Nintendo is the bomb, But I wouldn't turn down a trip to a holodeck...
What's your gaming system?
We jusT acquired A wii
Originally posted by
I just broke down and FINALLY got a new gaming system. With my perpetual fear of the "red ring of death", I went with a Wii.
What do you have?
What do you have?
Oops.. I voted on ones I have played/like.
Originally posted by
I just broke down and FINALLY got a new gaming system. With my perpetual fear of the "red ring of death", I went with a Wii.
What do you have?
What do you have?
I also love to game on the computer....
But I must admit I have been an avid Pokemon fan since day 1, and I love me some Zelda/RPG action.
Mario is also a fave of mine.
That reminds me of Dr. Mario! I love that game ... might go play it now.
Originally posted by
Mr. Driller is a cute game that is sort of action version of Tetris. Your little guy drills down through the blocks. As you clear certain groups the blocks fall. It rules!
Understand about being disappointed. I feel I lost some interest in what has been coming out in the last 5 years especially. For me it's a style and regional thing--I don't feel that more realistic means better graphics, and I do not care for Western games at all--which there are much more of now.
Originally posted by
I have a NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, Gamecube, PS2, Wii, Xbox360, Nintendo DS, DS Lite, Virtua Boy and possibly a Commodore 64 but I'm not sure about that one. (Some of these are my husbands)
You'd think I was really into video games or ... more
You'd think I was really into video games or ... more
I have a NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, Gamecube, PS2, Wii, Xbox360, Nintendo DS, DS Lite, Virtua Boy and possibly a Commodore 64 but I'm not sure about that one. (Some of these are my husbands)
You'd think I was really into video games or something but I'm actually quite disappointed with whats been coming out for the past several years :/ Even concepts I might like fail to be realized into enjoyable games. less
You'd think I was really into video games or something but I'm actually quite disappointed with whats been coming out for the past several years :/ Even concepts I might like fail to be realized into enjoyable games. less
Yay, C64! I can't even what all I played on it, but I think that was a fine computer. I wish I still had mine.
Your grandma is awesome!!
Originally posted by
When I was with my husband, we had an XBox, XBox360, PS3, PS2, SNES, NES, Dreamcast, PSP, DS, and a Wii. But when we split up, all I took was the NES and the Wii. But my boyfriend has a PS3, so I've been playing Fallout 3 like crazy. I could go
When I was with my husband, we had an XBox, XBox360, PS3, PS2, SNES, NES, Dreamcast, PSP, DS, and a Wii. But when we split up, all I took was the NES and the Wii. But my boyfriend has a PS3, so I've been playing Fallout 3 like crazy. I could go on and on about games and gaming systems. I've been playing since I was five years old. I wasn't any good back then, but I played. I still remember crying when I couldn't beat the first level on Super Mario 3 for the NES.
Oh, and my grandma is addicted to Dr. Mario. She's been playing it since it came out in the 80s. She's now 83 and still plays the last level on the highest speed. less
Oh, and my grandma is addicted to Dr. Mario. She's been playing it since it came out in the 80s. She's now 83 and still plays the last level on the highest speed. less
My grandma didn't seem very aware of video games.
My parents used to play Super Mario Brothers over and over when I was growing up--and they could not get anywhere. I was happy to see them playing something together. Today, I put on Wii Sports and Mario Kart for them. It's the only way I can occupy them and keep them from talking politics to me!! I'm so grateful for the Wii. Sometimes I want to write Miyamoto a thanks just for this.
I think I want to get them a system now. I think it would be much better for them than TV which is too passive.
I have a NES, PS1, PS2, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, Xbox, and Xbox360. I just repaired my NES not too long ago, which was a great idea. Mine was having trouble reading games properly, even after I'd blow the dust out of the cartridges and stuff. Now, after replacing a part and taking apart my games to clean them, it works perfectly
My husband is a hardcore gamer. We have no less than 7 consoles hooked up to the TV at any given time. He's got consoles from Japan that I've never even heard of.
TV? My Vectrex and Nintendo Virtual Boy don't need to be hooked up to a TV.
No option for my awesome gaming computer? *sads*
everyone's loving the wii. XD i'm totally in love with kirby's epic yarn right now. <3
I have a Wii, PS2, N64, DS Lite, PSP and a Gameboy Advance. I mostly play games on my laptop though. I was playing Tales of Symphonia 2 on my Wii for awhile but I kinda forgot about it lol
I also had a SNES but I don't know where it is... -sad-
I also had a SNES but I don't know where it is... -sad-
I have an NES, SNES, Gameboy Advanced SP, a DS Lite my girlfriend and I share, a Sega Genesis, Playstation 2, PSP, and a Wii. I had a Playstation and a Gamecube, but I sold both of them since I can play those games on the PS2 and Wii. I use to have a Sega Gamegear, but I think it may have gotten lost. I also use my PC to play games.
Between my boyfriend and I we have over 10 systems...our 360s see the most use though because they have the most co-op games for us to play together. This works especially nicely when he's at his house and I'm at mine. We play online together.
I currently own a GBA SP, PS2, and a Wii, not to mention all of the PC games that I own and have played over the years. I'm leaning toward buying a 360, mainly so that I can play "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World." Great movie, great video game.
i cant believe i just found this poll. Lets see, i have NES, SNES, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Wii, PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, Xbox, Xbox 360, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast. Not that i play them all, more that i collect. I also have a closet full of great games.
totally down with the xbox 360. currently playing cod black ops and assassins creed brotherhood. Im also playing magic the gathering on xbla. so if you feel like playing pm me
Dr. Mario is so good!
Originally posted by
That reminds me of Dr. Mario! I love that game ... might go play it now.
Lately I have been playing Warrio's Woods on the projector in my office (about 7 foot wide)

the computer is the only system you need and is normally years ahead of all the consoles
I have my old game boy color, a game boy advance and a DSI.
I use my 360 all the time. No problems yet. I think the biggest reason I use and like it is the controller. Just feels right to me.
My kids got a Wii for Christmas a few years ago from their Great-Grandparents & they LOVE it I like that I can get them fun, easy games to play because they are only 6 & 3. My husband & I like it too, we have been playing Super Mario Bros and are fairly addicted to it!
I voted Sega Genesis, because that was my childhood game console, and I put in many hours playing ECHO and Sonic (heck yes!).. But my sister has confiscated it now. -pout-
I also put down Playstation 3. Because the boyfriend just got it, and since we live together now, I have a special love/hate relationship with it.
Yay for netflix on TV!
NAY for boyfriend spending his days off glued to his damn video games.
...I do have to say, though, that God of War game he has is pretty cool to watch.
I also put down Playstation 3. Because the boyfriend just got it, and since we live together now, I have a special love/hate relationship with it.
Yay for netflix on TV!
NAY for boyfriend spending his days off glued to his damn video games.
...I do have to say, though, that God of War game he has is pretty cool to watch.
i'm a huge gamer. I LOVE videogames. Right now i'm playing Fable 2 (AGAIN) Ha. I have an Xbox , Xbox360, PS2, PS1, Wii,PSP, Nintendo DS, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Lots of gameboys and the first nintendo, Sega, Game Cube.. i need to buy a PS3 still.. I also love computer games.
We have a PS2 and a Wii.. totally addicted to Wii especially since getting the new Donkey Kong Country game.. it's awesome!
Originally posted by
I just broke down and FINALLY got a new gaming system. With my perpetual fear of the "red ring of death", I went with a Wii.
What do you have?
What do you have?
just got the xbox 360 slim got the 4gb and hacked a laptop harddrive to work with it instead of buying the xbox 250 gb
I only have the ps2 and my sis has a wii that I get to use when I go back to my home-away-from-college .
Originally posted by
I just broke down and FINALLY got a new gaming system. With my perpetual fear of the "red ring of death", I went with a Wii.
What do you have?
What do you have?
I used to have Sega Genesis, but I sold it because I needed moneys. I miss that bastard
We have a Playstation, Playstation 2, a Gamecube, an Xbox, and an XBOX360...but I'm afraid most of my gaming is done on a computer.
Yay World of Warcrack?
Yay World of Warcrack?
What in the hell? What about the hardcore guys? The PC gamer..
I have every video game system since the Atari emulated on my PC, and I get to play all the newer games that most people play on their Playstation 3 or XBOX 360, only IMO PC gaming if far superior to consoles because they are by far more powerful than anything you'll ever see in a console.
The XBOX360 and Playstation are OLD, dated technology that compares to the gaming machine I built for myself about six years ago now. It's kind of sad how much consoles are holding back the potential of video games because of crap hardware.
Many people seem to forget that any console controller can be connected to the PC, so I don't see the excuse for why consoles even exist aside from the fact I guess that PC gaming costs wayyy too much money for the average consumer - but some of us geeks just find a way out of respect for all the computer scientists working to move technology forward.
I have every video game system since the Atari emulated on my PC, and I get to play all the newer games that most people play on their Playstation 3 or XBOX 360, only IMO PC gaming if far superior to consoles because they are by far more powerful than anything you'll ever see in a console.
The XBOX360 and Playstation are OLD, dated technology that compares to the gaming machine I built for myself about six years ago now. It's kind of sad how much consoles are holding back the potential of video games because of crap hardware.
Many people seem to forget that any console controller can be connected to the PC, so I don't see the excuse for why consoles even exist aside from the fact I guess that PC gaming costs wayyy too much money for the average consumer - but some of us geeks just find a way out of respect for all the computer scientists working to move technology forward.
I also have a Nintendo DS.. but those arent on the list... LOL