Reviewers Spotlight - Beck and TheSinDoll

Contributor: Ansley Ansley

Hello there, and welcome to our fifth month long Reviewers Spotlight! How this is going to work is that you have all month long to ask our wonderful reviewers questions. They'll answer when they can, and you can keep asking until the end of the month!

This month's spotlight features Beck and TheSinDoll! Let's find out more about them!

Beck's biography:

Hello! I’m Beck or Becky. Becky is what everyone actually calls me. I only picked Beck as my screen name because Becky was already taken, but recently I have taken a liking to Beck. Now it’s my screen name for everything including my Xbox.

I was only introduced to Edenfantasys a little over a year ago. My husband hand been reading his monthly magazine for Maxim and saw this really cool toy. That ad was the Jopen Vanity Vr 6 and the ad landed me here. And I’m not going anywhere. The community here is just too awesome to leave.
I am the mother of two small boys. They are 3 and 1. My life wouldn’t be the same without them. Luckily, I get to stay at home with them all day. So, if you are wondering why my online status is always on….it’s because I’m always home. Even when I am not home; I am always connected to Eden. My phone goes off regularly when I receive and email alerts. My husband calls me an addict. He might be right.

I met my husband because of my uncle. He used to be really good friends with my uncle and my uncle introduced him to my father. Only my parents already knew him as they went to high school together. That is right! My husband is the same as my parents. Well, the age in between them. My mother was pregnant with me when my husband “should” have been graduating. (He dropped out instead.) I have two wonderful step children who see us whenever they can. College kids are always busy. My step children are only slightly younger than me. I am only 23 and they are 21 and 19.
I love animals. I have always had a soft spot for them. I have had some strange animals, scary animals, and adorable animals. I currently have 5 cats, 1 dog, and 4 fish. We would really like to have more exotic pets, but we just don’t have the space for them.

I don’t want to tell you too much more, so bring on the questions!

TheSinDoll's biography:

Here's a little insight and a few random facts about TheSinDoll: I'm a Southern girl - Alabama, to be exact. I'm a sex blogger who has spent a little over ten years exploring some really interesting aspects of kink. I used to work in Psychiatry. I'm a dog lover. I have my nipples pierced. Right now my focus is on BDSM education as I help to run my local group. I craft and make jewelry. I like working with clay. I've got a dry sense of humor and I'm pretty easy going. I like rigging and rope. I order pink toys. The Husband works cardiac and has an English and Psychology degree by default. I knew he was going to be the one for me on our first date. He said nothing about the popcorn and golf balls that covered the floor of my jeep.

If I could pry myself off of Eden and from dabbling in writing erotica - I might get around to starting that Etsy store. I'm sarcastic, but I'll try to help you in any way that I can. I always mean well. Eden is a cool place for me. I like learning and growing with my reviews; I really respect those who are willing to do the same. I think Eden offers a lot of different opportunities for a variety of people who are willing to explore everything they have to offer. I also really like putting fun things in my vagina. Questions?
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What did you use to find your prostate?
Just wondering how most people have found theirs.

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Contributor: puppylove puppylove
I'm so glad we are spot lighting the two of you! Love you guys! My question for the both of you, being dog/animal lovers, if you were a animal what kind/breed do you think you would be?
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by puppylove
I'm so glad we are spot lighting the two of you! Love you guys! My question for the both of you, being dog/animal lovers, if you were a animal what kind/breed do you think you would be?
I love you too!

That is a great question. Hummm??? I would have to say I would have to pick a cat. I'd want to be one of those huge 20+lbs cats. I'd have to be an orange cat with stripes. It would be nice to be lazy all day.
Contributor: puppylove puppylove
Originally posted by Beck
I love you too!

That is a great question. Hummm??? I would have to say I would have to pick a cat. I'd want to be one of those huge 20+lbs cats. I'd have to be an orange cat with stripes. It would be nice to be lazy all day.
Orange tabbys are the best!
Contributor: Buttercup Green Buttercup Green
You two are simply amazing!
My question is for the both of you. If you could only own one type (breed) of dog, what would you choose?
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Buttercup Green
You two are simply amazing!
My question is for the both of you. If you could only own one type (breed) of dog, what would you choose?
I'd want to be a German Shepard. They are just beautiful. They are absolutely my favorite type of dog.

You are amazing too!
Contributor: Lucifer the Cat Lucifer the Cat
Originally posted by puppylove
Orange tabbys are the best!
omg, AGREED.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by puppylove
I'm so glad we are spot lighting the two of you! Love you guys! My question for the both of you, being dog/animal lovers, if you were a animal what kind/breed do you think you would be?
I have no idea. I've owned everything from a pit who ate frogs to a chihuahua who wanted to sleep on a heating pad every night.

I don't like frogs and I never get that cold. I'm sticking with human.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by Buttercup Green
You two are simply amazing!
My question is for the both of you. If you could only own one type (breed) of dog, what would you choose?
Tough one. Right now I have a Chihuahua, a Rat Terrier, two Chia Rats, and a Yorkie Poo. If I didn't have any of the ones I have now, (meaning no connections) I'd probably take a female blue pit.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Beck
I love you too!

That is a great question. Hummm??? I would have to say I would have to pick a cat. I'd want to be one of those huge 20+lbs cats. I'd have to be an orange cat with stripes. It would be nice to be lazy all day.
I have an orange cat like that d=

What breed is your dog?
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by TheSinDoll
Tough one. Right now I have a Chihuahua, a Rat Terrier, two Chia Rats, and a Yorkie Poo. If I didn't have any of the ones I have now, (meaning no connections) I'd probably take a female blue pit.
Do you feel your background in psychiatry gives you any unique insight into your kink/kink in general?
Contributor: Vaginas Vaginas
beck, what's it like to have step children who are almost your age? do they like you? did they welcome you? did it make you feel strange to be so close in age?

(this is obviously much different but) I'm 22 and I'm dating someone who just turned 19. I almost never think about it but sometimes it's a little weird.


sindoll, when you fist started getting into kink, did you feel strange? how open were you with your partner about your new kinks? how open were they about getting into them with you?

I've just started to explore my own sexuality and although my current kinks are very vanilla, my partner has been very open to everything I've told him so far. although, I haven't exactly told him everything
Contributor: Bex1331 Bex1331
OHH! Two of my favorite people on the site! I'll have to think of a question and come back to you guys, right now I'm just wondering how you guys got to be so damn awesome! lol
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Adriana Ravenlust
I have an orange cat like that d=

What breed is your dog?
My puppy is a Chiweenie. This is a mix between a Chihuahua and a Dachshund (wiener dog.) He is brown and white. He weighs about 6lbs. I can fit him in my purse.

Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Vaginas
beck, what's it like to have step children who are almost your age? do they like you? did they welcome you? did it make you feel strange to be so close in age?

(this is obviously much different but) I'm 22 and I'm dating someone ... more
I went to school with my step son. At first he liked me, but as time went on...he didn't like me anymore. He went through a phase that he didn't like anyone. But has since got over that phase and started coming around. He likes me now, but it'll take time to rebuild our relationship.

My step daughter and I are very close. She thinks of me as a friend and tells me things she doesn't tell others. Even somethings that are really hard to tell others.

I've never felt not welcomed into the family from any member. My mother in law was a little iffy about it at first, but now she loves me! My step children were welcoming. The only member who ever had a problem was my step son. But as I said he went through a phase were he didn't like anyone...including himself.

I've never felt weird about the age. I knew my hubby very well before we started dating. So, I already knew both children and liked them both.

Thank you for all your wonderful questions. I enjoyed answering them.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Bex1331
OHH! Two of my favorite people on the site! I'll have to think of a question and come back to you guys, right now I'm just wondering how you guys got to be so damn awesome! lol
Aww! You are sweet! I know you are awesome too!
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by Adriana Ravenlust
Do you feel your background in psychiatry gives you any unique insight into your kink/kink in general?
Well, something that most people don't understand is the difference between Psychiatry an Psychology. Psychiatry = listen to the issues and then prescribe medication. Psychology is trying to work through the issues that a person has without medication. I honestly think that there should be more therapy done within the field of Psychiatry. I feel that what works for a lot of patients is a healthy mix of both.

That being said, it's hard not to ask "Why?"
"Why do you like being tied up?"
"Why do you find pleasure when being hit with a flogger, yet cuss up a storm when you stump your toe?"

If you want to get to the root of something, keep asking "why." Be honest with yourself. That's one of the things that people have the hardest times doing, is being honest with themselves. Once they are able to do that - it's a real eye-opener.

I hope that answered your question!
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by Vaginas
beck, what's it like to have step children who are almost your age? do they like you? did they welcome you? did it make you feel strange to be so close in age?

(this is obviously much different but) I'm 22 and I'm dating someone ... more
Errr... I've always been on the kinky side of things, even in the early years. I didn't technically know that there was a word for it until I was about, but once I found out that there was, I dove in head first and haven't looked back. I never felt strange. I'm pretty straight-forward and never had a problem approaching play partners/dominants/top s. I've always been very outgoing. I'm honest about what I want from an individual or an experience.

My advice - spill your guts. Honesty and trust are two main aspects of the kink 'lifestyle' that you'll want to build a foundation on.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by Bex1331
OHH! Two of my favorite people on the site! I'll have to think of a question and come back to you guys, right now I'm just wondering how you guys got to be so damn awesome! lol
Ha! I think you're pretty fancy, too!

My awesomeness comes from a lot of watching Dance Moms (T.V. show - shameless, I know) and a healthy amount of kinky beatings, not to mention, keeping my nails done.
Contributor: charmedtomeetyou charmedtomeetyou
As an active member of EF, do your friends/family/coworke rs know that such a large chunk of your life revolves around being open and communicating about sex, reviewing toys, etc?
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by charmedtomeetyou
As an active member of EF, do your friends/family/coworke rs know that such a large chunk of your life revolves around being open and communicating about sex, reviewing toys, etc?
Everyone knows about my Eden account. I'm talking to my mother in law about getting her a Jopen Vanity toy. I have got my Mother to sign up. My [|sister signed up. And my best friend is here. I don't keep my love for sex toys from anyone. I try my best to educate people on buying them. And even buy surprise gifts for everyone.
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
Yay! I love both of you guys so much! I'm so happy to see you both featured.

For both of you: You guys both have lots of reviews. What do you do to keep reviews fresh when (if?) you start feeling like you've been saying similar things on other reviews.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Beck, I also had a three year old and a one year old at the same time. It is exhausting! What is the first thing you do when the babies go down for nap or to bed (that isn't logging on to Eden.) What do you do to relax and enjoy yourself?

SinDoll, I have to ask; Why were there golf balls all over the floor of your Jeep?
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Yay! Two wonderful ladies for sure.

Both of you, what is your dream car/truck/motorcycle? (Y'all knew I would ask, right?)

TheSinDoll, what kind of Jeep did/do you have and why was there golf balls and popcorn on the floor?

Also, if you could design your dream toy, what would be its functions, shape and material?
Contributor: mpfm mpfm
Do you do your own nails or have them done professionally. Also are your toe nails always as bright and pretty as your fingers?
Contributor: mpfm mpfm
What is your dream job?
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by - Kira -
Yay! I love both of you guys so much! I'm so happy to see you both featured.

For both of you: You guys both have lots of reviews. What do you do to keep reviews fresh when (if?) you start feeling like you've been saying similar ... more
I stop writing the review. I've been feeling like this more often. Which is why I haven't been writing 5 reviews a week. I try my best to read through the previous reviews and find the things people missed to include in my review. I'll even wait a week and come back to the review...if I feel like I am writing the same thing over and over again.

You know I love you! You top my list in wanting to see featured here! You write quality reviews that are inspiration to myself and many others.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Both - If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to live and who would you take with you?
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by P'Gell
Beck, I also had a three year old and a one year old at the same time. It is exhausting! What is the first thing you do when the babies go down for nap or to bed (that isn't logging on to Eden.) What do you do to relax and enjoy yourself? ... more
It is exhausting! Nap time has stopped for my three year old because he refuses to take a nap. So, when my one year old take a nap...I turn on the TV and pull out our flip ramp for him to have a chill period. This usually gives me about one to two hours of chill time. I usually end up playing Xbox, playing games on the computer, or just laying down and cuddling with the puppy and the cats. Though, some days this is my only time to do other house work. With a bouncing toddler and a handsy one year's hard not to watch them every second.

When it's bed time for the children...sometimes I pull out the bottle of red wine to just relax. But I only like to drink once in a while. My husband and I usually end up having the routine of Xbox, shower, sex, dinner, and sleep.