Cell Phone Usage While Driving

Contributor: SydVicious SydVicious
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
It really pisses me off when I'm driving and I see someone dialing a phone or texting behind the wheel. To be fair though it pisses me off to be chained to a phone. In my opinion there is nothing short of a medical emergency that is so important ... more
Wow. that is a scary story. Was your hubby Ok?
Contributor: SydVicious SydVicious
I talk while driving, but I don't text. I have a few times, but generally I don't. There is a law on the military base where I live that you cannot be on your phone without a hands free device.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by SydVicious
Wow. that is a scary story. Was your hubby Ok?
He was a professional driver for many years so he did manage to control the accident and prevent what could have been at least three fatalities. Her insurance company wasn't happy to have to pay for our totaled car but the judge ordered that it was her fault. Still it scared the shhit outta me and I do NOTHING while driving but drive...and sing loudly LOL
He, however, learned nothing and still takes business calls while driving >.<
Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I am trying to swear off texting while driving. I honestly believe it is even more dangerous than having a buzz while driving. I was curious to see how people feel about the laws, what the laws in their area are, and if they follow them.

When ... more
I dont do it, dont have a plan, and dont want to do it. I dont like others doing it either, cause i do not want to die
Contributor: lamira lamira
I call when I drive, but that is because I have a bluetooth and it does not require extra misguided attention. And I never text when I drive - it's too much effort and I can't focus on the road.
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
Just for those that care. Talking on the phone (even handsfree) while driving is actually pretty dangerous too. (Not that I really listen to that, but still.) Psychological studies have proved it slows your reaction time more than if you were speaking to a passenger in the seat next to you. The hypothesis is that, since people on a phone can't see when you are having a difficulty (switching lanes, etc.) you feel pressured to keep talking and it splits your attention.
Contributor: Onanist Onanist
In Connecticut, It is illegal to text and talk on a cell phone. I do not text at all. I had that feature on my phone disabled to save money. I do use the cell phone, but only with a headset, which is legal.
Contributor: Selective Sensualist Selective Sensualist
I never dial when driving, but I've answered the phone or continued to carry on a conversation (on speaker phone) that began before I got in the car. I will not distract myself with pressing buttons while driving.

However, I want to completely stop having any phone conversations at all while driving. Studies have shown that the mere act of engaging in conversation is more distracting than even putting on makeup, eating, or drinking while driving (which, of course, are all no-no's). But, as bad as conversation is, texting boded even worse as a dangerous distractor.
Contributor: evanovca evanovca
texting and calling while driving is no different than drinking and driving. it's completely selfish and completely dangerous and woe be to the person who injures me or mine with their selfishness!
Contributor: Kim! Kim!
I text at stoplights. As for calling, I put it on speaker. I still do both of those things though.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
If I see someone talking on the phone while driving I lay on the horn "accidentally". I almost got side-swiped last night because a treefrog was on the phone.
Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
It is illegal, here, to speak on the phone without a hands free headset, and texting also is illegal while driving.

Now why they don't make other things, like applying cosmetics or shaving while driving, is beyond me.
Contributor: Persephone Nightmare Persephone Nightmare
I only use the phone while driving occasionally (and only then to call if it's important), and even then I get off it quick. I know that talking on the phone under 18 is illegal, but is still lawful for Adults to do so. Texting while driving here in NC is illegal for everyone, however. I don't mind it at all, to be honest, especially how people drive in Jacksonville, good grief! I think it'd be safe to say that a good third of the people driving there probably shouldn't have their licence.

And yes, alot of the drivers there are *that* bad.
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
I shut off texting on my phone because friends would text me and I got charged for it so that one isn't a issue for me. Incoming calls I'll answer enough to say I'm on the road and will call em back but I don't usually have any reason to call someone while I'm driving. If something is going on I might. Like when my son went missing and the school nor bus driver had him I was on the phone the entire way and didn't care. I was also driving too fast but yeah. I'm one of those peeps you see on the shoulder of the road talking on the phone when I need to make a call. I don't particularly have a death wish and would like to see my kids live a lil longer too.

Texting is the one that really amazes me. It's a no brainer. You have to look at the screen to see what you are typing and hello if you are doing that at 50 miles per hour how good a driver are you? It's just dumb. I chew out the two people I know who do it often because they both do it with their kids in the car. Bad enough they are a danger to themselves.

lol okay ranting over lol
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Found out a couple of weeks ago that Mulder got into an accident while he was texting. Everyone's okay, but their cars were totaled. *eyeroll* Again, I suppose it's good for me that he ended our affair ...
Contributor: ToyGeek ToyGeek
Distracted driving is dangerous, and it puts innocent people's lives at risk. Is my short-term convenience worth that? No. The cell phone stays off, and in the back seat. It's for emergencies, not causing emergencies.
Contributor: popples popples
It's illegal where I live and for good reason. No text or phone call is that important where you take your focus off the road. It only takes one second to get into a car accident.
Contributor: Beaners Beaners
It's all illegal in the state I live in. I do it all anyway. Totally dangerous, I know, but I have enough confidence in my driving that I take the risk.
Contributor: Yoda Yoda
Here in Ontario, it is illegal to talk or text without bluetooth. It seems to be a major issue youth especially, with several accidents each month relating directly to cell phone use. I heard one kid call into a Toronto radio talk show recently and honestly claim that young people are safe to do it, while middle and old aged people are not. He claimed they were better drivers, and more coordinated. If I could have strangled him over the airwaves, I would have.
Contributor: Miss Morphine Miss Morphine
I'll make a call or answer a call while driving. I'm fairly certain it's illegal to text while driving here.
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Bluetooth, ftw.
Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
I talk while driving but I can not dial or text. Not only is it illegal here but I physically can not do it without being off the road. It is not worth it to me!
Contributor: Lummox Lummox
I've got a car with manual transmission, and I constantly need both hands (and both feet too ) to operate it in city traffic. So, no outgoing calls and no texting, it's far too dangerous in my case. When I drive, my cell phone is typically sit in a holder, and I can use its speaker. If I believe it's really important, I may answer the incoming call, but I'll better stop somewhere and call back. In fact, I've no problem with it, because my phone calls are always brief and I don't like texting.

Those who use their phone while driving don't bother me much. If I see someone talking on the phone, I just increase my attention and make myself ready to the quick action. If that person will do something wrong, it's up to me to avoid accident.
Contributor: joja joja
This is a huge pet peeve of mine. The only time I have been close to getting in a major accident, I was on my phone - and only for a few seconds! I don't care if someone thinks they're good at it, I don't want to be in the car when a driver is distracted like that.
Contributor: KnK KnK
I very infrequently text while driving. I know it's a bad idea, so I try to do one word texts or text at stoplights that I know are going to last awhile.
Contributor: rdytogo rdytogo
I will only make calls, but will do so on a hands free device
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
It's illegal here to have a mobile (cell) phone in ya hand while driving. If I get a call, I pull over - that's a ticket and loss of points I can do without. A txt can just wait!
There's enough idiots around without having drivers whos main attention is on something so unimportant!
Contributor: Teaser Teaser
Using a cell phone in NY while driving is illegal, unless it's a hands free device. Problem is, no one really gets caught. They either drop the phone if they see a cop coming, or are holding their phone low and texting. The rest of the problem is that the cops are too busy driving and talking on their cells to notice if anyone else is. I seen it lots of times.

If I were "king of the world", here's what I'd do. I would add a device to the cars that would block all cell phone signals if the car was not in park or neutral, or was moving more that 5 miles an hour. The only exception would be if 911 was dialed. You can't use a cell on an airplane, and you aren't even "driving", so why do you need it in a car.

Just my opinion, because I know this will never happen.
Contributor: married with children married with children
you have to have a hands free ear peice in my state. I really dont see the difference between holding a phone and talking, or using bluetooth and talking. Most people drive with only one hand on the wheel anyways. They need to worry about stopping the drivers who are reading a book while on the highway. Not me answering a phone call.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
Absolutely NO texting, and I will only talk on the phone if I have my bluetooth. Even then I will only do it in an emergency situation. Seriously, nothing is so important as to risk your life or someone else's. I get REALLY mad when I see people driving along texting or talking on the phone.