I've always taken it to be a different spelling of butt sex, which is far more fun to say than anal, in my opinion. My name has an "x" in it, and I sometimes spell it as a "cks" when I'm online or with friends who've adopted that spelling as an internet nickname of sorts. I don't think it's a college thing (I've been replacing my x since the beginning of high school); it's just a phonetic spelling.
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A friend of ours has a daughter who is a freshman at college. Her TWIN goes to a college over 1000 miles away. The one daughter said something about some girls at a party wanting to keep their "virginity" but being okay with "BUTT
A friend of ours has a daughter who is a freshman at college. Her TWIN goes to a college over 1000 miles away. The one daughter said something about some girls at a party wanting to keep their "virginity" but being okay with "BUTT SECKS" (pronounced BUT, SECHS). Her mom said "anal sex is still having sex..etc", but the one girl said "MOM..no one calls it ANAL anything, it is BUTT SECKS" (again, after she said it, she WROTE IT...exactly as I put it here. Her sister (again, different college, MILES away, said "OH YAH...that is how WE say it too".
I have never heard this one before..as my friend didn't either.
Okay, I know some of you are YOUNG enough to know...is this a new college term for anal play??? Is it a common term on campus???
Just curious. less
I have never heard this one before..as my friend didn't either.
Okay, I know some of you are YOUNG enough to know...is this a new college term for anal play??? Is it a common term on campus???
Just curious. less