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Naked Reader Book Club Discussion: Pride and Prejudice Hidden Lusts by Mitzi Szereto (September 27, 8-10 PM EST)
Thanks, Liz, I missed this one, so I just went and did my homework, too. Very good and thoughtful review.
Originally posted by
Airen also did a great review on this book: link
Hello Sacchi and everyone else!
Originally posted by
Welcome to the discussion on Mitzi Szereto's Pride and Prejudice: Hidden Lusts (in which the lusts don't stay hidden very long at all.)
Have you done your homework with the excerpts above?
Have you done your homework with the excerpts above?
I did read the excerpt, and I found it incredibly entertaining. I must admit, I have never even read Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. Do you think someone who hasn't read the original work would still enjoy Hidden Lusts on its own merit?
I'm so sorry. I hope you feel better soon.
Originally posted by
Kake aka PoeticErotica
Better than yesterday when I was being wheeled around the ATL airport in a wheelchair because my craptastic knees have gone nutso. :/

I think so. It is written well enough that you shouldn't have to read the original. It carries itself.
Originally posted by
Yaoi Pervette (deleted)
Hello Sacchi and everyone else!
I did read the excerpt, and I found it incredibly entertaining. I must admit, I have never even read Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. Do you think someone who hasn't read the original work would ... more
I did read the excerpt, and I found it incredibly entertaining. I must admit, I have never even read Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. Do you think someone who hasn't read the original work would ... more
Hello Sacchi and everyone else!
I did read the excerpt, and I found it incredibly entertaining. I must admit, I have never even read Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. Do you think someone who hasn't read the original work would still enjoy Hidden Lusts on its own merit? less
I did read the excerpt, and I found it incredibly entertaining. I must admit, I have never even read Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. Do you think someone who hasn't read the original work would still enjoy Hidden Lusts on its own merit? less
Originally posted by
Ivy Wilde
Howdy y'all!
I think it might be very interesting to read this book, and then read the original for the first time. I almost wish I were still n Austen virgin!
Originally posted by
Yaoi Pervette (deleted)
Hello Sacchi and everyone else!
I did read the excerpt, and I found it incredibly entertaining. I must admit, I have never even read Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. Do you think someone who hasn't read the original work would ... more
I did read the excerpt, and I found it incredibly entertaining. I must admit, I have never even read Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. Do you think someone who hasn't read the original work would ... more
Hello Sacchi and everyone else!
I did read the excerpt, and I found it incredibly entertaining. I must admit, I have never even read Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. Do you think someone who hasn't read the original work would still enjoy Hidden Lusts on its own merit? less
I did read the excerpt, and I found it incredibly entertaining. I must admit, I have never even read Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. Do you think someone who hasn't read the original work would still enjoy Hidden Lusts on its own merit? less
I'm about halfway through the book and loving it. I love how there ate so many individual stories while they also tie in to one big story. Also love the variety of sexual acts, sexual preferencrs, kink, and self discovery throughout the book
Hey Sam!
Thank you sexy.
By homework y'all mean reading the book, right? I did not do that but I did read a couple reviews. I wish I had read it though. Sounds good and I love the original Austen. Mr. Darcy...mmm...
Thank you sexy.
By homework y'all mean reading the book, right? I did not do that but I did read a couple reviews. I wish I had read it though. Sounds good and I love the original Austen. Mr. Darcy...mmm...
Just reading the excerpts here and what Ivy included in her great review, I could see that the author put a lot of effort in capturing the feel of the writing style of the time. I really respect that.
Originally posted by
I think so. It is written well enough that you shouldn't have to read the original. It carries itself.
And Hi everyone! I'm already falling behind.
I really enjoyed the writing itself. I loved the contrast between the overly polite language and the incredibly raunchy sex acts it was describing. A delicious dichotomy.
Thanks Ivy and hey! I couldn't find the hug (then again I can hardly see straight) but back atcha, babe!
Originally posted by
Ivy Wilde
I'm so sorry. I hope you feel better soon.
I second this. I love the variety.
Originally posted by
I'm about halfway through the book and loving it. I love how there ate so many individual stories while they also tie in to one big story. Also love the variety of sexual acts, sexual preferencrs, kink, and self discovery throughout the book
Like drunk Facebooking lol!
Originally posted by
Kake aka PoeticErotica
Thanks Ivy and hey! I couldn't find the hug (then again I can hardly see straight) but back atcha, babe!
Actually, I just meant that your homework was reading the excerpt above, and maybe the reviews. It'd be interesting, though, to know who's read the whole book.
I'm so sorry to hear that! Hope you feel better soon!
Originally posted by
Kake aka PoeticErotica
Better than yesterday when I was being wheeled around the ATL airport in a wheelchair because my craptastic knees have gone nutso. :/
I'm a few chapters in (still, bad, I know) and I'm having a hard time with it. As I'm reading it I keep getting the feeling that I'm reading a fanfiction and I have a hard time remembering that it's a parody and not supposed to be completely serious. I am enjoying the "old world" language, but some of it just seems a wee bit over the top to me and losing the touch that would keep it more realistic (in my opinion) is what makes it hard for me to see it as much more than a fan fic.
Originally posted by
Kake aka PoeticErotica
Thanks Ivy and hey! I couldn't find the hug (then again I can hardly see straight) but back atcha, babe!

You did a really good job describing this in your review, and it's the biggest reason I'm going to have to buy Hidden Lusts after October's over.
Originally posted by
Ivy Wilde
I really enjoyed the writing itself. I loved the contrast between the overly polite language and the incredibly raunchy sex acts it was describing. A delicious dichotomy.
I am curious about who, here is a big Jane Austen fan and who is just interested in this particular book because it's erotica...
I liked that in some of the stories from Carnal Machines as well. Never has the word "culminate" sounded so dirty!
Originally posted by
Ivy Wilde
I really enjoyed the writing itself. I loved the contrast between the overly polite language and the incredibly raunchy sex acts it was describing. A delicious dichotomy.
Do you think that having read the original Austen detracted or added to reading the Hidden Lusts take on it?
Originally posted by
I think it might be very interesting to read this book, and then read the original for the first time. I almost wish I were still n Austen virgin!
Thank you, Liz
Originally posted by
I'm so sorry to hear that! Hope you feel better soon!
I have been out of town but have scanned over the book and had to stop in a few places and read the juicy details. I will be able to catch up completely over the end of this week.
Originally posted by
You did a really good job describing this in your review, and it's the biggest reason I'm going to have to buy Hidden Lusts after October's over.
Ah'm just here for the sex...
Originally posted by
I am curious about who, here is a big Jane Austen fan and who is just interested in this particular book because it's erotica...
I am a ginormous Austen fan, especially of Pride and Prejudice in particular. And the BBC miniseries with Colin Firth, ofc. I assume everyone also knows Bridget Jones is also based on P&P?
Originally posted by
I am curious about who, here is a big Jane Austen fan and who is just interested in this particular book because it's erotica...
For the time being, I am here for the sex as well.
Originally posted by
Ah'm just here for the sex...
I've never read the original. I guess partially because I thought it would probably be too dry. So I would be more inclined to read this book just because I would imagine it's not nearly as dry.
Originally posted by
I am curious about who, here is a big Jane Austen fan and who is just interested in this particular book because it's erotica...