Naked Reader Book Club Discussion: Take Me There -Trans and Genderqueer Erotica, Edited by Tristan Taormino (January 24, 8-10 PM EST)

Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
Originally posted by Ryuson
Just made it in! My stupid class just let out
, come on in and take a load off.
Contributor: Brendada Brendada
Originally posted by Sacchi
I really liked that one, too. One of the very best I've read from Rachel Kramer Bussel, and that's saying a whole lot.
That is a MAJOR statement!
Contributor: winterseve winterseve
Hi Ryuson!!
Contributor: melovecoffee melovecoffee
Originally posted by NoOneNosMe
This is actually the first erotica I've ever read. I've always been interested though. Knowing that there is actually erotica that I can relate to makes it so much better and enticing for me
Transgender erotica is out there, it may be a little hard to find but like I said before, it's a niche that's growing and there is a community out there.

And you gots the interwebs, you can find everything on the interwebs!
Contributor: Sacchi Sacchi
Originally posted by Brendada
Ru was really working a Beyond Beyonce look, "Beyondce" I guess you could say...
Love it! There should be some way to get "Beyondce" to go viral online.

Or you could use it as a story titile...
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by Brendada
One of the highlights of my life was dancing with RuPaul a couple years ago. What a booty! Embarrassingly, it was at the opening of a Pottery Barn but it was in The Castro so it had a lot of fabulosity going!
How cool!
Contributor: Brendada Brendada
Originally posted by Sacchi
Be sure to take pictures and post them!
will do! If only Beyoindce could go with me!
Contributor: NoOneNosMe NoOneNosMe
Originally posted by Willow Wand
I REALLY want this book. I am TOTALLY attracted to genderqueers. I don;t know why, I just am! Jiz Lee, Buck Angel (OMG he is YUMMY!) I find the whole genderplay (whether it be play or everyday life) to be totally erotic. I have no idea why...
Most people don't know why they get turned on by what they do. It's totally not a thing you can explain. It just is! lol
Contributor: Willow Wand Willow Wand
Ok, because I am new to all these terms, I NEED to know...what does CIS mean? I have seen it in multiple locations lately, but can't find out it's meaning.
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
Originally posted by Sacchi
Love it! There should be some way to get "Beyondce" to go viral online.

Or you could use it as a story titile...
I would so like to see that.
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
Originally posted by bzzingbee
I love most of her stuff anyways, but that one was realy great
Congratulations Bzzingbee! You're our third winner this evening of a $25 Edenfantasys gift card. Please email me at Liz @ Edenfantasys .com and please include your EF name so I know who you are.
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
Originally posted by Willow Wand
Ok, because I am new to all these terms, I NEED to know...what does CIS mean? I have seen it in multiple locations lately, but can't find out it's meaning.
computer info systems
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
Originally posted by wrmbreze
, come on in and take a load off.
Thank you! I'll try! I hate being in school this late at night!

I ended up getting Sweet Confessions instead of this one to review, but reading everyone's comments I feel like I made the 'wrong' choice
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
Originally posted by removedacnt
Congratulations Bzzingbee! You're our third winner this evening of a $25 Edenfantasys gift card. Please email me at Liz @ Edenfantasys .com and please include your EF name so I know who you are.
Contributor: bzzingbee bzzingbee
This is totally off topic, but anyone who didn't get to see Live Sex Show and wants a copy....I've got an autographed one up for grabs in my anniversary giveaway on my blog: link
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by Antipova
I hope you love it... there are so many good stories!
It is a little different from what I'm used too, but this is one book that I can hardly wait to read! I guess I came in at a perfect time! Lol
Contributor: bzzingbee bzzingbee
Originally posted by removedacnt
Congratulations Bzzingbee! You're our third winner this evening of a $25 Edenfantasys gift card. Please email me at Liz @ Edenfantasys .com and please include your EF name so I know who you are.
Woohoo! thanks!
Contributor: Willow Wand Willow Wand
Originally posted by wrmbreze
computer info systems
LOL no, the genderqueer meaning of cis you doof!
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
Originally posted by Ryuson
Thank you! I'll try! I hate being in school this late at night!

I ended up getting Sweet Confessions instead of this one to review, but reading everyone's comments I feel like I made the 'wrong' choice
I think I will get this book as well. I got Sweet Confessions too but I LOVED it!
Contributor: melovecoffee melovecoffee
Alright you guys, I'm out but it was lovely chatting with you all. I will be sure to get rid of my lurking ways so I can keep having fantastic discussions like tonight!

See you all next time!
Contributor: specialKandL specialKandL
ok i gotta get going now! hope to see everyone at the next naked reader book club!
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
Originally posted by bzzingbee
This is totally off topic, but anyone who didn't get to see Live Sex Show and wants a copy....I've got an autographed one up for grabs in my anniversary giveaway on my blog: link
Wow, what a giveaway! Congrats, by the way!
Contributor: winterseve winterseve
Originally posted by bzzingbee
This is totally off topic, but anyone who didn't get to see Live Sex Show and wants a copy....I've got an autographed one up for grabs in my anniversary giveaway on my blog: link
totally going to it! and congrats!
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
Originally posted by Willow Wand
LOL no, the genderqueer meaning of cis you doof!
oh, lol Sorry.. I did not know there was a genderqueer meaning..
Contributor: Brendada Brendada
Originally posted by Sacchi
Love it! There should be some way to get "Beyondce" to go viral online.

Or you could use it as a story titile...
Maybe I will -the actual evening took an erotic turn after a gallon of good champagne.
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
Originally posted by specialKandL
ok i gotta get going now! hope to see everyone at the next naked reader book club!
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
Originally posted by Willow Wand
In high-school, I had SUPER short hair, dressed in all black and wore chains connected to my wallet, yes, wallet, NOT purse! I went to the bathroom and one girl said "The boys room is over there!" She totally thought I was a boy though, I ... more
Ha. I have never owned a purse, my entire life. I don't think I ever will.

I do actually usually wear clothes from the men's department too, but my body's so curvy and my face is so feminine that nobody has ever misidentified me.

My dad actually said once "you know, as much as it would suit your personality to have run off and be one of those women who dressed like a man so she could be a sheriff or an outlaw [if you had lived during the wild west] you just wouldn't be able to pull off the disguise."
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
Originally posted by melovecoffee
Alright you guys, I'm out but it was lovely chatting with you all. I will be sure to get rid of my lurking ways so I can keep having fantastic discussions like tonight!

See you all next time!
Contributor: winterseve winterseve
Originally posted by melovecoffee
Alright you guys, I'm out but it was lovely chatting with you all. I will be sure to get rid of my lurking ways so I can keep having fantastic discussions like tonight!

See you all next time!
Contributor: Sacchi Sacchi
Originally posted by Willow Wand
Ok, because I am new to all these terms, I NEED to know...what does CIS mean? I have seen it in multiple locations lately, but can't find out it's meaning.
CIS is a term for presenting as the gender you were born with (or assigned at birth.) I guess you could say that it's the opposite of transgender.