Never tried it and don't plan on it.
fisting... raise your hand!?
My partner and I have tried it, but we've encountered some difficulties along the way and haven't had the opportunity to try again.
I've never done it, but I guess I would. Not something I really put much thought into.
I have fisted two chicks who just loved it, and one has tried to fist me but she kept getting stuck on my pelvic bone.
Cat E.
I have no interest in letting someone do this to me.
I fisted my friend after a fetish party and he was really into it. I'm primarily attracted to women so I was surprised at how into it I was, as well. It took a ton of lube and a lot of time but I think the experience, being a first for both of us, brought us closer as friends.
My only experience with vaginal fisting is fisting myself, which was great. So I'm super excited about gaining more experience as a fister/fistee.
My only experience with vaginal fisting is fisting myself, which was great. So I'm super excited about gaining more experience as a fister/fistee.
My GFs pussy is already nice and tight...I don't want to stretch it nor does she.