good enough.
We have smelt smoke from cars stopped in front of us at lights so it travels a LONG way!

I love my little town. Ya rarely come across people smoking on the street.
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
I honestly think there should be special businesses for smokers to go to. If you want to drink, you go to a bar and you're not supposed to be "drunk in public". So why not smokers too? Go to a special smoking bar, smoke there, and maybe they'll have special ventilation or something, and then when you step outside the establishment, stop smoking. That way every senior citizen, adult with chronic breathing problems, or young children who happen to be walking along the street won't have to suffer for your bad choices.

That's what I hate about smoking, it affects everyone else through second or third hand exposure. As downright gross as chewing tobacco or dip is, it at least doesn't have smoke as a by-product. How about all smokers invest in nicotine patches or those flameless, LED light cigarettes that have water vapor as a by-product??? Then I wouldn't care at all!
Contributor: REDRUM REDRUM
I think children should be kept away from smoke.
I hate it when I see a parent smoking around their kid.
There most definitely should be a smoking and non-smoking section as well.
So people who don't like smoke in their face can go to their little area, and for people who smoke(or don't mind it) can go in theirs.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Darling Jen
I had asthma as a child (maybe from my mom smoking during pregnancy...) and was NEVER told. Then I had a major attack at school and my mom came to get me and said, ever so calmly while I gasped for air in the back seat, "Yeah, the doctor told me ... more
Yuck. My mother did similar things. About the "window open" she seems to think that makes a difference. Once when I was about 8 or so, she threw a LIT cigarette (why would she give a shit where it went?) out the front window, and it flew around the air current of the car and HIT ME in the back seat. I started to cry, because I was burned, and she yelled at me and said "It must have been a bug that bit you." I had the fucking butt in my hand.

Once, she was pushing one of my babies in the stroller (after being told not to smoke around them) She waited until I turned around to light up, and when I turned back (to see my baby, because I could smell the smoke) she was so worried about hiding her freakin cig, that she spilled an entire cup of Pepsi into my diaper bag. (it was hanging on the handle of the stroller) My diaper bag got ants and I had to buy a new one, which is hard when you are young and have two babies and NO money. Didn't even get an apology.

Some smokers are better at self deception than junkies, I swear.
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by P'Gell
Yuck. My mother did similar things. About the "window open" she seems to think that makes a difference. Once when I was about 8 or so, she threw a LIT cigarette (why would she give a shit where it went?) out the front window, and it flew ... more
Woooow! I would NEVER let my mother around my babies! I am so serious! That's pretty darn horrible. And smokers ARE junkies! Addiction doesn't have to just be to illegal substances. Those stories just prove it. Care about your own child or your grandchildren? Not more than lighting up!
Contributor: Envy Envy
I think private cars, your own home, etc. But public places not so much, when i go by people who smoke, I have bad coughing fits, especially if the person blows the smoke in my direction. The California smog is hard enough to deal with and my coughing up gunk in the mornings.

Just my opinion.
Contributor: hjtee hjtee
I think smoking should ONLY be in our own home /vehicle. Beyond that, it should be all clean air.
Contributor: sexyintexas sexyintexas
Originally posted by DeliciousSurprise
With NYC now declaring that smoking is banned in parks and beaches as well as in bars and restaurants, I wonder what EF thinks about having the freedom to light up where you'd like.

Please select all appropriate answers.

If you ... more
I think that it should be permitted where there is a fair choice for people who dont like it to have another area
Contributor: married with children married with children
I dont care if people want to smoke. But I dont want to breath it. It is unhealthy and cause's alot of problems. I think you should be able to smoke in your house or car, assuming there are not young kids.
Contributor: w-o-name w-o-name
People should be aloud to smoke outside as long as its not being put in someones face. I personally can't handle smoke, I always end up so sick after I visit my dad who smokes in his house
Contributor: nicole07 nicole07
I do not smoke and it really bothers my allergies. Id prefer it to be permitted somewhere that is not going to bother other people
Contributor: The Curious Couple The Curious Couple
I'm fine with people smoking in their houses or cars, but I don't want to smell it in a public place.
Contributor: Daniel & Brittany Daniel & Brittany
Originally posted by DeliciousSurprise
With NYC now declaring that smoking is banned in parks and beaches as well as in bars and restaurants, I wonder what EF thinks about having the freedom to light up where you'd like.

Please select all appropriate answers.

If you ... more
I think it should be permitted anywhere you can keep your smoke out of the face of others. If your so close your smoke is going to make someone cough, you put it out...
Contributor: EndlessFrost EndlessFrost
I think all places (where possible) should have designated smoking areas.
Contributor: SomewhatSomewhere SomewhatSomewhere
I go to school in an area where smoking was banned in all clus and bars just last spring. Yesss! However, the school still always smoking on campus (just not in building), but I hate being behind someone who's smoking, especially if they're waling slowly. It gives me an instant headache.

I think a person should be able to smoke in te privacy of their own home or car, but a far as in public goes...No.
Contributor: Isadorabelle Isadorabelle
Originally posted by DeliciousSurprise
With NYC now declaring that smoking is banned in parks and beaches as well as in bars and restaurants, I wonder what EF thinks about having the freedom to light up where you'd like.

Please select all appropriate answers.

If you ... more
I hope I don't sound rude about it, but if you disagree with a business' policies on, for example, their dress code (I've seen pictures of Hooters uniforms) then you don't give them your patronage. While I think it is reasonable to not permit smoking in an establishment that serves food and/or drinks, I also feel that I'm perfectly capable of going somewhere else if I don't find their approach satisfactory. I have a choice in the matter.

Now, that that doesn't extend to everything. I don't think it is okay with public transportation because more than likely, that's not really a choice but a traveling necessity. Situations like that were you really don't have much of a choice but to be close to someone who does something offensive then it is only fair to be considerate, willingly or not, of others' allergies and overall health.

With public, outside places I think it's fine, though I think it is reasonable to have a smaller area set off from the main area for smoking. And, it should be far enough that people who find it really offensive won't be affected.

Now that I've said all that, I can't even walk down the laundry detergent isle in the store without feeling it in my nose and throat. Heavy perfume does the same thing. I hurry down the detergent isle as fast as I can and, when someone's perfume (or body odor) is too strong, I move away. If something is offensive, I'd prefer to just remove myself from the area. Most of the time that solves my problem and it really doesn't inconvenience me.
Contributor: skatman91 skatman91
I believe that smoking should be banned everywhere. These things do one positive thing, and thats make someone feel relaxed. But is it really worth the money? Is it worth the risk of having a fire start in your house or in a public area? I can't stand to see all these assholes (excuse me if you are a smoker, please don't take offense, im just venting a little) on the road with their window down, smoking a cigarette and then tossing it out the window thinking someone will eventually pick it up. And when I'm walking by some landscaped area I'll see cigarette butts all over the place. It truly is absurd and disrespectful to the owner of the property. It also is cancerous and anyone can fall victim to lung cancer whether its the smoker or the other person from second hand smoking. Please for the love of god do not argue about the diseases it may or may not cause. Scientists have done plenty of research and found out what it can do. It increases your chances of getting asthma, lung cancer, emphysema, COPD, and heart disease.
Contributor: skatman91 skatman91
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I think smoking should be permitted in areas that require you to be 18/21 or older- strip clubs, clubs, bars etc. I don't think any other public place should permit it. Maybe if people started being more responsible with their litter...
But why? Eventually everyone will start inhaling that horrible smoke. Those kids that you were thinking about will eventually grow up and end up breathing in that smoke from those guys in the clubs/bars/strip clubs etc. I know everyone thinks its bad for the government to be controlling, but if they are controlling in order to preserve their nations health then I believe that they are allowed to do that.
Contributor: zeebot zeebot
I'm not a smoker, and even just walking by a smoker makes me feel physically ill, I have to cover my nose and mouth if I'm at a bus stop or somewhere else where I can't leave. I think it's fine on private property and large open spaces, but near a building entrance, inside, or on public transit is not ok with me.
Contributor: Illumin8 Illumin8
Originally posted by Alan & Michele
I think it should be permitted anywhere outdoors and in a person's own car. Smoke dissipates relatively fast outside, so if people are too stupid to stand far enough away from a smoker not to be offended, then that's their problem.

It ... more
I see what you're saying here, and got a laugh out of it, but perfume doesn't have hugely adverse affects on lungs...
Contributor: js250 js250
I believe it should be allowed outdoors, in your car, home and there should be designated clubs and bars for smokers.
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
Originally posted by Daniel & Brittany
I think it should be permitted anywhere you can keep your smoke out of the face of others. If your so close your smoke is going to make someone cough, you put it out...
"...where you can keep your smoke out of the face of others."

That means only inside your own home.

On the sidewalk: I can't even count how many times someone has been smoking while walking ahead of me and the smoke wafts my way. What am I supposed to do? Turn around and walk in the other direction? It cannot be avoided. I purposely choose a route with the least smokers but sometimes there they are anyway.

In a car: I've also had to close my own windows quite a number of times when a smoker ahead of me blows smoke out their window and it enters my car.

I have a damaged lung. Second hand smoke is a class 1 carcinogen. There is no measurable concentration of it that is considered safe. Do not tell me that a small amount shouldn't bother me. I'll decide that.

I would not mind a complete ban on smoking.