Reviewers Spotlight - Beck and TheSinDoll

Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
Originally posted by Beck
I stop writing the review. I've been feeling like this more often. Which is why I haven't been writing 5 reviews a week. I try my best to read through the previous reviews and find the things people missed to include in my review. I'll ... more
That's a good idea!

Awww thanks!
Contributor: clockwork451 clockwork451
For the both of you: What was your first sex toy?
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
Yay! Two wonderful ladies for sure.

Both of you, what is your dream car/truck/motorcycle? (Y'all knew I would ask, right?)

TheSinDoll, what kind of Jeep did/do you have and why was there golf balls and popcorn on the floor? ... more
You were one of my first favorite contributors when I first joined Eden. You remind me a lot of my father. He's into fixing his own cars, rarely lets anyone else touch it, he likes to blow stuff up, and so much more. If you were to meet my guys would get along so well.

My goal in life is to have a Harley Davidson Custom motorcycle. It would have to be fitted to my short stature. I really want it to be black with hot pink. I want some sparkle or rhinestone effects to it and everything. However, this is something that I won't be able to do for a really long time. But it is nice to dream! I have to get a drivers license first.

My designer toy would look like a Jopen Rabbit. It would have to be made of Silicone in that awesome Magenta color. The shaft would be insertable 5" with a clitoral arm on it that is 2.25" long at a 50 degree angle. The shaft would be curved just slightly because drastic curves don't fit my shallow G-spot. It would have to be packed with 5 vroom, rumbly vibrations on the shaft and the clitoral arm. The controls would have to have a locking feature that allowed me to lock the toy while it was in use, so the controls weren't easily bumped. Definitely has to be rechargeable with a battery that ends up lasting around 2-3 hours.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by mpfm
What is your dream job?
I've always wanted to be a Mid-wife. I have a fascination with child birth and would love to be a part of it. Maybe someday, but as of right now...that isn't going to happen. The cost of college is far too much for me to afford and I really dislike the idea of being in debt so much and not even sure if when I finish, I'll be able to pay it back. And honestly, I'm not sure I have four or more years of school in me. School is something that I did not enjoy. I don't know if I can honestly go back.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Ansley
Both - If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to live and who would you take with you?
The US is probably the best place to live. I enjoy having freedoms and rights, which isn't something that a lot of other countries have. Honestly, what reflects my decision on where I want to move is the legalization of medical marijuana. That might sound childish and stupid, but I feel like most people who think that don't know the benefits of medical marijuana.

I firmly believe in the medical uses of it and use it (illegally) to help with my own issues. My husband also uses it instead of taking pain medication from the Dr's.

If I was going to move anywhere it would be a state in the US that allowed for the cannabis card and my husband would be secured a job there. I'd surely take my children, husband, father, mother, sister, niece, and mother in law.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Beck
I've always wanted to be a Mid-wife. I have a fascination with child birth and would love to be a part of it. Maybe someday, but as of right now...that isn't going to happen. The cost of college is far too much for me to afford and I really ... more
No fault there. School isn't for everyone. I resented being in school so much it was insane. I think I would have felt differently about it had I been educated outside of the United States.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by clockwork451
For the both of you: What was your first sex toy?

The Jumbo life saver was my first official sex toy. Though my electric toothbrush and hairbrush handle were what I used before that.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Ansley
No fault there. School isn't for everyone. I resented being in school so much it was insane. I think I would have felt differently about it had I been educated outside of the United States.
Yes! That is how I look at it too. School isn't for everyone. I know I am one of those people. It's a shame there wasn't another option.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Sindoll- Is cornbread you favorite food? I've always wondered how you came up with your status?
Contributor: MandyPandy MandyPandy
Originally posted by Ansley

Hello there, and welcome to our fifth month long Reviewers Spotlight! How this is going to work is that you have all month long to ask our wonderful reviewers questions. They'll answer when they can, and you can keep asking until the end ... more
This question is for both of you. Do you feel reviews sometimes become more of a job or chore than being fun?
Contributor: Cookie Monster Mike Cookie Monster Mike
Both---If you could be any sex toy you have reviewed, which one would you choose? It's random I know.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Beck
I've always wanted to be a Mid-wife. I have a fascination with child birth and would love to be a part of it. Maybe someday, but as of right now...that isn't going to happen. The cost of college is far too much for me to afford and I really ... more
Beck, you may change your mind, when your babies are older and you have more time. When you are learning what you want to learn, it doesn't seem like school. And, Direct Entry Midwives don't usually have to go through the entire Nursing School curriculum. Certified Midwives or Certified Professional Midwives, Licensed Midwives and Registered Midwives all practice without a full RN or NP certification.

Here's a link to the Asso of Midwifery Educators program. It could help you decide. When you are ready to do so.

There is still training and schooling and hands on learning, but it's something you love. It makes a difference when it's your passion! I know.

Also, becoming a Labor Doula is a great thing. (I'm also a Post partum doula and I love it) and the training is fairly quick, but thorough and not really expensive.

Here's DONA International. The body that trains and registers Birth Doulas.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by Beck
You were one of my first favorite contributors when I first joined Eden. You remind me a lot of my father. He's into fixing his own cars, rarely lets anyone else touch it, he likes to blow stuff up, and so much more. If you were to meet my ... more
Aw shucks, you are so sweet.

Your dream toy sounds like a candidate for that lighter fuel powered micro motor. lol

I too have always dreamed of a Harley, my problem is getting over the cost of them. That and I am more of a speed freak, sure they can be built for speed but I have found they are better for cruising.
Contributor: Passionate Mandi Passionate Mandi
To both of you - If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by MandyPandy
This question is for both of you. Do you feel reviews sometimes become more of a job or chore than being fun?
I sometimes do especially when my monthly assignments and my DR assignments get piled on together. However, I work better under pressure. I like to be pushed to do something. I enjoy writing each one of my reviews though. Reviewing is something I have found out I am good at and people enjoy my reviews. I've never really had that before.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by P'Gell
Beck, you may change your mind, when your babies are older and you have more time. When you are learning what you want to learn, it doesn't seem like school. And, Direct Entry Midwives don't usually have to go through the entire Nursing ... more
You are the best! I will definitely keep this in mind. Thank you for being supportive. You are wonderful!
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
Aw shucks, you are so sweet.

Your dream toy sounds like a candidate for that lighter fuel powered micro motor. lol

I too have always dreamed of a Harley, my problem is getting over the cost of them. That and I am more of a speed ... more
Haha! It would be a good candidate!

They are really high priced, but I'd pay anything to have exactly what I want. I'm not too into speed. I'd rather put along. I'll leave the speeding up to you!
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Passionate Mandi
To both of you - If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I'm content living in the US. I enjoy our countries freedoms far too much. I guess I am a spoiled American. However, I wouldn't mind living in Europe or Canada.
Contributor: Bex1331 Bex1331
Beck: You mentioned earlier that in your free time you usually play xbox with your husband, what is your favorite game?
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Cookie Monster Mike
Both---If you could be any sex toy you have reviewed, which one would you choose? It's random I know.
Hummm....Probably Salsa because it's cute, tiny, and a powerful little bugger.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Bex1331
Beck: You mentioned earlier that in your free time you usually play xbox with your husband, what is your favorite game?
We usually play bowling or darts on the Kinect together. My favorite game is always going to be Crazy Taxi, but with Offspring in the background!
Contributor: ReadmyLips ReadmyLips
FOR BOTH: If you were to add any item to Eden such as a toy, book, or random item what would it be?

And I'm also wondering what your favorite hobbies are away from the internet?
Contributor: ghent529 ghent529
If you could do one with career wise for the rest of your lives that would you pick?
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by ReadmyLips
FOR BOTH: If you were to add any item to Eden such as a toy, book, or random item what would it be?

And I'm also wondering what your favorite hobbies are away from the internet?
I'd LOVE to see a fuck machine added. I never was interested in those until more recently. Now, I want a machine that does all the work.

My hubbies evolve taking my children to the park, nature walks, and bug/animal hunting, but just exploring the outdoors so my boys can see what REAL animals look like not the ones on cartoons.

Sex is probably the thing I spent the most time doing. It's part of my reviewing, my pleasure, and our "fun" times together. Though, I guess it really doesn't count, but it is something I spend a great deal of time doing.

I really love to cook. I'm really good at it too. Everyone loves my Loaded baked potato Salad. Yum!
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by ghent529
If you could do one with career wise for the rest of your lives that would you pick?
For the rest of my would have to be a Mid-Wife or something similar that P'Gell suggested earlier. For the current moment...I am content being a homemaker. I wish I could work online while caring for my children, but I haven't had any luck with finding something that isn't a scam.
Contributor: mpfm mpfm
Originally posted by Beck
I've always wanted to be a Mid-wife. I have a fascination with child birth and would love to be a part of it. Maybe someday, but as of right now...that isn't going to happen. The cost of college is far too much for me to afford and I really ... more
A midwife career sounds awesome. P'gell had some great advice. It might seem like a bit out of reach right now, but things change. Kids grow up and become less dependent on you. You might find you welcome the schooling challenge. I finished my degree at 30. It was very different than when I was younger. I wanted to be there and although it was challenging it was interesting and invigorating. You might discover the same thing.

For now enjoy those young ones. That time goes so quickly. You'll have time later for other pursuits. Just know you're smart enough and ambitious enough to do anything you want.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I love you both and hope you both know it. You two are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you're both featured at the same time, that's just awesome. I'm enjoying reading all the answers. I don't have any questions right now.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by mpfm
A midwife career sounds awesome. P'gell had some great advice. It might seem like a bit out of reach right now, but things change. Kids grow up and become less dependent on you. You might find you welcome the schooling challenge. I ... more
You are too sweet! Thank you for believing in me! It means a lot that you made this comment to me. You are right though. Maybe one day it won't seem like such a stretch!
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by unfulfilled
I love you both and hope you both know it. You two are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you're both featured at the same time, that's just awesome. I'm enjoying reading all the answers. I don't have any questions right now.
I love you too! I think you are the best too!
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
Originally posted by Beck
We usually play bowling or darts on the Kinect together. My favorite game is always going to be Crazy Taxi, but with Offspring in the background!
We used to play crazy taxi when we were first dating on the Dreamcast. I love that game.

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