Are you a screamer? What kind of noises do you make when you orgasm? If any.

Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Some of us are outright screamers, some quiet as a mouse (I assume mice don't scream when they Come, I could be wrong) others grunt or cry or do other things. What reactions, vocally do you find yourself doing when the Big Moment Comes?

Please choose one from the first three and then as many from the rest as you like.

Your names will be presented, no protecting the Guilty.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I'm a male and I......
ToyTimeTim , Kindred , Passionate Pastor , B8trDude , Sir , Yoda , Gunsmoke , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , YoungGun , OhMy! , Onanist , Iskandur , Keegski , The Nakanas , Research , Lummox , Slashy1 , Blakiepoo , The Awesome Penguin , pfoof , markeagleone , thedude , Rainbow Boy , Lio , Fuzzycow , extrafun , Solar Ray , Vaccinium , cobiffle , Erotica Explorer , Adam02viper , The Curious Couple , stlouisxxx , angel142stx , Errant Venture , thebest , Lucky21 , Howells , jjonk , mmike , That Man from Mars , jeangel246 , systematicweasel , Ninja Bunny , excraft , dhig , allinonekid , T&A1987 , EdenJP , Jon S , Moein , BlooJay , PandJ , Stinkytofu10 , EnterTheFist , markwashere , jokerzwild , Stagger13 , sjclayton2912 , transboy , ud328 , CollegeFun2014 , treefrog88 , Ly-Ra , vegggies , John E W , L&P3040 , Jake'n'bake , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , ghent529 , mmmmm , Hallmar82 , Falsepast , wes , Incendiaire , amazon , Anteaterz , Zandrock , Layenna , konicaguy , Varmint , damnbul12 , pokefan15 , Fluffy Snuggles , Eugler , Rokmai , srexom
I'm a female and I....
P'Gell , Tori Rebel , gone77 , removedacnt , Blinker , Waterfall , Hannah Savage , Chilipepper , Not here , Pleasure Piratess , Coralbell , LuLu Love , Persephone's Addiction , Jul!a , aleong , Alicia , Dusk , sexysweetieshan , Lavender*Moon , Sammi , Airen Wolf , LikeSunshineDust , SydVicious , petite-n-sweet , Gatita , JPito , NightNight , LicentiouslyYours , Lady Venus , softkkisses , Liz2 , Darling Jen , Just Jen , Jenniae09 , Naughty Student , deltalima , Persephone Nightmare , firesinge , Armsjlove , Jesyra , s0fuckm3 , ZenaidaMacroura , joja , Destri , sumie , sweet sally , Tisbury , supersketchmachine , PurpleBerry , FVWhitechapel , Apinkjellybean04 , usmcwife99 , V.T.T , LittleBoPeep , Alegria , Lime , cherryredhead88 , rumordavis , OhMy! , Victoria , DeAnna , Madeira , EndlessFrost , Cecebee , Trashley , chocoqueen , clp , onehotmomma , mllebeauty , Jobthingy , butterflygirlxo , jujubee86 , Envy , Selective Sensualist , SweetSouthernGirl , happeegrl03 , Love Buzz , YvetteJeannine , Hot'n'Bothered , Sohotdinosaur , Pandahb , isisandshiva , null , SexyTabby , lamira , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Sweet-Justice , VampKitty , The Nakanas , ReadyAllTheTime , Raggedy Andie , HaDestro , Jill Ingoff , TiffyPixie , Taylor , Midway through , Tart , Shellz31 , sbon , mnc5051 , Pegglepuss , Airekah , Redboxbaby , soulrain , darthkitt3n , Lisa-Beth , Fannybutts , Libra , Faith , Kimbertrees , lemony , m4rshm3ll0z , MaryA , her.royal.redness , Danielle1220 , LavenderSkies , Kinkme , DustBunny , pinkzombie , MasterBlaster , Im'DLytFull , PropertyOfPotter , indiglo , UnknownGirl , rdytogo , ellejay , RemusHalifax , Miss Naughty Kitty , volpe bianca , C4ss , KnK , Fun Lover , RubenesqueAna , Latsyrc728 , nerdgirl , Misfit Momma , Geekhyena , BadassFatass , HouseWench , Xomandypantsxo , Gallowraven , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , cnspots , brandyst , PussyGalore , Ash1 , Michelle Menace , HoneyHoney , Curious Cloud , bunny love , NaturalWoman , Cream in the Cupcake , Linga , , Red Vinyl Kitty , KikiChrome , AlexaFish , VieuxCarre , LadyEarlGrey , sarahbear , Eeyor89 , vanillaSpice , VenusianThunder , Lady Neshamah , gothikstars , SexFeind22 , Dlynn , Lovelies , SexyStuff , Lady Marmelade , VanillaFreeSex , SweetyWench , ninaspinkturtle , Joie de Cherresse , BeautiFullFigured , Taylor Von , iCouple , Miss T , Choolz , liilii080 , *HisMrs* , alliegator , Fuck it. , MeliPixie , pineapplekatie , Crystalbabe , thegoldilocksincident , mystepmotherisafish , lick123 , solsticeviolet , Mz.GreenEyez , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , nicholandria , PiratePrincess , Eliza , NaughtyButterfly , Scarlette , jdloelo , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , Miss Jenn , BBW Talks Toys , honeybee7484 , Astia , Kitt Katt , Love Bites , CSEA , breathless , Purpleladybug , Miss Zombie , tigerkate , wetone123 , Smitty , sexygoddess , MaryExy , Rossie , Mommy2 , sexyk515 , Ajax , kawigrl , padmeamidala , toxie m , REDRUM , kelaaa33wish , Pixel , MorbidRainbow , Upskirt , Wondermom , chidoll , sixfootsex , mariedoll , Kiwidragon , *Ashley* , socceras , MrRainybowbow , K101 , Redheadinfla , Karen Affeldt , Miss Anonymous , Eucaly , Sex'и'Violence , curmudgeoncat , ToyGurl , Wyo Daisy , Rin (aka Nire) , LittleBird , sarki , TheeGirlNextDoor , Noira Celestia , bayosgirl , aliceinthehole , TheSlyFox , Kkay , Pinkhare , exploringthechimera , ringadinging , zracer , Sinfully , ThoughtsAblaze , v23 , BeautifulDarkness , LindseyDawn , Diabolical Kitty , DeliciousDrip , Screen Door , NewEnglandCouple , Bignuf , AndroAngel , Ansley , potstickers , Katastophy , domsub1993 , WhoopieDoo , mcl272 , Eva Schwaltz , Ms. Spice , Miss Morphine , CreamySweet , lacybutton , - Kira - , Snozzberries , MissMod , coconut1 , biancajames , LAndJ , Daemonin , winterseve , jedent , NarcissisticLust , shcoo , Orion , miss-miss , angiogenesis , Stephanie Majors , Darktragedy , jessi2 , hyacinthgirl , Breas , TameTemptress , True Pleasures , idunshire , Woman China , amie.snape , dks210 , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , 7Miles , (k)InkyIvy , MissMorrigan , SugarAndSpice , Greenleaf , dbm6907 , SmutGeek , oneeyedoctopus , Lano4ka , All His , Mrs.Giggity , Positwist , hall5885 , underHim , melissa1973 , RomanticGoth , BiJess , ghalik , SizeQueenAndProud , Bethy Cassatt , SubmissiveFeminist , kittycatgirl , pasdechat , Sangsara , ciderspider , PDXlady , jennifur77 , Mew , EmilyIsSexy , Mwar , 12345678 , sunkissedJess , Missmarc , turquoise , Sex Positivity , sweetpea12 , theavocadopit , VelvetDragon , Emerlyn , Amber1w , elli , Peggi , LoveBug721 , Love Obsessed , SMichelle , Jake'n'bake , MissBre , RTC , pootpootpoot , xMila , MaeGal , alittlebit , pirata , hot lil momma , sexykiss , Chami , Ilovelingerie , Dixiemomma , gloomybear , EdenUser , CindyH , Benzedrine , quackbuster , Femme Mystique , MissCandyland , mjtheprincess , shoutitout87 , RiahPapaya , Girly Juice , CaliGirl , , animepanda89 , cryinglightning86 , Liberalqueer , CadmiumKitty , amazon , Heatherbipoly , Undecided , HotMama2three , HannahPanda , marshmallow , KRD , ksparkles16 , Melan!e , Modern^Spank^Anthem , vanilla&chocolate , kitty1949 , collifornia , panthercat23 , Experiment , AK Bunny , Lovely Jubblies , icyqueen , amplified to rock , Supervixen , travelnurse , Katelyn , Leather & Lace , AliMc , Shayla , Feisty , novanilla , cburger , Rory , Bittenflame , Meido , edeneve , MrsHouseWife , Apirka , SexToys-R-Us , satanicumshot , libra777 , LunaLuthor , Fluffy Snuggles , nosrslylol , Geogeo , Xerobound , evie.amor , Cat E. , breakfastonpluto , LoneOokami , Hummingbird , SecretKinksters , old but not dead , sweisb4100 , brandi2009 , TiffanyW , sophia430 , Lildrummrgurl7 , surreptitious , sillylilkitten , CoffeeButton , DolphinGirl , Madsinner , KrissyNovacaine
I'm Transgendered and I....
Kinkyquing , MistressDandelion , transboy , Thomas90 , Ly-Ra , Anteaterz , butts , Llewey , glassdoll
P'Gell , Tori Rebel , gone77 , removedacnt , Blinker , Waterfall , Chilipepper , Not here , Jul!a , Sammi , Airen Wolf , JPito , Liz , LicentiouslyYours , Lady Venus , Liz2 , Just Jen , Jenniae09 , Persephone Nightmare , s0fuckm3 , joja , sweet sally , Tisbury , supersketchmachine , usmcwife99 , Alegria , Lime , cherryredhead88 , Victoria , Madeira , Cecebee , Trashley , mllebeauty , mrs.mckrakn , happeegrl03 , Love Buzz , null , SexyTabby , lamira , Sweet-Justice , Raggedy Andie , Jill Ingoff , Tart , Pegglepuss , Airekah , soulrain , lemony , m4rshm3ll0z , Danielle1220 , LavenderSkies , Kinkme , pinkzombie , MasterBlaster , indiglo , rdytogo , ellejay , RemusHalifax , Miss Naughty Kitty , Fun Lover , RubenesqueAna , HouseWench , Angel deSanguine , Xomandypantsxo , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , cnspots , brandyst , PussyGalore , Michelle Menace , bunny love , KikiChrome , AlexaFish , VieuxCarre , LadyEarlGrey , Eeyor89 , Lady Neshamah , SexFeind22 , ninaspinkturtle , Joie de Cherresse , liilii080 , MeliPixie , pineapplekatie , Crystalbabe , Mz.GreenEyez , nicholandria , PiratePrincess , NaughtyButterfly , Scarlette , Kitt Katt , breathless , wetone123 , Smitty , MorbidRainbow , Wondermom , sixfootsex , socceras , K101 , Eucaly , curmudgeoncat , Wyo Daisy , LittleBird , aliceinthehole , TheSlyFox , exploringthechimera , v23 , LindseyDawn , Diabolical Kitty , DeliciousDrip , frisky069 , NewEnglandCouple , Ansley , WhoopieDoo , mcl272 , Ms. Spice , CreamySweet , Snozzberries , biancajames , Daemonin , Orion , inmytoybox , angiogenesis , jessi2 , hyacinthgirl , idunshire , Woman China , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , 7Miles , MissMorrigan , SugarAndSpice , Lano4ka , All His , Mrs.Giggity , hall5885 , MistressDandelion , Bethy Cassatt , SubmissiveFeminist , PDXlady , Missmarc , Amber1w , Love Obsessed , Jake'n'bake , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , sexykiss , Chami , Ilovelingerie , Dixiemomma , Femme Mystique , mjtheprincess , Liberalqueer , amazon , Heatherbipoly , Undecided , HotMama2three , HannahPanda , KRD , Melan!e , collifornia , panthercat23 , Layenna , novanilla , Rory , MrsHouseWife , Apirka , satanicumshot , LunaLuthor , SecretKinksters , pixiedustVixen , CoffeeButton , Madsinner
P'Gell , Tori Rebel , gone77 , removedacnt , Blinker , Hannah Savage , Chilipepper , ToyTimeTim , Not here , Pleasure Piratess , Jul!a , Airen Wolf , JPito , NightNight , LicentiouslyYours , Lady Venus , Liz2 , Naughty Student , Persephone Nightmare , Armsjlove , s0fuckm3 , joja , Tisbury , supersketchmachine , FVWhitechapel , usmcwife99 , V.T.T , Alegria , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , cherryredhead88 , Trashley , jujubee86 , Love Buzz , YvetteJeannine , The Nakanas , Raggedy Andie , HaDestro , Jill Ingoff , mnc5051 , Pegglepuss , Faith , lemony , m4rshm3ll0z , Danielle1220 , LavenderSkies , rdytogo , KnK , Angel deSanguine , Xomandypantsxo , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , cnspots , brandyst , bunny love , AlexaFish , Eeyor89 , Lady Neshamah , gothikstars , pineapplekatie , Mz.GreenEyez , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , BBW Talks Toys , MorbidRainbow , mariedoll , Kiwidragon , Redheadinfla , Karen Affeldt , Eucaly , Wyo Daisy , aliceinthehole , Lucky21 , Diabolical Kitty , WhoopieDoo , mcl272 , Snozzberries , biancajames , Daemonin , winterseve , hyacinthgirl , Stinkytofu10 , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , 7Miles , MissMorrigan , SmutGeek , Lano4ka , All His , Mrs.Giggity , hall5885 , SubmissiveFeminist , PDXlady , 12345678 , Missmarc , vegggies , elli , Chami , Benzedrine , mjtheprincess , Liberalqueer , CadmiumKitty , amazon , Heatherbipoly , KRD , Melan!e , Tork48309 , panthercat23 , AK Bunny , konicaguy , Apirka , SecretKinksters , KrissyNovacaine
Swear or curse
P'Gell , Tori Rebel , gone77 , removedacnt , Blinker , Hannah Savage , Not here , Persephone's Addiction , Jul!a , aleong , Alicia , Sammi , Airen Wolf , NightNight , LicentiouslyYours , Lady Venus , Liz2 , Persephone Nightmare , s0fuckm3 , joja , Destri , Tisbury , supersketchmachine , Sir , usmcwife99 , V.T.T , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , cherryredhead88 , Victoria , Madeira , Trashley , mrs.mckrakn , Love Buzz , lamira , Raggedy Andie , HaDestro , Tart , Shellz31 , mnc5051 , Pegglepuss , soulrain , Faith , Kimbertrees , m4rshm3ll0z , her.royal.redness , Danielle1220 , LavenderSkies , pinkzombie , indiglo , UnknownGirl , rdytogo , RemusHalifax , Miss Naughty Kitty , volpe bianca , KnK , Fun Lover , RubenesqueAna , Angel deSanguine , Xomandypantsxo , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , cnspots , brandyst , PussyGalore , Curious Cloud , bunny love , NaturalWoman , Red Vinyl Kitty , AlexaFish , VieuxCarre , sarahbear , Eeyor89 , VenusianThunder , Lady Neshamah , Lovelies , VanillaFreeSex , ninaspinkturtle , Miss T , Choolz , pineapplekatie , Crystalbabe , Mz.GreenEyez , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , PiratePrincess , Eliza , Scarlette , jdloelo , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , Miss Jenn , BBW Talks Toys , breathless , cobiffle , Miss Zombie , Smitty , Rossie , Adam02viper , kelaaa33wish , Pixel , Wondermom , chidoll , mariedoll , Kiwidragon , socceras , angel142stx , ToyGurl , thebest , aliceinthehole , Lucky21 , v23 , Diabolical Kitty , DeliciousDrip , Screen Door , That Man from Mars , jeangel246 , systematicweasel , Ninja Bunny , Ansley , WhoopieDoo , mcl272 , Ms. Spice , - Kira - , Snozzberries , biancajames , Daemonin , NarcissisticLust , inmytoybox , hyacinthgirl , idunshire , Woman China , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , EnterTheFist , 7Miles , Lano4ka , All His , Mrs.Giggity , Positwist , hall5885 , sjclayton2912 , SubmissiveFeminist , kittycatgirl , ciderspider , PDXlady , 12345678 , CollegeFun2014 , turquoise , Sex Positivity , sweetpea12 , Peggi , Jake'n'bake , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , MaeGal , alittlebit , Hallmar82 , Chami , gloomybear , quackbuster , Femme Mystique , mjtheprincess , Girly Juice , cryinglightning86 , Liberalqueer , Heatherbipoly , Anteaterz , HannahPanda , marshmallow , KRD , Modern^Spank^Anthem , kitty1949 , panthercat23 , Layenna , ginainohio , Supervixen , Katelyn , damnbul12 , Bittenflame , butts , Apirka , SexToys-R-Us , satanicumshot , Geogeo , evie.amor , LoneOokami , Eugler , SecretKinksters , glassdoll
Cry or sob
P'Gell , gone77 , Blinker , Sammi , NightNight , LicentiouslyYours , Naughty Student , Persephone Nightmare , usmcwife99 , cherryredhead88 , Madeira , mllebeauty , Love Buzz , Sweet-Justice , The Nakanas , Redboxbaby , indiglo , ellejay , volpe bianca , BadassFatass , Angel deSanguine , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , HoneyHoney , Red Vinyl Kitty , AlexaFish , Fuck it. , Crystalbabe , Eliza , breathless , wetone123 , sixfootsex , Eucaly , ToyGurl , WhoopieDoo , Snozzberries , biancajames , angiogenesis , hyacinthgirl , idunshire , 7Miles , Mrs.Giggity , jennifur77 , elli , Falsepast , quackbuster , animepanda89 , Undecided , HannahPanda , marshmallow
gone77 , Blinker , ToyTimeTim , Not here , Jul!a , Kindred , aleong , Airen Wolf , LicentiouslyYours , B8trDude , Lady Venus , Armsjlove , s0fuckm3 , joja , Tisbury , Sir , V.T.T , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , OhMy! , Love Buzz , Research , Tart , mnc5051 , soulrain , indiglo , KnK , Latsyrc728 , HouseWench , cnspots , PussyGalore , HoneyHoney , bunny love , AlexaFish , VieuxCarre , Rainbow Boy , Lady Neshamah , Lio , VanillaFreeSex , MeliPixie , Mz.GreenEyez , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , Vaccinium , BBW Talks Toys , Erotica Explorer , Adam02viper , chidoll , stlouisxxx , Eucaly , ToyGurl , Lucky21 , Diabolical Kitty , Ninja Bunny , Ansley , excraft , WhoopieDoo , Snozzberries , biancajames , hyacinthgirl , idunshire , Woman China , Stinkytofu10 , EnterTheFist , 7Miles , Mrs.Giggity , Positwist , hall5885 , sjclayton2912 , SizeQueenAndProud , kittycatgirl , treefrog88 , Peggi , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , ghent529 , Hallmar82 , Falsepast , Girly Juice , cryinglightning86 , Heatherbipoly , Modern^Spank^Anthem , vanilla&chocolate , Apirka , LunaLuthor , Fluffy Snuggles , SecretKinksters , Rokmai
Moan and Groan
gone77 , removedacnt , Blinker , Waterfall , Hannah Savage , ToyTimeTim , Not here , Pleasure Piratess , Coralbell , LuLu Love , Jul!a , Kindred , aleong , Alicia , Airen Wolf , Passionate Pastor , Avant-garde , LikeSunshineDust , SydVicious , petite-n-sweet , Gatita , JPito , NightNight , Liz , LicentiouslyYours , B8trDude , Lady Venus , Liz2 , Darling Jen , Jenniae09 , Naughty Student , deltalima , Persephone Nightmare , Armsjlove , Jesyra , s0fuckm3 , joja , sumie , sweet sally , Tisbury , supersketchmachine , FVWhitechapel , Sir , Yoda , usmcwife99 , Gunsmoke , V.T.T , LittleBoPeep , Alegria , Lime , carolinagirl33 , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , cherryredhead88 , YoungGun , OhMy! , Victoria , DeAnna , Onanist , Madeira , RadRach , Cecebee , Trashley , chocoqueen , xxFinallyxxLoved , onehotmomma , mllebeauty , Jobthingy , jujubee86 , Selective Sensualist , mrs.mckrakn , SweetSouthernGirl , happeegrl03 , Love Buzz , YvetteJeannine , Hot'n'Bothered , Sohotdinosaur , Pandahb , isisandshiva , null , SexyTabby , lamira , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Sweet-Justice , VampKitty , The Nakanas , ReadyAllTheTime , Raggedy Andie , HaDestro , Jill Ingoff , TiffyPixie , Midway through , Tart , Shellz31 , Kinkyquing , sbon , mnc5051 , Pegglepuss , Redboxbaby , soulrain , darthkitt3n , Libra , Faith , Kimbertrees , lemony , m4rshm3ll0z , MaryA , her.royal.redness , Danielle1220 , LavenderSkies , Slashy1 , DustBunny , PropertyOfPotter , indiglo , UnknownGirl , rdytogo , ellejay , RemusHalifax , Miss Naughty Kitty , volpe bianca , C4ss , KnK , Fun Lover , RubenesqueAna , Latsyrc728 , The Awesome Penguin , nerdgirl , Geekhyena , BadassFatass , HouseWench , jankit , dbtracy , Angel deSanguine , Xomandypantsxo , Gallowraven , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , cnspots , CantankerousUnagi , brandyst , PussyGalore , Ash1 , Michelle Menace , HoneyHoney , Curious Cloud , bunny love , NaturalWoman , Cream in the Cupcake , , Red Vinyl Kitty , AlexaFish , VieuxCarre , LadyEarlGrey , sarahbear , Eeyor89 , Rainbow Boy , VenusianThunder , Lady Neshamah , gothikstars , SexFeind22 , Dlynn , Lovelies , Lio , Lady Marmelade , Fuzzycow , VanillaFreeSex , SweetyWench , extrafun , ninaspinkturtle , Joie de Cherresse , Taylor Von , iCouple , Miss T , Choolz , liilii080 , *HisMrs* , alliegator , MeliPixie , pineapplekatie , Crystalbabe , Totogrl , lick123 , solsticeviolet , Mz.GreenEyez , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , nicholandria , PiratePrincess , Eliza , NaughtyButterfly , Scarlette , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , Miss Jenn , BBW Talks Toys , honeybee7484 , Astia , Love Bites , CSEA , breathless , Purpleladybug , Erotica Explorer , Miss Zombie , wetone123 , Smitty , sexygoddess , MaryExy , Rossie , Mommy2 , Adam02viper , padmeamidala , toxie m , REDRUM , kelaaa33wish , The Curious Couple , Pixel , MorbidRainbow , Upskirt , Wondermom , chidoll , sixfootsex , mariedoll , Kiwidragon , *Ashley* , socceras , stlouisxxx , K101 , Karen Affeldt , Miss Anonymous , angel142stx , Eucaly , Sex'и'Violence , curmudgeoncat , Errant Venture , ToyGurl , Wyo Daisy , Rin (aka Nire) , LittleBird , sarki , thebest , TheeGirlNextDoor , Noira Celestia , bayosgirl , aliceinthehole , TheSlyFox , Kkay , Lucky21 , exploringthechimera , Sinfully , ThoughtsAblaze , v23 , BeautifulDarkness , Howells , Diabolical Kitty , DeliciousDrip , frisky069 , Screen Door , jjonk , NewEnglandCouple , Bignuf , jeangel246 , Ninja Bunny , Ansley , excraft , potstickers , dhig , Katastophy , domsub1993 , WhoopieDoo , mcl272 , Ms. Spice , Miss Morphine , CreamySweet , lacybutton , PrettyPurple , Snozzberries , sweetiejo , MissMod , coconut1 , biancajames , LAndJ , Daemonin , winterseve , jedent , EdenJP , NarcissisticLust , Moein , Orion , miss-miss , Stephanie Majors , Darktragedy , hyacinthgirl , Breas , TameTemptress , idunshire , Woman China , dks210 , Stinkytofu10 , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , EnterTheFist , 7Miles , (k)InkyIvy , MissMorrigan , SugarAndSpice , samanthalynn , dbm6907 , T-n-T , fredacarl , SmutGeek , kroucena , Lano4ka , All His , Mrs.Giggity , Positwist , hall5885 , Stagger13 , melissa1973 , MistressDandelion , sjclayton2912 , SizeQueenAndProud , Bethy Cassatt , SubmissiveFeminist , kittycatgirl , pasdechat , Sangsara , ciderspider , PDXlady , jennifur77 , EmilyIsSexy , 12345678 , Thomas90 , sunkissedJess , turquoise , Sex Positivity , sweetpea12 , Ly-Ra , VelvetDragon , vegggies , Amber1w , elli , Peggi , John E W , L&P3040 , LoveBug721 , Love Obsessed , SMichelle , Jake'n'bake , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , MissBre , RTC , ghent529 , xMila , MaeGal , alittlebit , mmmmm , Hallmar82 , pirata , hot lil momma , sexykiss , Chami , Falsepast , Ilovelingerie , Dixiemomma , gloomybear , Benzedrine , quackbuster , Femme Mystique , MissCandyland , mjtheprincess , RiahPapaya , Girly Juice , animepanda89 , cryinglightning86 , Liberalqueer , CadmiumKitty , amazon , Heatherbipoly , Undecided , Anteaterz , Zandrock , marshmallow , KRD , ksparkles16 , Melan!e , Modern^Spank^Anthem , vanilla&chocolate , kitty1949 , collifornia , panthercat23 , Experiment , AK Bunny , Layenna , Lovely Jubblies , konicaguy , jr2012 , amplified to rock , Varmint , Supervixen , travelnurse , Katelyn , AliMc , Shayla , Feisty , novanilla , cburger , Rory , Bittenflame , Meido , edeneve , MrsHouseWife , Apirka , SexToys-R-Us , Llewey , satanicumshot , libra777 , LunaLuthor , Fluffy Snuggles , Geogeo , Xerobound , evie.amor , Cat E. , Hummingbird , SecretKinksters , Rokmai , old but not dead , srexom , sweisb4100 , brandi2009 , TiffanyW , sophia430 , Lildrummrgurl7 , glassdoll , surreptitious , sillylilkitten , DolphinGirl , Madsinner , KrissyNovacaine
I usually make no noise at all
Dusk , ZenaidaMacroura , Iskandur , EndlessFrost , Cecebee , clp , Keegski , butterflygirlxo , Envy , isisandshiva , SexyTabby , The Nakanas , Fannybutts , Lummox , Kimbertrees , flamefire , Blakiepoo , Misfit Momma , pfoof , vanillaSpice , SapphirexIce , Fuck it. , mystepmotherisafish , Solar Ray , tigerkate , MaryExy , Adam02viper , Ajax , REDRUM , MrRainybowbow , Errant Venture , Rin (aka Nire) , thebest , Noira Celestia , ringadinging , zracer , mmike , lacybutton , T&A1987 , BlooJay , TameTemptress , PandJ , amie.snape , markwashere , oneeyedoctopus , jokerzwild , MistressDandelion , ghalik , pasdechat , Mew , transboy , CollegeFun2014 , sweetpea12 , Ly-Ra , Emerlyn , pootpootpoot , alittlebit , Amber1319 , EdenUser , CindyH , wes , shoutitout87 , Incendiaire , , ksparkles16 , icyqueen , nosrslylol , breakfastonpluto , srexom , Lildrummrgurl7 , sillylilkitten
Other....I want details
Tori Rebel , Blinker , Hannah Savage , Coralbell , sexysweetieshan , Lavender*Moon , Airen Wolf , LikeSunshineDust , Gatita , LicentiouslyYours , Jenniae09 , firesinge , supersketchmachine , PurpleBerry , Sir , cherryredhead88 , isisandshiva , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Taylor , mnc5051 , mandybeth , Faith , KnK , HouseWench , markeagleone , Linga , Red Vinyl Kitty , Lady Neshamah , SexyStuff , BeautiFullFigured , Fuck it. , MeliPixie , thegoldilocksincident , tigerkate , wetone123 , kawigrl , SexyLilPixi , curmudgeoncat , ToyGurl , Rin (aka Nire) , Kkay , zracer , AndroAngel , WhoopieDoo , Anonymous.Brunette , Eva Schwaltz , lacybutton , allinonekid , shcoo , True Pleasures , cocomo , EnterTheFist , (k)InkyIvy , Greenleaf , underHim , RomanticGoth , MistressDandelion , ghalik , Mwar , ud328 , Peggi , RTC , pootpootpoot , Chami , MissCandyland , cryinglightning86 , Layenna , Leather & Lace , Llewey , LoneOokami , Eugler , SecretKinksters
Total votes: 1706 (557 voters)
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Best shaving gel or cream?
I'm looking for a shaving gel or cream that helps reduce razor burn.

Bruise Cream specifically for the BDSM crowd?
Is there such a thing as an anti-bruising cream marketed to the BDSM crowd? Most of the ones I've come across smell terrible, it would be awesome if..

What's your favorite position?
Whats yours?

Cream Pie Porn
Any know know of a good porno on eden? Any other sites i should look into?

Ice Cream
What flavor of ice cream is in your freezer right now? Do you have condoments for your ice cream (such as sprinkles, syrup, cones, candy or nuts)?
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
I'm loud in general. Most times I scream or have a really high pitched...whine? It's hard to describe, but it's somewhere between a moan and a whine, it's definitely a very girly noise and I heard myself on video once and it almost sounds like someone is hurting me LOL
Contributor: gone77 gone77
I make all sorts of noises and it depends on how intense my orgasms are. Btw, I don't necessarily make the same sounds or have the same reactions to my orgasms, so my voting choices don't reflect what I do during one orgasm. lol
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
I'm just noisy, period! lol!
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
My body convulses and I kick. I have bruised my poor guy's shins and (eep!) face from my kickings. When I get very intense clitoral stimulation, it's like hitting a psycho-kick button on the back of a ninja doll. I go crazy. He loves it, of course, but I'm just scared I'll break furniture.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Mulder said I was the most vocal woman he had ever been with, and he said his apartment neighbors saluted him the days after my visits with him. I know my usual shtick is a gasping yell, sometimes a scream depending on what happened.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
I only yell when the house is empty.
Contributor: Not here Not here
I am LOUD! I don't realize how loud I can be at times, but I can definitely be a screamer if it's the right scenario. We live with my parents right now, so I need to invest in a new ball gag soon to shut me up. I've broken the last two I've had!!
Contributor: Jenniae09 Jenniae09
I kick, I scratch, I shake, and I scream or bite if trying to silence myself. If I know we're alone for a while I think less about not screaming and get more into the sex. Lately I haven't allowed myself to do that since I've had the cops called on us once for being too loud.
Contributor: Not here Not here
Originally posted by Jenniae09
I kick, I scratch, I shake, and I scream or bite if trying to silence myself. If I know we're alone for a while I think less about not screaming and get more into the sex. Lately I haven't allowed myself to do that since I've had the cops ... more
We had the neighbors below us in an apartment complex call the leasing office because they heard "loud intimate noises" coming from our apartment, which lead to us moving out. I feel your pain!
Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
I whimper, which freaked my partner out a little at first. He kept stopping and asking if he was hurting me.
Contributor: LuLu Love LuLu Love
I'd rather be loud but I usually have to control myself because there are people close by.
Contributor: Persephone's Addiction Persephone's Addiction
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who swears! I'm pretty loud, and my boyfriend gets a kick out of the weird noises he gets me to make (he called them squirrel noises once).
I say "oh fuck" quite a bit - I suppose "the f-word" is my ol' stand by when words fail me, both in and out of the bedroom. Other times, I go completely silent and stop breathing. Those are the REALLY good ones!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I've sworn from time to time, when I can actually cut back and let loose I can get pretty loud and he absolutely loves it. I'll go back and forth between almost full body spasms and staying completely still. The quieter I have to be, the more still I end up being too.
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
I usually make guttural sounds.
Contributor: Dusk Dusk
I've started making noise, but only because I've been trying really hard not to keep things back. Usually I'm totally silent; kinda like how I usually can't scream on roller coasters.
Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
I don't usually make too much noise. I breathe heavily and moan slightly. But not everytime.
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
I curse a lot, sometimes so much that I actually try to stop myself sometimes since I sound so much like a trucker. I also moan and say "oh! oh!" a lot LOL
Contributor: Lavender*Moon Lavender*Moon
For me it really depends on the day, time of day, etc. If it's an afternoon delight, I'm quiet (I'm sure the kids are already wondering why it sounds like we're jumping on the bed). Most times though, I get really demanding..."Harder", "Keep going", etc.
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
I'm very noisy - I can tell when I'm louder than normal because my husband always ends up covering my mouth .
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by P'Gell
Some of us are outright screamers, some quiet as a mouse (I assume mice don't scream when they Come, I could be wrong) others grunt or cry or do other things. What reactions, vocally do you find yourself doing when the Big Moment Comes? ... more
I do all but sob or cry....occasionally I will babble nonsense or grab the guy and tell him filthy wicked things.
Contributor: Jenniae09 Jenniae09
Originally posted by Not here
We had the neighbors below us in an apartment complex call the leasing office because they heard "loud intimate noises" coming from our apartment, which lead to us moving out. I feel your pain!
Wow! That's too bad, sex is healthy and a good thing. It's sad that you resulted in moving because of it, but soon enough you'll be able to enjoy it fully as we all hope!
Contributor: Passionate Pastor Passionate Pastor
I am not a screamer but love it when my wife is!!!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Lavender*Moon
For me it really depends on the day, time of day, etc. If it's an afternoon delight, I'm quiet (I'm sure the kids are already wondering why it sounds like we're jumping on the bed). Most times though, I get really ... more
OMG speaking of that funny story: One morning my oldest girl climbs out of her big girl bed and stalkes into the livingroom where her father and I are stumbling around. She puts her hands on her three year old hips and says, "How come you tell sissy and me not to jump on the bed but YOU get too?" I blinked and said, "Our bed is a special bed that only adults can jump on safely. Little girls get hurt when they jump on beds and fall off!" She thought for a minute and shrugged. Turned toward the kitchen and gave me her breakfast order...Sigel bowed before my UBER Motherliness.
Contributor: Not here Not here
Originally posted by Jenniae09
Wow! That's too bad, sex is healthy and a good thing. It's sad that you resulted in moving because of it, but soon enough you'll be able to enjoy it fully as we all hope!
Thanks! We already know where we're going to move, thankfully, it's just a matter of time. We know someone with an apartment above their detached garage.. so then I can be as loud as I want!!
Contributor: Avant-garde Avant-garde
I sometime moan.
Contributor: LikeSunshineDust LikeSunshineDust
I'm a wimper-er
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
OMG speaking of that funny story: One morning my oldest girl climbs out of her big girl bed and stalkes into the livingroom where her father and I are stumbling around. She puts her hands on her three year old hips and says, "How come you tell ... more
Yeah for UBER Motherliness.
Contributor: Gatita Gatita
I get super religious - "oh Goddddd, oh Goddddd", mixed in with some moans.