Cell Phone Usage While Driving

Contributor: kittychilla kittychilla
i don't drive yet, but i already think about that kind of stuff and i think i'd be waay to nervous trying to focus on driving while talking on the phone or texting.

my boyfriend likes to call me while he's driving, though. as long as he's safe.
Contributor: salaciousrex salaciousrex
Texting and calling are illegal where I live. I'm trying to stop both, but I still automatically take calls while driving. I hardly text now though
Contributor: lunapixie lunapixie
I don't text while driving but if it is an emergancy I will call.
Contributor: Kdlips Kdlips
Contributor: butterflygirlxo butterflygirlxo
I wouldn't text while driving, but I would make a phone call only with bluetooth or on speakerphone and thats only if it was very important. Its illegal where I live.
Contributor: mizzmilla mizzmilla
I only text at stop lights or stop signs, and talk if there aren't cops around or much traffic.
Contributor: sarki sarki
It is dangerous and illegal to do both
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I don't text or talk on the phone when I drive. Only in an emergency will I talk, like when I got lost coming home from a conference, and accidentally ended up at O'Hare Airport and was lost and scared and had to call My Man so he could guide me home.

I rarely text, unless I need to get messages to my kids when they are in school. But, I don't do it when I'm driving. I can't see how people can text and drive. I've been driving for (mumbles 20....something) years and I still need to pay attention because the road is always changing. I never get too comfortable when driving, that's how you crash a lot of the time.

I was behind a woman a few weeks ago and she was weaving all over the road. I pulled up next to her and she was on the phone AND was holding and using a lap top while she was driving. I fixed her with a stare and she handed the lap top to a little kid in the back seat. What is WRONG with people? She had two little kids in the car, and her conversation and her Facebook page were more important than their safety?
Contributor: js250 js250
I don't text to begin with, I am so slow and impossible at it that I end up calling instead. I will take a call from my husband or daughter but will tell them I am driving and will call back. I hate it!! There are too many animals on the road and my friends daughter was killed when texting and driving. Nothing is that important!!!
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Can't believe I forgot to add ...

About a year ago this month, a texter caused a bridge to be shut down for a whole month to be rebuilt.

A teenage girl was texting on the causeway (the road and bridge leading from the main land to the island) and she plowed RIGHT INTO a fuel tanker in the middle of the bridge at the overpass on the island.

The fire could be felt for a quarter mile as the concrete and steel melted and several local fire station crews arrived to control it.

The result - she and the tanker driver died, the overpass was shut down for a month while it was being rebuilt, and more accidents happened using the causeway on the other side of the island from the increased traffic.

All because she did not take her THREE POLICE WARNINGS about texting seriously.
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
I know you shouldn't. But I tend to all the time. Mostly I text while at a stop light.
Contributor: switzerland switzerland
when i get my license in these next few months, i don't plan to text or talk while driving. i'm trying to grill it into my boyfriend to stop as well. he only texts at red lights, etc, and bought a bluetooth ear piece to talk. we have fines here in Ontario, Canada for both I believe - it's a distraction, careless driving - not a law yet i dont think though
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
They're illegal where I live so I TRY very hard not to do them while driving.
Contributor: LoveTies LoveTies
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I am trying to swear off texting while driving. I honestly believe it is even more dangerous than having a buzz while driving. I was curious to see how people feel about the laws, what the laws in their area are, and if they follow them.

When ... more
I text at stoplights sometimes. But not while driving. I make phone calls while driving, though.
Contributor: Lummox Lummox
Originally posted by Lummox
I've got a car with manual transmission, and I constantly need both hands (and both feet too ) to operate it in city traffic. So, no outgoing calls and no texting, it's far too dangerous in my case. When I drive, my cell phone is typically ... more
UPDATE: I got a Bluetooth headset as a New Year's gift. Now I fell free to make phone calls while driving.
Contributor: Love Perpetua Love Perpetua
I do sometimes talk on the phone when I'm driving, but I use bluetooth speakers.
Contributor: EvilHomer EvilHomer
Manual transmission ensures its hands-free bluetooth or nothing for me.
Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
i always hand my phone to a passenger if needed
Contributor: Kush Kush
i dont use cellphones while i drive
Contributor: eeep eeep
I recently read a lot of researching in one of my classes about texting and driving stats. They're pretty bad - part of why a lot of states have made it illegal now. There was actually an online simulator to see how your reaction time was as you tried to switch to the proper lanes and reply to texts. Wish I could remember where it was, but you could probably google and find it if interested.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
I do not text and I do not call when driving. I only use cell phones when I'm parked or not in the car. If I use it in the car, the car must be stationary.
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
It's illegal to use the phone while driving here in the UK, unless you have a hands free set. Texting, of course, is completely out. Even with a hands free set, I will tell the other person sometimes to be quiet because I need to concentrate - if I'm trying to get through a crowded junction or figure out where I'm going in a new location.
Contributor: averageguyextrodinarypleasure averageguyextrodinarypleasure
I use to text and drive until one time I almost hit the center divider after going through an intersection. At that point I realized I needed to stop because it's dangerous. Texting is outlawed but talking is still ok
Contributor: Do emu Do emu
Definitely more dangerous than some things. People think it's no big deal. Serious business yo.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I am trying to swear off texting while driving. I honestly believe it is even more dangerous than having a buzz while driving. I was curious to see how people feel about the laws, what the laws in their area are, and if they follow them.

When ... more
I do it here or there, but I try not to. :/
Contributor: xilliannax xilliannax
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I am trying to swear off texting while driving. I honestly believe it is even more dangerous than having a buzz while driving. I was curious to see how people feel about the laws, what the laws in their area are, and if they follow them.

When ... more
Before my data device I used to be horrible about texting and driving but I didnt need to look to do it. I read the message at a stop and type my reply while i drove. Now with my touch screen i cant do that, so I dont text and drive. I try not to call and drive but some times its unavoidable.
Contributor: L&P3040 L&P3040
The only reason I make calls why driving is that I have Sync in my car.