I have a Nintendo Gameboy SP. Collectors edition!
What's your gaming system?
The red ring of death sucks. Luckily my awesome friend bought me another xbox when it happened. I love my wii though. I have trouble getting outside and exercising so its convenient!
Originally posted by
I just broke down and FINALLY got a new gaming system. With my perpetual fear of the "red ring of death", I went with a Wii.
What do you have?
What do you have?
My mint Sega Genesis and about 15 games were soaked in a flood last year! I still play my PS2 more than my PS3, old fav's die hard!
I miss my Atari and original Nintendo so much! But I do love my 360 and PS3
N64 mario kart!
You forgot about Nintendo DS
I like cutesy games; I get hooked on Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, and Super Mario. I stick mostly to Nintendo, but I have some other games I've liked.
I love XBOX love
Originally posted by
I just broke down and FINALLY got a new gaming system. With my perpetual fear of the "red ring of death", I went with a Wii.
What do you have?
What do you have?
have a wii and xbox360
We have a PS2 and Wii but it's the XBox that we tend to use the most
Originally posted by
I just broke down and FINALLY got a new gaming system. With my perpetual fear of the "red ring of death", I went with a Wii.
What do you have?
What do you have?
I wish I had the chance to play on one of the oldskool systems
Currently I own 3 xbox 360s a PS3 a Wii and a PS2
But in the past I have owned all the systems above apart from the Caleco Vision. God that makes me sound like a geek
But in the past I have owned all the systems above apart from the Caleco Vision. God that makes me sound like a geek
We have everything on the list from N64 to the Wii. And my SNES is still at my parents' house. Personally I prefer the older systems to the newer ones because I enjoyed the games more. It seems now all the companies are focused on are the bells and whistles like motion control instead of making quality games. That's just my two cents though.
i don't game
Originally posted by
I just broke down and FINALLY got a new gaming system. With my perpetual fear of the "red ring of death", I went with a Wii.
What do you have?
What do you have?
Due to the fact my uncle is a gaming/electronics wiz we have a lot of systems. We currently have
Xbox 360
Xbox 360
mine is gamecube mainly cuz i love mario party!
omg! just broke out super mario on the SNES! addicted
Mario Party 8 on the Wii is fun!
Originally posted by
mine is gamecube mainly cuz i love mario party!
Oh my lord, I just realized how much of a systems collector I have turned into. There were only two on the list that I don't have. Shameful.
I even have ones that came before (and during) some of the earlier ones listed. Anyone ever play a Vectrex? (Some of my systems are older than I am)
I even have ones that came before (and during) some of the earlier ones listed. Anyone ever play a Vectrex? (Some of my systems are older than I am)
I have a playstation 2 and DS lite.
Wii, xbox360 and playstation 2
Okay, I'm a complete gaming nerd! I have an NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, PlayStation, Playstation 2, Gamecube, Wii, Nintendo DS, PSP, and an Xbox 360. I think I didn't leave anything out. I swear gaming has become my frickin' life as of late.
But you know what sucks? I hate how our choices on consoles are so limited nowadays. I remember my parents telling me about all the consoles they used to own like the Atari 2600, Intellevision, Odyssey, and Commodore 64 just to name a few. Now, there's only like 3 consoles to choose from and they are all damn near the same. My favorite franchises are Mega Man, Mega Man X, Devil May Cry, Halo, Gears of War, Fallout, Street Fighter, Dragon Age, Super Smash Brothers, and a shit ton of others. But one of my all time favorites is Ninja Gaiden for the NES. Seriously, that game is so freakin' hard, but I'd play it anytime or anywhere...that has a NES readily available.
Whoa, typing this out made me feel a helluva lot better. Hooray for gaming! Okay I'm done being a complete nerd now
But you know what sucks? I hate how our choices on consoles are so limited nowadays. I remember my parents telling me about all the consoles they used to own like the Atari 2600, Intellevision, Odyssey, and Commodore 64 just to name a few. Now, there's only like 3 consoles to choose from and they are all damn near the same. My favorite franchises are Mega Man, Mega Man X, Devil May Cry, Halo, Gears of War, Fallout, Street Fighter, Dragon Age, Super Smash Brothers, and a shit ton of others. But one of my all time favorites is Ninja Gaiden for the NES. Seriously, that game is so freakin' hard, but I'd play it anytime or anywhere...that has a NES readily available.
Whoa, typing this out made me feel a helluva lot better. Hooray for gaming! Okay I'm done being a complete nerd now
How would you like the consoles to be different? Creating a niche market in the gaming industry, I feel is most likely, would be writing your own death certificate.

I'm a fan of handheld games, and have been ever since my parents got me a Sega Game Gear as a kid. I've got a PSP and Nintendo DS. I love them both. :]
I have soooo many gaming systems. My favorites are still PS2, N64, and Atari. And my good old Game Boy Color. And my Nintendo DS! You forgot to list the DS in the poll! (Someone may have mentioned that already, but I don't have time to read through the whole thread....Whoops!)
As well as those I clicked in the poll, I also have a Turbo-grapx 16. NDS, and a few others.
I mostly play Xbox 360. It's my second, since the first I had got the red ring of death.
I want a PS3. ;A;
I mostly play Xbox 360. It's my second, since the first I had got the red ring of death.
I want a PS3. ;A;
Wow I can't believe I have nine of these.
I worship my SNES. The only reason I got a Wii was to get virtual console for whenever my SNES inevitably bit the dust.
Where is my "PONG" on your list????
Originally posted by
I just broke down and FINALLY got a new gaming system. With my perpetual fear of the "red ring of death", I went with a Wii.
What do you have?
What do you have?
I love my 360, and boy do I miss Sega Genesis. I've been thinking about picking up one of those systems. I remember loving all the games and the way they worked. Earthworm Jim was the bomb.