Reviewers Spotlight - April 7th@ 6pm: Airen Wolf and ToyQuest

Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Jul!a
That's really interesting.

Can you tell us more about your life with Wicca? I know I know virtually nothing about the religion at all.
I came to the religion from the Catholic faith and not with the usual blame and ill will for the Church that I see in so many other 'converts'. I was simply looking for a God who wasn't judgemental and the embodiment of my Father's ideas. It wasn't a rejection of my Father, mind you, just a desire to know another facet. I cried out for that and God(dess) answered. Loudly and unmistakably.
I met a lovely woman who introduced me to Wicca through the Scott Cunningham's Solitary Wicca series. I was struck by the balance between male and female in his philosophical lectures and I did more research. I found The Nativist Tradition online and I stayed.

Wicca is simply, at it's core, a belief in the balance between Male and female energy and how the comingling produces life at all levels. There is room here for all lovestyles because there is room here for all expression of life. It is dynamic and should ever be defined though we do share some common beliefs:
God is male and he is imminent. He is here with us in our physical existance. He is the beginning of life and the end of life. He is the created.
Goddess is female and she is the spiritual. She is the striving beyond physical existance and IS life in all it's entirety. She is the creatrix.
We try to live remembering that what we do has consequences, some intended some not. Measuring our words for they have power beyond our intent, and walking lightly. We accept diversity and clelbrate the Gods in all their forms seeing them as a diamond of such immense proportions that it is impossible to describe more than a facet of them at any one time.
We also believe that we live each life to bring understanding to the Goddess about Her creation and that we return to her after death for rest and learning before we move on.
Beyond that Wiccan philosophy is wild, and wooly!

My teacher has a saying: If everyone knows you are pagan and especially if they know, by looking at you, that you are Wiccan; you're doing something wrong! We aren't all that different we just believe that all religion has it's place and is equally right. Religion should suit where you are in life and evolve as you evolve...even if it's to the point where you don't need theology to live a wonderful life!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
Very cool! I expect pictures when it is all in place and full of glorious glass.
Indeed I will post them in the Eden Photography club!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by ♥ Amanda ♥
As a part of the EdenTasks group... what can you recommend to newcomers? That is something I have been interested in doing for a while. Any advice?
LOL Get to know the guidelines for review writing! Kayla is an excellent one to ask because there are certain guidelines like a review needs 300 words to be considered for publication, that aren't common knowledge. Also pace yourself, you'll drive yourself nutz with the tasks if you are tired or stressed. It's a great experience but it's a time consuming endeavor as well. Sometimes it's kinda depressing to see how many people try to scam a review in....but then you get some of the other reviewers and get paid for clicking a button! That's the amazing part, helping a reviewer proof read their review and watching them get the accolades, for me, is the best part.

It doesn't hurt to brush up on proper writing skills either! Formal writing is much harder than story or pleasure writing.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by ♥ Amanda ♥
Airen... I noticed on your blog you state you are a lover of two. Can you explain this to us?
I put that on My blog when I was newly out of the closet about my relationship with both Sigel and Arch. Hence the lover of two...since at the time I had two kids most of the people who didn't know chose to interpret that as my saying I loved my kids. That was ok at the time!

Now I am more likely to simply say I have two life partners, one that I am legally married to and one I wish I could be. I love both men deeply and wish I could share a commitment with them both without risking imprisonment but I can't. Still we do what we can.

In the future that number may grow but for now I am content.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Jul!a
Well, the Reviewers Spotlight is officially over now. That of course doesn't mean you have to stop chatting, this has been really great, and you all rock!Thanks again so much Airen!!!
It was my pleasure! Thanks for the opportunity to rant a bit!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by tigerkate would be surprised, I thought I was going to be a huge baby about it, but most people say they get "tattoo highs" and the healing process isn't bad either.

It's scary that an artist was tattooing when he had AIDS :/
To be fair to him this was in the early 1990s so tests weren't as accurate and he had tested negative for HIV twice before being diagnosed with full blown AIDS. When he got the news he reported himself to the state and gave them ALL his records so the people could be tested and he always wore gloves, changed needles and sterilized his gear. None of his clients that weren't sleeping in the same circle as himself tested positive.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I came to the religion from the Catholic faith and not with the usual blame and ill will for the Church that I see in so many other 'converts'. I was simply looking for a God who wasn't judgemental and the embodiment of my Father's ... more
Thank you for that Airen
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by markeagleone
Thank you for everything you have responded to and helped us with. It's too bad we aren't neighbors. My wife adores you!
Awww she's a sweetheart and I'd love to have you guys as neighbors...the things you'd see, eh?
Contributor: markeagleone markeagleone
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
Awww she's a sweetheart and I'd love to have you guys as neighbors...the things you'd see, eh?
I think it would be great just having someone as sweet as you around, and yes, my wife would enjoy the great friendship!
Contributor: wetone123 wetone123
Oh, I'm so sorry I missed this Airen! I read thru the interview and am glad to know more about my mentor. You are a wonderful lady. I am proud to have you as a mentor and a friend.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I'm sorry I missed the interview, Airen. Nights are hard for me, and last night was harder than most.

It was a great interview. Good work.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Oh heck I am pretty darn near an open book about was fun doing the interview though!
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
This was a fantastic spotlight to read. I'm sorry I was unable to make it at the scheduled time. Thank you so much Airen for being so open and honest. It was wonderful getting to know more about you. I am truly touched after reading your responses.
Contributor: K101 K101
Wow! I've been reading through all the questions and answers here. I enjoyed this very much! A lot of very useful & entertaining info. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to be here while the interview was going on. Damn these crazy shifts!
Contributor: srval69 srval69