Would you like to try out being the other sex for awhile?

Contributor: Timaree Timaree
You can switch bodies with the other sex (assume there's just male and female for this) for a few days or weeks, do you do it?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
It'd be fun to try it out for awhile
Sammi , firekitten , Lady Venus , Kinky Skier , MuffysPinguLove , Waterfall , oliverHyde , SexyySarah , DeliciousSurprise , ZenaidaMacroura , sexysweetieshan , PassionQT , Kindred , Jul!a , SEXY N DELICIOUS , Madeira , Onanist , tits only , Selective Sensualist , Kim! , ToyGeek , ButchAndFemme , SXEKAT , Sweet-Justice , satanikangel666 , lamira , PuplePleasures , luvinluv , Fishie Princess , kermi91 , Persephone's Addiction , meganthomas , Bunnycups , Lady Neshamah , Lummox , LittleTree , Kestrel , darkkitty , deae04 , Reserved , Airekah , BadassFatass , darthkitt3n , pinkcupcakes , lezergirl , PussyGalore , Vaccinium , thatonegirl , Angel deSanguine , DexterStratton , navigator-d , vanillaSpice , rdytogo , VenusianThunder , KikiChrome , 34 , Lily Night , gumbyD , ~inner~Rhonda~ , Love Buzz , hennessy , Fuzzycow , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , jakjak , Happy Camper , Carrots , Fuck it. , LikeSunshineDust , Taylor Von , mystepmotherisafish , leanright69 , ninaspinkturtle , qquisi , Cedarlooman , VanillaFreeSex , racoons , Danielle Kearney , tim1724 , Lithaewyn , Curves , eatredapples , Dijolola , tillyp0ptarts , cburger , Lockthezoo , Caroline , ihavenipples , Joie de Cherresse , Linga , CarmenGore262 , BlueDog , Taboada , Carmb47 , Lumberman , Erotica Explorer , Checkmate , Virgulino , K101 , Wednesday , NaturalWoman , EndlessFrost , kaleidoeyes , bunny love , sassyNsensual , Taylor , mandiegk , angel142stx , amandaco2011 , Misfit Momma , k3 , JE011 , newfoundlust , kelaaa33wish , Teaser , padmeamidala , 0 , sexy19364 , yoham45 , CheerfulLoner , CuteDee , Kdlips , Noira , wetone123 , slipstitch , hjtee , daniel and frances , jay28 , xi , StrawberryEve , REDRUM , BabyL0ve , KnK , The Curious Couple , Puss in Boots , Triple X Moma , Bignuf , His#1Girl , thebest , Ava5 , FleurDevereux , MR Chickhabit , C-Rae , sarki , Gingy , bayosgirl , CherryDyke , countrygir43 , etwist , Eva Schwaltz , Halfthere , Sunshineamine , PassionCpl , aliceinthehole , dhig , allinonekid , DoubleDyke , Peggi , RavenWolf88 , SiNn , Graniteal , Missmarc , LAndJ , zecookiepuss , MsRigby , Greenleaf , (k)InkyIvy , lcl169 , Tess , Lover of Leather , Jasco , dks210 , penguinjim , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , PirateofPenance , ksparkles16 , bilovers79 , Incendiaire , martb40 , Rawr4483 , thegoldilocksincident , Marcianpro , BlooJay , Big Dog , Kitka , hottscar , Stinkytofu10 , Caus , RTC , Various , Teacookie , Petite Valentine , vegweg , VelvetDragon , Bittenflame , rom323 , CutiePatootie , Dragonfly Delta , Melan!e , pinkpanikku , Catch Star , WhoopieDoo , Rockasaurus , JennSenn , Mielikki , iabicpl09 , tigertiger , lustylusty , funforall7 , toxie m , Chief , Upyourreviews , britanny0620 , vitriolicvertigo , LaSchwartz , SouthernBelle , ttoddrum , Lovely Jubblies , Trysexual , Flan-Flan Shazam , smlove , fernwehh , sXeVegan90 , pleasurehunter , SexToys-R-Us , Zandrock , mistressg , llellsee , bottled-diva , satinlady550 , unfulfilled , skippywashere , LoverBear1011 , I Am Sherlocked , freesoma , Martiniman , Vaginas , Real or memorex , tequilafish , Reynolds , FrustratedFemme , DaniDeee , katat , SecretKinksters , Live-love-laugh , nori , KittiezToyz , SP , LoganAshlee. , GirlinDaCorner , XxFallenAngelxX , mdnght , alliegator , raffi , bodyelectric , twelve13 , Herzer , Adnerbmw , Zingy , Ayogirl230 , Nymaya , Kitten has left the site , Bubba29 , mpfm , treehugger , MrWood , purpleflower1972 , K. Lynn , friendswithfangs , Miss Delusion , Beautiful-Disaster , wicked48 , falalena , KittyGoesRawr , Marie Hanna , Lavendar , Kodie , adw88 , gorgeous , thegogofiasco , GingerSpice , jwell , Robespierrethecat , ankie212 , KitKat16
Just to see what sex was like
firekitten , kck , Lady Venus , Kinky Skier , MuffysPinguLove , Waterfall , oliverHyde , SexyySarah , anyroom4me , Jellyfeltz , Gunsmoke , sexysweetieshan , Kindred , Not here , RadRach , Onanist , PuplePleasures , kermi91 , meganthomas , Lady Neshamah , Lummox , Rainbow Boy , Blakiepoo , Yoda , deae04 , Crystal1 , pinkcupcakes , Vaccinium , Keegski , vanillaSpice , rdytogo , Lily Night , ~inner~Rhonda~ , hennessy , Fuzzycow , Happy Camper , Carrots , LikeSunshineDust , mystepmotherisafish , slynch , zracer , ninaspinkturtle , clearhearted , lesbianlesbian , racoons , tim1724 , Joie de Cherresse , Linga , BlueDog , Mseg20 , Fernand0 , Erotica Explorer , cobiffle , bunny love , sassyNsensual , Maeby , amandaco2011 , Misfit Momma , froggiemoma , newfoundlust , PinkPedal , sexy19364 , Noira , wetone123 , StrawberryEve , BabyL0ve , MN58 , KnK , His#1Girl , LaLaLouise , Ava5 , MR Chickhabit , C-Rae , Pink Jewel , aliceinthehole , Peggi , RavenWolf88 , SiNn , Graniteal , (k)InkyIvy , dks210 , thegoldilocksincident , SubmissiveFeminist , Kitka , Caus , gloomybear , Undead , Ace <3 , Catch Star , Rockasaurus , tigertiger , Sinfully , treefrog88 , funforall7 , britanny0620 , LaSchwartz , SouthernBelle , sXeVegan90 , ginainohio78 , edeneve , mr115393 , wildshores , SexToys-R-Us , Zandrock , collegecouple , satinlady550 , unfulfilled , Vaginas , Reynolds , katat , SecretKinksters , nori , LittleHouse , XxFallenAngelxX , mdnght , twelve13 , Kitten has left the site , friendswithfangs , sweisb4100 , pootpootpoot , ankie212
That would be horrifying
oliverHyde , removedacnt , Lif3sambiguity , mnc5051 , markeagleone , neon , chidoll , Reny , MaryExy , RyanReynolds , mizzmilla , monkeylover621 , Ice1 , MimicMouse , charletnarouh , Stacy8807 , Cherry21 , marshmallow , wildshores , Passion plum , 19WolfMan51 , nope , DreezzyyBabyy , JDear , J Peach , Hipposterous , pootpootpoot
That would solve all my problems
Kinky Skier , Envy , oliverHyde , Lavendar Menace , tickle me pink , Lithaewyn , chris PA , thebest , zz1aag , LuciFaery , cheetahpita , eroticmutt , Teacookie , butts , Ly-Ra , Youssii , Rey , TransMarc , Asher , mamaseatspoop , SexToys-R-Us , hanjonatan , SP , kartoonkrazy , MistressDandelion , sunflower , ChaosBunny , treehugger , Love Bites
Total votes: 461 (367 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Lady Venus Lady Venus
I've always wondered what sex is like for man
Contributor: Kinky Skier Kinky Skier
ha ha absolutely, as long as it wasn't that time of the month, could ruin some things...
Contributor: Envy Envy
Hell yeah. No more periods, no change of getting preggers, and not be ignored/looked down upon/etc for being female? Sign me up for life!
Contributor: oliverHyde oliverHyde
I think all of the above sound about right for me. It'd be AWESOME, it'd solve a lot of problems (like my GID/body image issues) but it'd also be terrifying because HOLY SHIT that can't be an easy shift. Overnight. boom. welcome to your new gender! I'm pretty fluid, but that can't be a pleasant sensation.

also I'd totally be in it for the sex

hells. yeah.
Contributor: SexyySarah SexyySarah
I would do it! I'm curious to see how a male orgasms! lol
Contributor: kck kck
Yeah, I'm curious, too. And I'd totally do it if I could. But I'd be a little worried something like out of Being John Malkovich would eng up happening
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
I have never ever had any desire to be a man. Not even for 1 second.
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
I'm the unlisted 'other'. I simply wouldn't be interested, I'm honestly not even that curious.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by SexyySarah
I would do it! I'm curious to see how a male orgasms! lol
That's my curiosity as well. It would be interesting to experience clitoral, g-spot, a-spot, blended & multiple orgasms! Sometimes it seems like you girls have all the fun!
Contributor: PassionQT PassionQT
I totally would! Just to feel the difference in sexual arousal, etc..
Contributor: oohlookasquirrel oohlookasquirrel
I want to be a guy so I can see what the prostate is like! I would get some good butt toys and lock myself away for a day or two.

Unfortunately, waking up as a guy one day would mean that it's harder to find a female for some no-strings-attached sex. Yeah, I could always sleep with guys, and I'd probably want to try that out, but I'd also be very interested in sleeping with women. As a reasonably attractive young woman, I know that I won't have to go far to find a willing sex partner and that many people I know could be seduced if I were single and had the urge. But men have a hard time finding women who want to have anonymous sexual trysts.

I like to imagine that my boyfriend and I could switch bodies for a day. Then I'd have my partner and we could explore together.
Contributor: Not here Not here
I'm sure given the opportunity, most people would want to see what it would be like to trade places with someone of the opposite sex for a day, a week, or an hour. I definitely wouldn't want to be a guy forever though, I love all the perks of being a girl, despite the downfalls!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I wouldn't want to be a man forever, but my fiance and I talk about this all the time wishing that we could show the other what it felt like.
Contributor: RadRach RadRach
I agree with SexxySarah!!! Im so curious! haha

I would love to be the opposite sex for a while. I think it would be a lot of fun and i would tear some pussy up. I know it would feel very good.
Contributor: Madeira Madeira
I'd like to be able to switch at will, I'm always a femme, and frankly almost always a bottom but I'm genderqueer and sometimes feel like a really girly dude. I'd also like to try out some male masturbators that look like they'd feel really good.
Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
Every time I see this thread, I'm reminded of this scene from The L Word...

Alice: A fairy godmother comes to visit. She tells you she’s gonna give you a penis….you can only get it for 24 hours, and then it disappears. What do you do with that penis for 24 hours?

Shane: I would pee, standing up on every bush I could find.

Dana: That's all you would do. Just pee?

Shane: Yep.

Jenny: You really wouldn't try to fuck a lot of girls?

Shane: I don't need a dick to do that.
Contributor: Danielle1220 Danielle1220
I'd like to try just for one day. I love being a woman.
Contributor: ButchAndFemme ButchAndFemme
I can't even imagine how fun it would be to try out!
Contributor: SXEKAT SXEKAT
I've always pondered over this. I think it would be fun to try out being the opposite sex as long as no problems would occur like busting a nut over something or the awkwardness of having a woman come up to me saying there pregnant But the experience would probably be fascinating.
Contributor: lamira lamira
I would love to be male for a little while. Different perspective. And I've always loved menswear. I would love wearing suits and ties.
Contributor: Matheri89 Matheri89
Honestly, I'd probably just sit in front of a mirror all day playing with my boobs
Contributor: luvinluv luvinluv
My BF and I role play and to actualy switch bodies for a night would blow our minds,I am sure of it!!!
Contributor: Lif3sambiguity Lif3sambiguity
IT would personally be a nightmare for me,real dicks are nasty, guys (most) are nasty, anyone else think they resemble a snail, a dick that is? Yuck!
Contributor: Lavendar Menace Lavendar Menace
Oh, yes! I'd love to try out being male!

During the full moon, transform into a dude like a werewolf!Or instead of menstruating, once a month, you transform into a guy for a week!
Contributor: kermi91 kermi91
I would LOVE to try it out in large part because I think I would be a great with a penis (since I like to think I'm a pro with a strap-on)! However, it would have to be temporary because I'm way too attached to my boobs. And so is my partner.
Contributor: Lady Neshamah Lady Neshamah
seems like it would be fun to try.
Contributor: Rainbow Boy Rainbow Boy
I think it would be cool to try it out for a short time, but I would never be able to give up my penis and my prostate!
Contributor: darkkitty darkkitty
Originally posted by Timaree
You can switch bodies with the other sex (assume there's just male and female for this) for a few days or weeks, do you do it?
I would love to see what it is like to be a man!