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Yeah, you pretty much get a pass on EVERYTHING at the moment.
I do notice more and more places I go have special parking spots just for you! Ok you and all the other pregnant women and new mothers, but you're the only one I know right
Yeah, you pretty much get a pass on EVERYTHING at the moment.
I do notice more and more places I go have special parking spots just for you! Ok you and all the other pregnant women and new mothers, but you're the only one I know right now.
My dentist has five spots for expectant mothers! They deserve it, totally, but I'd like a spot for the "That person who is perpetually almost late, and would rather not jog across the parking lot to get to her appointment on time."
(don't mind me, i've been at the dentist a lot recently) You are feeling good (for 23 weeks), I hope?
Wow, that's impressive. I haven't seen any parking space in VA for pregnant or new mothers. There was a grocery store in Charleston, SC that had "Stork Parking." (I think it was Piggly Wiggly.) And when I was in Chicago the baby/children's store Land of Nod had parking spaces for pregnant/new moms, but that's the only time I've seen it!
I'm feeling GREAT considering I'm pregnant, have a 17 month old and I turned 44 on Saturday!
(Plus a book that just came out that I'm promoting, a book due June 1 and one due September 1, except I'll probably be home with a newborn that week, so I need to get it in early...)
Um... yeah... I feel great, but I ramble...