This is related to the poll "Period Sex" and I was just wondering what people's opinion on doing oral sex during a period. For women who vote, just assume your speaking of letting your partner go down on you.
Featured by EdenFantasys
Oral sex while she's on her period?
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Engaging topic analysis of Oral sex enhancers:
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Guys - Do you want your significant other to put toys or fingers in your anus during foreplay? sometimes or never?
Big head, small mouth.
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What gets you off most?
During oral, a number of things can be pleasing and stimulating, but what gets you off most?
Old habits, do they determine current preferences.
To all, I was wondering how old experiences determine current and future preferences sexually. It has been a long time since I have been able to...
If you enjoy a flavored lube for oral, does the COLOR matter???
For instance, if you enjoy a LEMON flavored lube, does it have to be YELLOW to enhance your enjoyment, or do you prefer it be CLEAR???
Guys - do you want your significant other to put toys or finger in your anus during foeplay? sonetimes or never?
Guys - Do you want your significant other to put toys or fingers in your anus during foreplay? sometimes or never?
Big head, small mouth.
Can anyone suggest some mouth exercises or something to help strengthen, stretch, and loosen my jaw?
This is one line I won't cross. NOT interested in getting my red-wings, thanks.
Used to be Sigel never minded but after I had kids certain changes in my cycle made it a bit yuck for him. I have trouble convincing either guy to do anything when I am on my period...they are afraid of the cramps. Well ok what they are afraid of is the post cramp removal of scrotal bits that I've threatened...
Ew. Naw, dude. Just...naw. I would never want my boyfriend to do that. I have to kiss that mouth.
no..defiantly not I love the guy but that's way to personal for me
No, no, no, and did I mention...NO WAY.
I would normally say that I am open to most things, but this combines 2 very personal things--receiving oral and my period--and I know without a doubt I would be unable to do so comfortably. I don't think it has anything to do with my self-image or what is 'right' or 'appropriate', only my own peace of mind.
I absolutely love to. There are actually quite a few threads on this very topic!
I voted for my boyfriend. He's okay with it, but it's not something he seeks out. It really depends on the sexual mood that we're in at the time.
I just mentioned the "Instead" cup in another thread. It's not a tampon so there's no strings hanging out to floss with. If you wanted oral sex during menstruation, this would be the way to do it with a fair amount of reassurance that nothing will leak out.
Ok if you are talking about him doing it as no-I'd puke on him and I'm pretty sure he would puke on me too. Gross.
BUT, he has given oral to the clit and outside vulva while on my period. That is fine with me.
BUT, he has given oral to the clit and outside vulva while on my period. That is fine with me.
My husband has not done this, and has no intention of doing it. It's gross to him.
Being pansexual though, I've been with a few women before, and gone down on them during their period. It's not a "gross" thing to me, it's just a natural thing. I don't see the need to avoid my partner for a week or so just because of her period. I do understand it when others don't want to do it though. To each their own.
Being pansexual though, I've been with a few women before, and gone down on them during their period. It's not a "gross" thing to me, it's just a natural thing. I don't see the need to avoid my partner for a week or so just because of her period. I do understand it when others don't want to do it though. To each their own.
Ewww, I know my bf likes his meats pretty much rare, but not this one!
Yeah that's what I meant.. I should have mentioned that.
Originally posted by
Ok if you are talking about him doing it as no-I'd puke on him and I'm pretty sure he would puke on me too. Gross.
BUT, he has given oral to the clit and outside vulva while on my period. That is fine with me.
BUT, he has given oral to the clit and outside vulva while on my period. That is fine with me.
I wish there was an in between one as I don't like it as much but I still enjoy it. My wife doesn't have me go down there too often during her period though but I would if she asked.
I personally wouldn't feel to comfortable with it even if my partner would want to. I don't think I would be able to let go enough to truly enjoy it
My wife and I agree on this one - she would never agree to it - and would not if asked. That wouldn't stop me from doing a clit-lick'n - but she uses her period as a resting time. Luckily she comes out of her period ready to get hot again!
Yeah, I love the cup for that. Nobody has ever gone down on my during my period, but I like that I can get wet, and it's going to be completely clear.
Originally posted by
I just mentioned the "Instead" cup in another thread. It's not a tampon so there's no strings hanging out to floss with. If you wanted oral sex during menstruation, this would be the way to do it with a fair amount of reassurance
I just mentioned the "Instead" cup in another thread. It's not a tampon so there's no strings hanging out to floss with. If you wanted oral sex during menstruation, this would be the way to do it with a fair amount of reassurance that nothing will leak out.
It doesn't bother My Man at all. I used to say, "You don't have to go Down if you don't want to." when I was having my period. His attitude is, he's getting laid, just turn out the light and put down a maroon towel and he can shower afterward.
Originally posted by
This is related to the poll "Period Sex" and I was just wondering what people's opinion on doing oral sex during a period. For women who vote, just assume your speaking of letting your partner go down on you.
I get really horny when I have my period, so I am not complaining. I always take a hot bath right before to kind of stem the flow, but when you come, stuff happens. Never bothers him at all. He loves cunnilingus, no matter how, when or why.
Voted for my boyfriend.
Seriously, I do not get people's problem with this. Just do it with a cup/tampon in. You never have to come in contact with blood, ever. It used to squick out my boyfriend (even though he went down on me multiple times without even knowing I was bleeding), but over time I helped him see that blood is just blood, and there is nothing gross about my period.
Seriously, I do not get people's problem with this. Just do it with a cup/tampon in. You never have to come in contact with blood, ever. It used to squick out my boyfriend (even though he went down on me multiple times without even knowing I was bleeding), but over time I helped him see that blood is just blood, and there is nothing gross about my period.
My ex never cared as far as going down on me when I was on my period. He just told me to put a tampon in lol. I've never heard of this cup you all speak of, where is this thread?
As far as sex we really didn't care about blood at all. When I did have periods they were very light anyways. Now I am on the depo shot and I don't even bleed at all so it doesn't really matter any more
As far as sex we really didn't care about blood at all. When I did have periods they were very light anyways. Now I am on the depo shot and I don't even bleed at all so it doesn't really matter any more
I refuse, and every female I have been in a relationship with has never asked me to do so; however, I have no problem stimulating with my fingers.

I too voted for my bf. He has no problem with it. I always use tampons anyhow and it's normally clitoral stimulation. Sometimes that leads to sex, sometimes it doesn't. Just throw down a towel. It's just skin, it cleans up nicely.
Note though, my period pretty much consists of one heavy day and two days of very light flow. I feel for the gals that bleed heavily.
Note though, my period pretty much consists of one heavy day and two days of very light flow. I feel for the gals that bleed heavily.
Check this thread: link
Originally posted by
My ex never cared as far as going down on me when I was on my period. He just told me to put a tampon in lol. I've never heard of this cup you all speak of, where is this thread?
As far as sex we really didn't care about blood at all. ... more
As far as sex we really didn't care about blood at all. ... more
My ex never cared as far as going down on me when I was on my period. He just told me to put a tampon in lol. I've never heard of this cup you all speak of, where is this thread?
As far as sex we really didn't care about blood at all. When I did have periods they were very light anyways. Now I am on the depo shot and I don't even bleed at all so it doesn't really matter any more less
As far as sex we really didn't care about blood at all. When I did have periods they were very light anyways. Now I am on the depo shot and I don't even bleed at all so it doesn't really matter any more less
I find the idea entirely gross. I wouldn't perform oral sex on a woman if she's on her period and I would be squicked out if a guy I was with wanted to go down on me then. His mouth would go nowhere near mine afterward.
oh! Well, this whole poll is kind of FUBAR then lol.
Originally posted by
Yeah that's what I meant.. I should have mentioned that.
He says he'd be ok with doing it, but I don't even like my vag when it's all bloody, and I sure as heck don't want his mouth that I have to kiss anywhere near it, lol
I use a Lunette cup (had a Diva cup for 2 yrs before that). I've also used Insteads. All of them work better than tampons at keeping things clean and blood-free. My husband has given me oral plenty of times while I was on my period and had the cup inserted.
Way to gross! You eventually wanta kiss that mouth!!