Reviewers Spotlight - Beck and TheSinDoll

Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by unfulfilled
We used to play crazy taxi when we were first dating on the Dreamcast. I love that game.
Hubby just got his Dreamcast back! As soon as we find the right plugs to hook it up...we are! We love Dreamcast. I have an Xbox game that is Sega Dreamcast arcade, so I play Crazy Taxi on there, however it is not the verison with the rights to Offspring music.
Contributor: js250 js250
First of all--Congrats on being chosen to be in the spotlight!! What an honor!

So--questions for both of you to answer...

What one event/thing has made the biggest impact in your life, and help shape who you are today?

What is your biggest regret?

AND--Tell us your favorite part of being a member of EF.

Thanks guys!! I am looking forward to reading your answers!!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Beck
I'd LOVE to see a fuck machine added. I never was interested in those until more recently. Now, I want a machine that does all the work.

My hubbies evolve taking my children to the park, nature walks, and bug/animal hunting, but just ... more
Not gonna happen on the fuck machine - read Fred's answers here
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
For both-

If you could design a sex toy, what would it look like? What color, shape, and material would it be? What would it have for functions?
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Ansley
Not gonna happen on the fuck machine - read Fred's answers here
That is too bad. Oh well! Not really something I have the space for anyways. Not with all these other sex toys I have.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by js250
First of all--Congrats on being chosen to be in the spotlight!! What an honor!

So--questions for both of you to answer...

What one event/thing has made the biggest impact in your life, and help shape who you are today?

What is ... more
Thank you for the congrats. It definitely is an honor. I'm very grateful that I was chosen.

Well, I hate to give someone credit where they really shouldn't get credit, but I am who I am today because of the events that happened to me as a child. Being abused changes everything! Especially when you are a child. I have to say being sexually abused by my grandfather was the thing that has made the biggest impact on my life. This event helped open my eyes to see the world in a different light at a young age. It made me a better mother because I am more protective of my children than I would be if that did not happen. It has made me a stronger women because I can deal with these much easier than most people. There is so much more, but as I is not due here even though this is the event that made the biggest impact on my life.

Hummm...I think my biggest regret would have to be the things I said to hubby after getting out of the hospital from a D&C. I said some pretty hurtful things to him that almost made our relationship end. I'm glad we moved past that!

My favorite part of being a member is knowing that I am part of something that is so awesome. There isn't a better place IMO. I love it here and I love being a part of the community.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by PropertyOfPotter
For both-

If you could design a sex toy, what would it look like? What color, shape, and material would it be? What would it have for functions?
My designer toy would look like a Jopen Rabbit. It would have to be made of Silicone in that awesome Magenta color. The shaft would be insertable 5" with a clitoral arm on it that is 2.25" long at a 50 degree angle. The shaft would be curved just slightly because drastic curves don't fit my shallow G-spot. It would have to be packed with 5 vroom, rumbly vibrations on the shaft and the clitoral arm. The controls would have to have a locking feature that allowed me to lock the toy while it was in use, so the controls weren't easily bumped. Definitely has to be rechargeable with a battery that ends up lasting around 2-3 hours. I'd also like the shaft to rotate like the Jopen larger rabbit do.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by charmedtomeetyou
As an active member of EF, do your friends/family/coworke rs know that such a large chunk of your life revolves around being open and communicating about sex, reviewing toys, etc?
Lol...This is not a large chunk of my life. This is a hobby. This is something that I do for fun. When it stops being fun, I'll stop doing it. As far a who I tell about it - it really depends. My grandmother doesn't give a shit, so it doesn't come up in our conversations. My cousin is planning her wedding, so I haven't bothered to tell her.

Not everyone cares that I review sex toys. I talk about it when it's relevant.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by - Kira -
Yay! I love both of you guys so much! I'm so happy to see you both featured.

For both of you: You guys both have lots of reviews. What do you do to keep reviews fresh when (if?) you start feeling like you've been saying similar ... more
Girl - you know I think you rawk!

Hell, I just write whatever's on my mind. That might not always be a good thing, but it's honest!
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by P'Gell
Beck, I also had a three year old and a one year old at the same time. It is exhausting! What is the first thing you do when the babies go down for nap or to bed (that isn't logging on to Eden.) What do you do to relax and enjoy yourself? ... more
Because my best friend and I stole them.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
Yay! Two wonderful ladies for sure.

Both of you, what is your dream car/truck/motorcycle? (Y'all knew I would ask, right?)

TheSinDoll, what kind of Jeep did/do you have and why was there golf balls and popcorn on the floor? ... more
Aww, thanks Tim! I think you're cool as hell!

Dream car - I can't pick one... I have a list.
1. '69 Dodge Charger
2. '70 Plymouth Hemi'Cuda
3. '70 Chevrolet Chevelle SS LS5

Ehh... I'll just top there. I wish I could wishlist those.

I used to have a Wrangler. I needed something to take in the mud. Like I told P'Gell, my best friend and I stole the gold balls (off the golf course of the Country Club that my Grandparents belong to) and then decided to go for movie popcorn. I ran up on a curb and popcorn went everywhere. We ate it off the floor. We gave no fucks.

Dream toy - Oh, besides the cars? Ehhh, I think Je Joue did that with Uma and Mimi!
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by mpfm
Do you do your own nails or have them done professionally. Also are your toe nails always as bright and pretty as your fingers?
Thanks for the compliment, Sugar! I do them myself, and yes, the toes always have to match the fingers.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by Ansley
Both - If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to live and who would you take with you?
Ha! Well, If you asked The Husband, he'd say "The Keys an leave the kids here."

My answer's gonna be Italy. The Husband is Italian - as in, his Grandparent's didn't speak English. They were right off the boat. I'd take The Socialites (my teenage girls) and The Husband as long as he behaved.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by clockwork451
For the both of you: What was your first sex toy?
my first sex toy

I loved it! It brought me many an orgasm!
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by Beck
Sindoll- Is cornbread you favorite food? I've always wondered how you came up with your status?
I'm Southern! "Eat Cornbread and Raise Hell" has been a motto that I created and have carried around for years, since the days of I'll get it tattoo'ed on my ass one day, I'm sure. I just haven't stopped having my ass beat long enough to figure out a time when I can let a tat heal!

... but no, fry me up a green tomato or a batch of pickles - those are probably my favorites.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by Cookie Monster Mike
Both---If you could be any sex toy you have reviewed, which one would you choose? It's random I know.
Ehhh... tough one. The Hitachi. It's really been places.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by Beck
We usually play bowling or darts on the Kinect together. My favorite game is always going to be Crazy Taxi, but with Offspring in the background!
Beck! Me too! Well, not those games, but we play. My faves are Grand Theft Auto and Resident Evil.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by ReadmyLips
FOR BOTH: If you were to add any item to Eden such as a toy, book, or random item what would it be?

And I'm also wondering what your favorite hobbies are away from the internet?
Storage for my kink items!!!

Hobbies: I have a sex blog. The gym. Is that a hobby? I hate the fucking gym... but I go. Crafting. I make jewelry. I read about stuff that is really interesting to me. I collect stuff - voodoo stuff. Santeria. I like antique stuff. I love documentaries. I find the Sumerian culture extremely interesting. Conspiracy theories. I wish I was a better photographer.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by ghent529
If you could do one with career wise for the rest of your lives that would you pick?
I'd grow pot.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by unfulfilled
I love you both and hope you both know it. You two are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you're both featured at the same time, that's just awesome. I'm enjoying reading all the answers. I don't have any questions right now.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by js250
First of all--Congrats on being chosen to be in the spotlight!! What an honor!

So--questions for both of you to answer...

What one event/thing has made the biggest impact in your life, and help shape who you are today?

What is ... more
Christ on a bike you got some serious questions....


1. My Dad died when I was 23.
2. No regrets. No looking back. I own everything. It makes me who I am, for the good and the bad - and I'm kickass.

3. I like obtaining information about new subjects. I also enjoy sharing it with those who are new and want to learn. I love an interesting discussion. I love cool people. I don't want any bullshit, just an interesting place to be involved in and sharing opinions.

Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Oh. My. Christ.

I think I'm caught up.

Contributor: Vaginas Vaginas
thank you both for your wonderful and speedy replies. you girls are awesome keep up the great work
Contributor: Augustxsins Augustxsins
Wow, you are both very interesting ladies!

A question for both of you: Mac or PC?
Contributor: Augustxsins Augustxsins
Also: beer, wine, or liquor?
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by TheSinDoll
I'm Southern! "Eat Cornbread and Raise Hell" has been a motto that I created and have carried around for years, since the days of I'll get it tattoo'ed on my ass one day, I'm sure. I just haven't stopped ... more
Hahaha! That is awesome! I've never had a fried green tomato! But I love me some pickles.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by TheSinDoll
I'd grow pot.
I'll be your new best friend.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Augustxsins
Wow, you are both very interesting ladies!

A question for both of you: Mac or PC?
I prefer my PC. I've only played with a Mac a few times, but I never got the hang of it.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Augustxsins
Also: beer, wine, or liquor?
Well, to be honest alcohol is not my drug of choice. I will drink, but it's rare. I prefer cannabis. However, when I drink, it's usually wine.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Originally posted by Augustxsins
Wow, you are both very interesting ladies!

A question for both of you: Mac or PC?

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