I have it often but if I had to I could give it up
Are you pretty much a "meat with every meal" person? Do you feel healthy?
i was vegetarian until a few months ago. i don't eat a lot of red meat still, but i eat chicken fairly often, and a fair amount of fish.
I don't just because I'm broke. :\ But I'm pretty healthy, I exercise lot and take iron supplements.
Honestly, I don't eat meat very often. I have to be in the right mood for it. I do consider myself fairly healthy overall, though.
I eat meat very rarely, and I am not healthy. However, the problems I have are genetic, and eating meat would not make them better. I have weak connective tissue which is prone to injury, and I have a disorder which makes me faint a lot. Again - meat wouldn't help either of these things, so I don't think the fact I don't eat it makes a difference. My blood levels are always good.

We've cut back on eating a lot of meat, but generally enjoy it for dinner meals I think.
yes, without meat, it feels like something is missing
Originally posted by
I work with some folks who rarely eat meat, and others who have it at every meal, including breakfast (Sausage, Bacon, Steak).
Are you someone who eats MEAT at pretty much every meal? Do you feel HEALTHY? I'm not making the link, but ... more
Are you someone who eats MEAT at pretty much every meal? Do you feel HEALTHY? I'm not making the link, but ... more
I work with some folks who rarely eat meat, and others who have it at every meal, including breakfast (Sausage, Bacon, Steak).
Are you someone who eats MEAT at pretty much every meal? Do you feel HEALTHY? I'm not making the link, but trying to see if the numbers associate in any way.
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Are you someone who eats MEAT at pretty much every meal? Do you feel HEALTHY? I'm not making the link, but trying to see if the numbers associate in any way.
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I incorporate meat into almost every meal and I am healthy.
I do not eat meat at all.
I used to eat meat (I gave it up about a year and a half ago) and honestly, my body is way healthier now than I was eating meat with every meal, or even just once a day.
Nope I eat meat when I want but not with each meal
Originally posted by
I work with some folks who rarely eat meat, and others who have it at every meal, including breakfast (Sausage, Bacon, Steak).
Are you someone who eats MEAT at pretty much every meal? Do you feel HEALTHY? I'm not making the link, but ... more
Are you someone who eats MEAT at pretty much every meal? Do you feel HEALTHY? I'm not making the link, but ... more
I work with some folks who rarely eat meat, and others who have it at every meal, including breakfast (Sausage, Bacon, Steak).
Are you someone who eats MEAT at pretty much every meal? Do you feel HEALTHY? I'm not making the link, but trying to see if the numbers associate in any way.
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Are you someone who eats MEAT at pretty much every meal? Do you feel HEALTHY? I'm not making the link, but trying to see if the numbers associate in any way.
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I'm vegan and much healthier than I was when I was eating meat. (:
I eat meat often, and in general I try to stay healthy. While I am certainly nowhere near PEAK fitness, I am not all around unhealthy, either I don't eat much processed meat though. It's pretty much all fresh meats and such, and I eat them with plenty of vegetables!
I eat meat probably 4 days out of 7, and I am proud to say I am very healthy!
Originally posted by
I work with some folks who rarely eat meat, and others who have it at every meal, including breakfast (Sausage, Bacon, Steak).
Are you someone who eats MEAT at pretty much every meal? Do you feel HEALTHY? I'm not making the link, but ... more
Are you someone who eats MEAT at pretty much every meal? Do you feel HEALTHY? I'm not making the link, but ... more
I work with some folks who rarely eat meat, and others who have it at every meal, including breakfast (Sausage, Bacon, Steak).
Are you someone who eats MEAT at pretty much every meal? Do you feel HEALTHY? I'm not making the link, but trying to see if the numbers associate in any way.
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Are you someone who eats MEAT at pretty much every meal? Do you feel HEALTHY? I'm not making the link, but trying to see if the numbers associate in any way.
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I am 80% vegan, gluten free, and entirely dairy free. The "80%" is because I allow myself one animal product a day. I feel like I have more energy and am more alert when I eat this way. I also drop weight.
Lean meat is obviously healthier than fatty meat, but protein is essential for good health.
I usually have meat once a day. It's usually chicken or turkey with a raw spinach salad.
I don't eat meat at all--consider myself pretty healthy. I could be in better physical shape as far as exercising for general fitness/stamina, but I'm underweight.
Meat with every meal
My diet tends to change alot depending on what else is going on in my life, but I always feel healthiest when i'm eating very little meat and opting for large salads, fruit and fresh juices instead.
I pretty much never eat meat... Now when it comes to poultry(chicken)... Oh yeah.. I eat it a lot... More like chicken nuggets though.. lol
I eat fish 2-4 times a week, and turkey about 3 times a YEAR. Otherwise, no meat. I'm very healthy. I almost never get sick, and on the rare occasions when I do get sick, I get well quickly. [knocks on wood!]
I used to get sick more often when I ate more meat, but I'm not sure it's a cause/effect thing. I made other positive lifestyle changes at the same time I cut back on meat (more regular exercise, more avoiding potentially-harmful chemicals), so it's hard to know what made me healthier. I'm guessing "all of the above".
I used to get sick more often when I ate more meat, but I'm not sure it's a cause/effect thing. I made other positive lifestyle changes at the same time I cut back on meat (more regular exercise, more avoiding potentially-harmful chemicals), so it's hard to know what made me healthier. I'm guessing "all of the above".
I eat more meat now that my boyfriend is around to cook it for me. When I was by myself I barely ate any. I don't think it correlates to my health.
I don't eat meat with every meal, but I don't avoid having it either. I'm working harder on getting myself healthy and would say I feel pretty okay aside from some pain issues in my body.

I eat meat with every meal, with absolutely no exceptions. I actually do so for health reasons, and am about as healthy as you can be.
Almost never eat meat for breakfast
I usually eat meat, but I don't think that I'm super unhealthy! It's hard for me to hang out with my vegan friend : )
I try to eat two servings of protein each and every day. However; I couldn't care less where this protein comes from. Three to four times I week, I will eat read meat simply because I work out and need to make sure my muscles are tended too.
Before I started working out, I hardly ate any meat. Protein of course. I was hardly ever ill. Now? I've not noticed a difference to be honest! Other than some minor sports injuries.
Before I started working out, I hardly ate any meat. Protein of course. I was hardly ever ill. Now? I've not noticed a difference to be honest! Other than some minor sports injuries.
I feel cheated if I don't have a little meat with a meal. Although sometimes I get protein from a cheese sandwich. I'd love to use nutella but it has chocolate in it and that causes migraines.