What's your gaming system?

Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I just broke down and FINALLY got a new gaming system. With my perpetual fear of the "red ring of death", I went with a Wii.

What do you have?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Caleco Vision
Unconventional , hjtee
Atari (800, 1200, 2400, 3600)
Mr. E , SomewhatSomewhere , ToyGeek , OroNomi , thegoldilocksincident , Lady Venus , Akira , hjtee , M. Roth , ily , lexical , RuMaRo34 , WhoopieDoo , lovemuscle n cookie , Entropy , Allstars316 , Feisty , Real or memorex
Gary , Sammi , Jul!a , Maxim , Tori Rebel , Kayla , Dusk , onehotmomma , AU , Adriana Ravenlust , NightNight , Jobthingy , ToyGeek , GeekWife , ZenaidaMacroura , OroNomi , CanMan , darthkitt3n , UnknownGirl , Elias McLovin , thegoldilocksincident , Lady Venus , Airekah , Lucidity , TigersKitten , LennaKieran , Scott Ghost , Inwitari , Akira , Dude404 , Hallmar82 , Ratito , gehuwd , hjtee , yw2 , M. Roth , LadyDarknezz , ily , Illumin8 , RuMaRo34 , WhoopieDoo , xoflxokcxo , lovemuscle n cookie , fufucat , Entropy , caligaliber , Allstars316 , Anne , skeeterlynn , SMichelle
Red Vinyl Kitty , Dusk , onehotmomma , MastersXKittenXSlave , AU , NightNight , yerkungfuisweak , Hannah Savage , ToyGeek , meganthomas , leatherlover , ZenaidaMacroura , OroNomi , Anne Ardeur , cherryredhead88 , Elias McLovin , thegoldilocksincident , Lady Venus , BrokeNHorny , Lucidity , TigersKitten , Waterfall , LennaKieran , Scott Ghost , Miss Otter , Inwitari , Devz , Akira , Dude404 , Hallmar82 , gehuwd , kinksters , hjtee , yw2 , M. Roth , LadyDarknezz , ily , lexical , RuMaRo34 , WhoopieDoo , ams421 , kadytheredpanda , lovemuscle n cookie , Allstars316 , Anne , skeeterlynn , SMichelle , ththpup , GONE!
Sega Genesis
ToyTimeTim , Carrie Ann , Sammi , Kayla , AU , Armsjlove , ToyGeek , OroNomi , Elias McLovin , thegoldilocksincident , Lady Venus , BrokeNHorny , tigerkate , dv8 , bobowaxer , Kaltir , Scott Ghost , Inwitari , Dude404 , gehuwd , hjtee , M. Roth , LadyDarknezz , lexical , RuMaRo34 , ams421 , kadytheredpanda , lovemuscle n cookie , Entropy , caligaliber , skeeterlynn , SMichelle
Sega Game Master
Lady Venus
Game Boy
MuffysPinguLove , ~LaUr3n~ , Sammi , Jul!a , Kayla , sarahbear , Envy , kinky girlfriend , kck , Dusk , DeliciousSurprise , AU , Jenniae09 , Mr. E , Persephone Nightmare , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , Hannah Savage , ToyGeek , potstickers , OroNomi , Anne Ardeur , cherryredhead88 , darthkitt3n , UnknownGirl , Intertwining , ToxicHeart , Elias McLovin , thegoldilocksincident , IndependentlyHappy , Lady Venus , Angel deSanguine , BrokeNHorny , BBW Talks Toys , BluePixi , Lucidity , TigersKitten , mariedoll , MaryExy , babypinecone , LennaKieran , Inwitari , Devz , ss143 , Dude404 , gehuwd , hjtee , jeangel246 , yw2 , M. Roth , ily , lexical , RuMaRo34 , WhoopieDoo , ChaosBunny , kadytheredpanda , pootpootpoot , Entropy , solitudinarian , shcoo , Allstars316 , Anne , SMichelle , LuLu-Pop , Apate , tequilafish , fizzygato , SecondStory
AU , NightNight , yerkungfuisweak , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , ZenaidaMacroura , OroNomi , Lucidity , Inwitari , hjtee , ily , RuMaRo34
Sega Saturn
dark jupiter , AU , OroNomi , Inwitari , hjtee , LadyDarknezz
El-Jaro , Miss Cinnamon , White Fox , buzzvibe , ~LaUr3n~ , ToyTimeTim , Sammi , Kayla , deadpoet , DeliciousSurprise , onehotmomma , MastersXKittenXSlave , AU , Jenniae09 , Avant-garde , Mr. E , Persephone Nightmare , yerkungfuisweak , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , Jobthingy , SomewhatSomewhere , ZenaidaMacroura , OroNomi , Anne Ardeur , Phoenix713 , cherryredhead88 , darthkitt3n , ToxicHeart , thegoldilocksincident , Lady Venus , BrokeNHorny , Lucidity , TigersKitten , Miss T , babypinecone , Inwitari , ckunit121 , ss143 , Dude404 , hjtee , M. Roth , LadyDarknezz , lexical , RuMaRo34 , WhoopieDoo , lovemuscle n cookie , Entropy , solitudinarian , shcoo , caligaliber , Allstars316 , Feisty , skeeterlynn , SMichelle , FLIPxMODE , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , LoveDrunk , happywaffle34
buzzvibe , MuffysPinguLove , Kayla , kinky girlfriend , Maiden , kck , Splendwhore , Dusk , Fanny , MastersXKittenXSlave , AU , Adriana Ravenlust , Avant-garde , Mr. E , NightNight , yerkungfuisweak , Raggedy Andie , ZenaidaMacroura , potstickers , OroNomi , Sex & Coffee , UnknownGirl , ToxicHeart , Elias McLovin , thegoldilocksincident , REDRUM , Lucidity , TigersKitten , mariedoll , MaryExy , babypinecone , LennaKieran , Inwitari , Akira , gehuwd , hjtee , yw2 , LadyDarknezz , ily , lexical , RuMaRo34 , WhoopieDoo , ChaosBunny , kadytheredpanda , shcoo , caligaliber , himynameissteph , Anne , skeeterlynn , SMichelle , Voir , LuckyLady , kdlt , Apate , KissTheSkyBaby , SecondStory
MuffysPinguLove , ~LaUr3n~ , Sammi , Kayla , kinky girlfriend , Maiden , Dusk , onehotmomma , Fanny , AU , Tucker Cummings , Avant-garde , NightNight , Lonewolf , GeekWife , OroNomi , cherryredhead88 , UnknownGirl , null , thegoldilocksincident , Lady Venus , BrokeNHorny , BBW Talks Toys , Lucidity , sixfootsex , Mistress M. , Waterfall , mariedoll , MaryExy , babypinecone , LennaKieran , Inwitari , Dude404 , hspence , hjtee , LadyDarknezz , ily , lexical , RuMaRo34 , kadytheredpanda , pootpootpoot , shcoo , skeeterlynn , SMichelle , LuckyLady , LuLu-Pop , tequilafish , SecondStory
Playstation Portable
buzzvibe , ToyTimeTim , Kayla , Envy , deadpoet , AU , NymphetamineKiss , OroNomi , Anne Ardeur , Sex & Coffee , ToxicHeart , Elias McLovin , thegoldilocksincident , Angel deSanguine , BrokeNHorny , Lucidity , Michelle Menace , Lily Night , Cream in the Cupcake , TigersKitten , Waterfall , Scott Ghost , Inwitari , ss143 , Dude404 , hjtee , LadyDarknezz , Pururin , RuMaRo34 , solitudinarian , PeachCandy , Voir , tequilafish
El-Jaro , Fun Lover , *Country Girl Can Survive* , Sammi , deadpoet , MastersXKittenXSlave , AU , Jenniae09 , yerkungfuisweak , NymphetamineKiss , GeekWife , ZenaidaMacroura , OroNomi , Phoenix713 , Brook4114 , darthkitt3n , thegoldilocksincident , Angel deSanguine , Michelle Menace , sixfootsex , Mistress M. , babypinecone , missdizzy , Inwitari , Devz , Dude404 , hjtee , M. Roth , ily , RuMaRo34 , sausagelover , shcoo , caligaliber , deltalima , Feisty , skeeterlynn , SMichelle
Playstation 2
El-Jaro , Miss Cinnamon , Kynky Kytty , buzzvibe , Annemarie , MuffysPinguLove , ~LaUr3n~ , ToyTimeTim , Sammi , Jul!a , ♥ Amanda ♥ , Maxim , Tori Rebel , Kayla , Rockin' , sexysweetieshan , Love Buzz , Maiden , Dusk , deadpoet , onehotmomma , Fanny , MastersXKittenXSlave , AU , Jenniae09 , Avant-garde , Airen Wolf , Mr. E , Persephone Nightmare , aleong , Alegria , DeAnna , namelesschaos , NightNight , yerkungfuisweak , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , Raggedy Andie , The Nakanas , ToyGeek , NymphetamineKiss , leatherlover , Sir , ZenaidaMacroura , Screaming Violet , Eeyor89 , Libra , potstickers , OroNomi , Anne Ardeur , Brook4114 , cherryredhead88 , Sex & Coffee , darthkitt3n , UnknownGirl , goodeatz , ToxicHeart , Elias McLovin , thegoldilocksincident , IndependentlyHappy , Lady Venus , Illusional , Angel deSanguine , BrokeNHorny , BBW Talks Toys , Lucidity , Michelle Menace , Shumway , KnK , Mistress M. , Cream in the Cupcake , TigersKitten , bobowaxer , Kaltir , Miss T , MaryExy , babypinecone , padmeamidala , Scott Ghost , Inwitari , Linga , ckunit121 , kelaaa33wish , Akira , ss143 , Dude404 , Hallmar82 , gehuwd , hjtee , That Man from Mars , Ash1141 , M. Roth , LadyDarknezz , ily , lexical , RuMaRo34 , WhoopieDoo , ChaosBunny , Sunshineamine , Vanille , badk1tty , pootpootpoot , Entropy , solitudinarian , VioletMoonstone , caligaliber , mmmmm , Allstars316 , SMichelle , edenfantasys* , Voir , LuckyLady , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , InnocentIchigo , Hoshigetsu , Apate , GONE! , tequilafish
XBox 360
MuffysPinguLove , ~LaUr3n~ , Fun Lover , David88 , *Country Girl Can Survive* , Maxim , sarahbear , Envy , Darling Jen , Red Vinyl Kitty , sexysweetieshan , Maiden , twistedheartsx , DustBunny , deadpoet , onehotmomma , MastersXKittenXSlave , AU , beautifulpierced , Persephone Nightmare , NightNight , yerkungfuisweak , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , paralax , The Nakanas , Sera , Unconventional , GeekWife , Cadence , Eeyor89 , Bunnycups , Libra , OroNomi , Anne Ardeur , Phoenix713 , Brook4114 , cherryredhead88 , darthkitt3n , UnknownGirl , ToxicHeart , cnspots , thegoldilocksincident , BadassFatass , Lady Venus , Illusional , BrokeNHorny , Airekah , That Guy , Mojoe821 , BBW Talks Toys , REDRUM , Beaners , moonch1ld , Lucidity , cheech1 , sixfootsex , Mistress M. , ichwillwaffels , TigersKitten , StephieBoo02 , Kaltir , mariedoll , Miss T , Mistress Kitten , babypinecone , froggiemoma , padmeamidala , Inwitari , onehotmama , Devz , Linga , ss143 , Dude404 , Hallmar82 , jay28 , hjtee , Ash1141 , yw2 , M. Roth , LadyDarknezz , ily , Errant Venture , Illumin8 , RuMaRo34 , WhoopieDoo , mpfm , Jaimes , LowFreqFreak , Vanille , unfulfilled , lovemuscle n cookie , badk1tty , pootpootpoot , Entropy , solitudinarian , J5ive , shcoo , Bex1331 , caligaliber , L&P3040 , Feisty , PeachCandy , skeeterlynn , Boyfriend , Rory , Voir , LuckyLady , Cosmonaut , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Trysexual , KissTheSkyBaby
El-Jaro , Miss Cinnamon , White Fox , Passionate Pastor , Neuron Geek , buzzvibe , MuffysPinguLove , ~LaUr3n~ , Fun Lover , *Country Girl Can Survive* , ToyingCouple , Sammi , PassionQT , Kayla , Rockin' , Kim! , sarahbear , fatesrelease , Envy , Darling Jen , Apinkjellybean04 , Love Buzz , Maiden , kck , Dusk , deadpoet , DeliciousSurprise , onehotmomma , AU , SydVicious , Jenniae09 , FrenchKisser , beautifulpierced , sumie , Mr. E , aleong , Armsjlove , NightNight , yerkungfuisweak , Pleasure Piratess , RadRach , Alicia , Raggedy Andie , Jobthingy , The Nakanas , GothlordsPet , Danielle1220 , NymphetamineKiss , clp , meganthomas , Shellz31 , Unconventional , GeekWife , ZenaidaMacroura , Screaming Violet , Eeyor89 , NawlinsDawlin , Miss Morphine , CS2012 , Libra , potstickers , OroNomi , Anne Ardeur , lamira , menotu , cherryredhead88 , acookie , UnknownGirl , *HisMrs* , Intertwining , kittychilla , ToxicHeart , Elias McLovin , thegoldilocksincident , BadassFatass , IndependentlyHappy , Illusional , Angel deSanguine , LavenderSkies , BrokeNHorny , That Guy , BBW Talks Toys , Beaners , NaughtyButterfly , Shumway , zracer , newlady , KnK , ichwillwaffels , TigersKitten , StephieBoo02 , Vaccinium , mariedoll , bluekaren , MaryExy , babypinecone , LennaKieran , froggiemoma , padmeamidala , Scott Ghost , mandiegk , Inwitari , onehotmama , Devz , Linga , ckunit121 , Stagger13 , kelaaa33wish , Akira , Dude404 , Hallmar82 , gehuwd , hjtee , GenderSexplorations , Ash1141 , yw2 , M. Roth , LadyDarknezz , Errant Venture , lexical , RuMaRo34 , WhoopieDoo , ChaosBunny , Tiffani02 , kadytheredpanda , Mike Honcho , Bignuf , Sunshineamine , LowFreqFreak , xoflxokcxo , ~miss senora~ , unfulfilled , badk1tty , pootpootpoot , Entropy , Breas , LoveBug721 , Feisty , tortilla , Anne , skeeterlynn , SMichelle , Rory , Voir , LuLu-Pop , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , featherhead , Apate , tequilafish
Playstation 3
White Fox , buzzvibe , Annemarie , ~LaUr3n~ , Kayla , Envy , Love Buzz , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , 4everHorny , Unconventional , ZenaidaMacroura , Trashley , Anne Ardeur , Sex & Coffee , UnknownGirl , Intertwining , cnspots , thegoldilocksincident , Angel deSanguine , BrokeNHorny , That Guy , Mojoe821 , Lucidity , tigerkate , Lily Night , Miss Jenn , TigersKitten , bobowaxer , Kaltir , Mistress Kitten , LennaKieran , Miss Otter , mandiegk , Inwitari , Linga , Dude404 , Hallmar82 , ily , WetJenn , zz1aag , Mike Honcho , guard083 , Moein , kingofthevampires , unfulfilled , badk1tty , Entropy , solitudinarian , VioletMoonstone , LoveBug721 , caligaliber , aluminummm , skeeterlynn , Cosmonaut , FLIPxMODE , LoveDrunk , Apate , happywaffle34 , KissTheSkyBaby
Valyn , Avant-garde , Raggedy Andie , popples , OroNomi , married with children , Greenleaf , ththpup
Total votes: 912 (276 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I've had 2 PS2's (I only have the slim now). I have a Sega hits game for the PS2 and all my fav. PS1 games. And since I bought a Wii, I have some NES and will be getting at least one or two SNES games when I get the special controller for it.
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
I actually play most of my games on my laptop, so... And I don't have a PS2, but Mr. Sauce lets me play on his!
Contributor: White Fox White Fox
Originally posted by Miss Cinnamon
I actually play most of my games on my laptop, so... And I don't have a PS2, but Mr. Sauce lets me play on his!
Hey where's the love for PC? It's my main gaming system. I have a PS3 but honestly it's to watch BluRay discs, stream videos and MP3's and to play Little Big Planet with the tyke.

EDIT: Woops didn't mean to reply to you! lol
Contributor: Passionate Pastor Passionate Pastor
I have a Wii but my PS2 was my system in college and I still think it was the best ever! I also has a Sega Genesis, NES, and an Atari. Wow, I never realized how many gaming systems I have had. Great poll!
Contributor: buzzvibe buzzvibe
We tend to acquire these things.
Contributor: Andromeda Andromeda
Well, my laptop is my gaming system :p

Other than that, we have a Wii, a PS3, and a PSP in the house currently, but those are all my brother's. As far as past gaming systems... few different gameboys, Gamecube, PS2, Playstation, and Atari :p
Contributor: Annemarie Annemarie
I have my desktop, a PS2, a PS3Slim, and a Nintendo DSi and a DSi XL (for my dad).
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Oh boy, I have a desktop about 4 game boys, playstation 1, 2, & 3, xbox 360, Wii, & a Game Cube.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
My wife has her first game console, Sega Genesis with the CD. I have a PS1 & 2 and a Playstation portable. The wife and I play on our computers more than the console's.
Contributor: Fun Lover Fun Lover
X-Box, X-Box360 and Wii. We want to get the PS3 so we can watch blue ray movies.
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Ha! last gaming system *I* had was the Sega Genesis. Sonic Spinball, for the win!

My kid has a bunch of them, though, that I can't play. The whole 3D thing? Makes me car sick!!!!!
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
Ha! last gaming system *I* had was the Sega Genesis. Sonic Spinball, for the win!

My kid has a bunch of them, though, that I can't play. The whole 3D thing? Makes me car sick!!!!!
I loved that game! My neighbor had it. I never had a Sega system. They sold out and now the games can be bought for playing on playstation.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
My wife has her first game console, Sega Genesis with the CD. I have a PS1 & 2 and a Playstation portable. The wife and I play on our computers more than the console's.
Currently that;s how we are too.
Contributor: Gary Gary
8-bit Nes... hands down!!!
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Gary
8-bit Nes... hands down!!!
The game I'm focusing on now is FF1. 8-bit NES lovin!
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by El-Jaro
The game I'm focusing on now is FF1. 8-bit NES lovin!
I have that, but have never played it. I have the original booklet with that one too.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Gary
I have that, but have never played it. I have the original booklet with that one too.
I used to have the Nintendo Power strategy guide for it too until recently. It got lost in a move
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
We have way too many systems . They are split between 2 tvs, but of course everyone wants to play the system that the other person is using.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Never had one, even while growing up. Yes, I'm freak, I already know that. Nyah.
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I used to have the Nintendo Power strategy guide for it too until recently. It got lost in a move
I was on a Yoshi & Warrio's Woods kick recently, but my all time favorites are probably Metroid, NES Ice Hockey, and Dr. Mario. Dr. Mario is like crack once you get started!
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Gary
I was on a Yoshi & Warrio's Woods kick recently, but my all time favorites are probably Metroid, NES Ice Hockey, and Dr. Mario. Dr. Mario is like crack once you get started!
Dr. Mario IS crack...well...more like oxycodone.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by El-Jaro
Dr. Mario IS crack...well...more like oxycodone.
The first time I played Dr. Mario was a few months ago. It took me forever to get the hang of it, but once I did I did not want to stop playing, lol
Contributor: Maxim Maxim
NES rocks
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
I have a PS2 for the newer role playing games (silent hill, etc.) but when it comes down to it I love my NES. I could seriously play Zelda all day. And Simon's Quest and Mario 3 and Tetris....
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Maxim
NES rocks
That it definitely does.
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by Jul!a
The first time I played Dr. Mario was a few months ago. It took me forever to get the hang of it, but once I did I did not want to stop playing, lol
Yeah that game is so great! Another I highly recommend is Mr. Driller for PS1.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I stand firmly that that Techmo Superbowl is the best football video game ever.

Anyone ever play "The Uninvited"? It's like Resident Evil for the NES (just not nearly as scary).
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Gary
Yeah that game is so great! Another I highly recommend is Mr. Driller for PS1.
Honestly, if you're going to give me a PS1, you better give me Crash Bandicoot too. I was so happy my PS2 was backwards compatible because then all I had to do was make sure I had the right memory card and I could play Crash Bandicoot all day long. And for a few days, I did, lol

What exactly is Mr. Driller, because I've never heard of it honestly.
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by Jul!a
Honestly, if you're going to give me a PS1, you better give me Crash Bandicoot too. I was so happy my PS2 was backwards compatible because then all I had to do was make sure I had the right memory card and I could play Crash Bandicoot all day ... more
Mr. Driller is a cute game that is sort of action version of Tetris. Your little guy drills down through the blocks. As you clear certain groups the blocks fall. It rules!