Totally. (I also would like to fly, breathe underwater, and levitates things.) It would be quite and experience.
Would you like to try out being the other sex for awhile?
i love being female, through and through every bit of it. however - i am curious about some aspects of "life as a male" - things that kinda need to be experienced not explained.
No, thank you
That would be a weird situation but I would try it lol
It would be very interesting to have sex as a male-bodied person.
Wearing a strap on is manly enough for me haha no thank you.
And have a penis?! Nooooo!
It would be great to have a penis for a little while. that would be awesome
I think I would be afraid to be a guy, but if I had the option to try it out, I might. I've wondered what sex is like for a guy, for sure.
Why not it would be fun!
i would love to try it out, especially sex wise, for a brief time but in the end, i love being a girl.
Honestly, I would love to. Maybe I could get a 30 day free trial and see if it's as awesome as I think it is.
I love androgyny and mens fashion but I have curvy hips and a butt so I could never pull it off. I actually have an image in my head of what the male-born genderbent version of me looks like and he is pretty attractive. And I do kinda think it would solve a lot of my problems.
I also wouldn't mind just growing a penis and being a lady except with man parts. That would be awesome and it's kind of my dream tbh. I'm not transgender at all but yeah I would definitely be really happy if I had the kind of shapeshifting superpower where I could do stuff like that. I'm happy with being a lady but if I could get an upgrade, I would be ok with that too.
I love androgyny and mens fashion but I have curvy hips and a butt so I could never pull it off. I actually have an image in my head of what the male-born genderbent version of me looks like and he is pretty attractive. And I do kinda think it would solve a lot of my problems.
I also wouldn't mind just growing a penis and being a lady except with man parts. That would be awesome and it's kind of my dream tbh. I'm not transgender at all but yeah I would definitely be really happy if I had the kind of shapeshifting superpower where I could do stuff like that. I'm happy with being a lady but if I could get an upgrade, I would be ok with that too.
Hubby was looking over my shoulder when I read this topic xD and he had to make a comment:
Hubby: Don't you always say during your monthlies that being a guy would be so much easier?
Me: Go sit down and jerk off.
X'D. I really do say that. Plus I really have always wondered what being a guy for sex was like I've always been curious how my husband feels when he's up there and what not.
Hubby: Don't you always say during your monthlies that being a guy would be so much easier?
Me: Go sit down and jerk off.
X'D. I really do say that. Plus I really have always wondered what being a guy for sex was like I've always been curious how my husband feels when he's up there and what not.
This is something that i would most definitely do,if it were possible,i would like to know what sex is like from a womans perspective.
Originally posted by
Lady Venus
I've always wondered what sex is like for man
My fiance' is always saying that she would like to be a man just for a day to see what it is like to have a penis and balls, and to see what the sex is like as well.
Originally posted by
I would love to see what it is like to be a man!
I think most people would like this, even just for a day
Oh my gosh, to be rid of the monthlies.. ! Such tempting, tempting thoughts. I actually wouldn't mind it, I tend to be more masculine in my approach.. May as well have the equipment to go with it.
Originally posted by
You can switch bodies with the other sex (assume there's just male and female for this) for a few days or weeks, do you do it?
It'd be interesting that's for sure.
Absolutely! Would love to see what it's like to be a man.
I think it'd be fun to do it for a few days.
Originally posted by
You can switch bodies with the other sex (assume there's just male and female for this) for a few days or weeks, do you do it?
I'd switch with my partner.
I am pretty happy being a woman. If given the chance, I probably wouldn't take it.
As the male I am curious but that's it...
I would love to!
It would be fun to see what sex was like

I'd try it, but something tells me my penis would be mangled with in 72 hours. I'd be that person who sticks it in just about any hole I could find.
I'm not at all interested in being male. It would be interesting to switch bodies specifically with my partner for a very brief amount of time, so we could feel firsthand what feels best, but other than that no way!
i always say i wish i could be a man for like a
I think it'd be fun, but I wouldn't want to be a guy forever!
I think it would be pretty awesome to be a dude for a see what the sex is like or peeing standing up. There are some things that a dildo just can not do! Hahaha...