Originally posted by
If your feminist beliefs got in the way of BDSM play, then you failed to understand canon feminist theory. Same goes with being at odds with men. The work we do also helps men, not to mention the many male feminists working with us.
If your feminist beliefs got in the way of BDSM play, then you failed to understand canon feminist theory. Same goes with being at odds with men. The work we do also helps men, not to mention the many male feminists working with us.
Feminism is about choice. The second wave made the mistake of focusing on women who chose to work, and we've moved on since it ended (late seventies/early eighties). We also fight for many rights for mothers and housewives - such as the right to no-fault divorce, medical care for your children, the right to choose where and how to give birth (refusing cesarean, etc.), and benefits and employment opportunities for divorced housewives.
Only from an extremely privileged vantage point can you assume most women can just choose whether to work or stay home. The vast majority of the population can't feed their family on a single income. We fought (and still fight) for equal access to jobs and education, equal pay, childcare options, maternity/paternity leave, and respect and safety at the workplace.
Also, reclaiming words is a poor strategy because instead of just normalizing the word, it normalizes misogyny as well.
I understand what you are saying Prax. I agree with a lot of feminist theory, just that Motherhood has been forgotten, a woman's choice to raise her own children was disparaged ("if you were a real women, you wouldn't waste your education and your time on children" I'm not making that up. People have SAID IT to me.) and breastfeeding and Attachment Parenting is all but ignored by Second Wave Feminism.
I considered myself a feminist for a LONG time, was a charter member of MS when they regrouped as a non commercial magazine, did papers for it in college, sat in encounter groups, I just have been THROUGH it, and I feel I am Post Feminist at this point.
Yes, women have been gained many things that were denied them, but we also lost something in the bargain, we were told, "Go out and 'get a job' (meaning career) and the Men will help around the house, raise the kids, and you'll have more money, and you will have EVERYTHING you want. You can have it all." NOTHING is farther from the truth.
Now we work as many hours outside the house as men, still have the main child care role, come home from work with a FULL LOAD of childcare and housework, and it has been proven that most men do no more than they did in 50 years ago. I mean in terms of child care and housework. I AM NOT disrespecting the men at all, my Dad and many other men changed diapers, did the laundry and the cooking and the ironing etc, even back in the 60s and before, but we DIDN'T GET what we were promised. We just have kids who are raised by strangers or we are insulted for "wasting" our education and taking advantage of our men if we DO make the sacrifice to stay home. I've done both (worked with small kids and stayed home) and 2nd Wave did NOTHING for women who CHOOSE and sacrificed to raise their own kids, or even have a "traditional" relationship with our men.
I am aware that some women have no choice but to "work" but 2nd Wave seemed to promise us all "Rewarding careers" when most of us are just doing "jobs" to make ends meet. THAT wasn't what was being talked about at the sit ins and the meetings in the 70s (I know, because I was THERE!) We were bamboozled and although I admit that the right to vote and the ability to have a career (if you have the MONEY for a decent education) was gained, most middle class, lower middle class and even poor women were simply pushed into the work force, against their will. We didn't get "everything" promised us, the price of things just went UP to make up for families making two incomes and we ended up with little or no advantages at all, and many of our kids ended up worse off.
Most women now have TWO lives and are enjoying neither of them. Most women now have "jobs" not rewarding "careers" (like we were promised, if we'd only either not have kids or just leaven them with someone and "work" as if we weren't already doing that!) A "job" isn't a career and only the already wealthy and maybe some of the working poor really benefited from 2nd wave. (and although that's good, most of us don't belong to either class. And not that long ago, many of the poor could stay home with their kids, but welfare reform, sparked by second wave theory, also sparked the "why can't they just get jobs?" debate and Public Aid was denied many women who previously WERE taking care of their own children.)
Prax, I like your post a lot. You and I usually agree on things, in fact 10-15 years ago, I was saying EXACTLY what you were saying. I could have written that post myself, when I was in my early 20s. But, I've since learned that we got little from the bargain, except the economy crumbling and our kids being left with others and working as hard as a man in the workplace and THEN coming home to a filthy house, the laundry, our kids missing us and learning things WE didn't teach them and CONSTANT exhaustion.
I used to say the SAME EXACT THINGS about "reclaiming words" (I didn't believe in it) and NOW I realized there IS a power to it. I no longer see misogyny behind every bush, (although it certainly exists in a lot of places) and I think we are thinking along the same lines, but I am about 15 to 20 years past where you are now. That isn't bad, for either of us it's just evolution of thought and life. I couldn't have got to where I am now, if I hadn't gone through it.
20 years ago, I would have disagreed with the posts I have made on this thread. Really.
But, I've moved beyond it (and that doesn't mean that I didn't grow when I was more of a "Feminist") and yes, I DO strongly believe in reclaiming a LOT of things that were once seen as insults, putdowns or seen as not worth our time (like, say, raising our own kids and taking care of our man/partner.)
As I said, your mileage may vary. Mine did, not that long ago.