Guess what????
And so does every single man in the whole freaking world. Does that mean all those men out there that have man-boobs (think Meatloaf in Fight Club) should be wearing bra's too? No. To imply that would be incorrect and just mean. Yet it is perfectly acceptable to have backward thinking men and women out there actually ask such a moronic question like, "sweetie, did you forget to put on a bra this morning?"
How on earth can a person "forget" to put on a bra? WHOOPS!! I forgot to put on a pair of pants this morning!!
I wear a bra in public in China because the ground is not even. All that bouncing from pot holes, stair climbing hurts. I do get tisked at when I wear an unpadded bra (and holy cripes want to know??? I actually found unpadded bra's to be more comfortable than padded!!! I was shocked!). Even if I just walk from my apartment to the store on the first floor with no bra on I get tisked.
Yet the women who tisk me usually are not wearing a bra.
Double standard.
When I am at home, I flat out refuse to wear a bra. They are so uncomfortable to wear, like a cage. After a day of teaching, my shoulders hurt and it is quite literally a mini orgasm to free my breasts.
In Canada, I grew up in a family with five women and my dad. We all hated wearing a bra, but did "out of respect" for my father. By the time I was fifteen I thought screw it. If he cannot respect us and clean up after himself then why the heck can't I be comfortable too?
From that point on? Bra's were hardly ever worn at home.
Western society for all our notions about sexual freedoms and sexual rights and "modern" thoughts.... we are such prudes when it comes to our bodies. What a backwards world!