Would you like to try out being the other sex for awhile?

Contributor: Kitka Kitka
I've always wondered what certain things feel like to a guy, I'd try it out for a day or two.
Contributor: tigertiger tigertiger
Originally posted by Timaree
You can switch bodies with the other sex (assume there's just male and female for this) for a few days or weeks, do you do it?
i'm pretty much as cisgender as they come, but it might be interesting to see what it's like
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
I would like to try out any gender and body temporarily and see which one I like best. Who knows, it could yield a totally unexpected result
Contributor: Caus Caus
I think it'd be cool to try out.
Contributor: Various Various
Temporarily I would love it.
Contributor: gloomybear gloomybear
i think anyone would
Contributor: VelvetDragon VelvetDragon
I would LOVE to switch back and forth at will! If I could just try it temporarily I'd jump at the chance! I'm not sure whether I'd do it if it was permanent or not. Maybe. :>
Contributor: CutiePatootie CutiePatootie
Definitely. Although I really like being a female, and my strap-on helps part of the kink I have for wanting to try it out.
Contributor: Undead Undead
Lol, it would be interesting that is for sure!
Contributor: Melan!e Melan!e
I've always been curious and plus those tenga flip holes just look so darn good!
Contributor: Catch Star Catch Star
I've always wondered what it is like to penetrate a woman
Contributor: Cherry21 Cherry21
Originally posted by Timaree
You can switch bodies with the other sex (assume there's just male and female for this) for a few days or weeks, do you do it?
No way! Even though will be the first to admit that guys get it so much easier than women, (no period, pregnancy, birth, menopause) I do NOT want a penis and balls! They seem so annoying and uncomfortable!
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
That would be RIGHTEOUS. I think about it a lot...especially when I'm packing
Contributor: Rockasaurus Rockasaurus
Originally posted by Timaree
You can switch bodies with the other sex (assume there's just male and female for this) for a few days or weeks, do you do it?
I would love to feel what sex was like for a male.
Contributor: Ly-Ra Ly-Ra
I wouldn't just try it out, I'd never go back.
Contributor: iabicpl09 iabicpl09
Originally posted by Timaree
You can switch bodies with the other sex (assume there's just male and female for this) for a few days or weeks, do you do it?
It would be fun but only for a short time
Contributor: xwolfiex xwolfiex
YES! dude! that's like my life dream lol I mean guys cant masturbate so much easier and better and it would make sex so much more easy!
Contributor: Sinfully Sinfully
I'd love to see what sex is like from a mans perspective.
Contributor: lustylusty lustylusty
I would have so much fun being a guy for a while. hehehe!!!
Contributor: funforall7 funforall7
I frequently ask my guy penis-related questions because I just don't know! I don't have one!
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
As long as it was short-term. It would definitely be an education, but I would want to go back to being female-bodied eventually.
Contributor: Chief Chief
I'd want to do it the week of my period... Then I could skip the whole thing!
Contributor: Upyourreviews Upyourreviews
It would be enlightening!
Contributor: britanny0620 britanny0620
I talk about this all the time. I'd say, like...a week, or a month. That'd be great.
Contributor: vitriolicvertigo vitriolicvertigo
I'd like to try it, but I wouldn't want to stay that way.
Contributor: SouthernBelle SouthernBelle
I'd love to try out life as a guy. My girlfriend and I have joked about how much easier things would be if one of us was male (before we realized toys are completely worth the investment and before either of us came out to anyone).
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by Chief
I'd want to do it the week of my period... Then I could skip the whole thing!
amen, i'm the exact same way. when those cramps hit in, i am jealous of every penis-owner i see.
Contributor: Rey Rey
Hell yes! I'd lock myself in the bedroom with ..myself ;D
Contributor: TransMarc TransMarc
Seeing as I'm trans... Why wouldn't it last, though?
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
Yes, Id love to feel what sex is like as a woman.