Who wouldnt
When you get an order in, do you immediately play with it?
Depends on what it is. I usually open up the packaging to put it somewhere.
Excitedly place it somewhere...I'm playing with that tonight!
I take it into my room without hte boys around, rip it open, and then excitedly place it out of their reach/eyes so I can play with it that night!
When a new toys arrives, it is IMMEDIATELY taken to be cleaned, gets a fresh set of batteries and or a charge and no matter what we are doing (bills, cooking dinner, eating dinner, watching TV)...it WILL get pushed in, strapped on or in some way "applied" immediately !!!!
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Sometimes it's just too exciting to get a box from EF in! What are you most prone to do when it's finally in your hands?
Sometimes it's open immediately, other times it can sit for a day
I rip open packages from EF as soon as I get home and attempt to play with whatever I ordered as soon as possible
I always rip it open in a hurry but then wait till later to use it.
It's like Christmas at my house. but if the kids are with me I have to wait until they go play to open it.
Just like Christmas!
As soon as I can, because I've usually been dreaming about it for days by that point.
Originally posted by
Sometimes it's just too exciting to get a box from EF in! What are you most prone to do when it's finally in your hands?
I'm usually practically camping by the mailbox while I'm waiting for it, so yeah, as soon as it comes in It's something like this:
Assuming I'm the only one at my house. There's only been one time that I couldn't use it right away because a friend had come over. He questioned me as to why I didn't open the package, so it would have been more than a little suspicious to sneak off to my room for a couple hours and come back out all red and knees shaking :3
Assuming I'm the only one at my house. There's only been one time that I couldn't use it right away because a friend had come over. He questioned me as to why I didn't open the package, so it would have been more than a little suspicious to sneak off to my room for a couple hours and come back out all red and knees shaking :3
I usually open it immediately, test it in my hand to see if the vibrations feel okay, then put it away to use it when I can.
I often play with a toy as soon as I get it, if I can. That's after I "Ooh!" and "Ahh!" over how pretty it is, how functional, how smooth or textured or whatever... Especially velvet silicone, or pretty glass toys. I fondle and hold and admire them before playing with them.
I usually don't have any reason not to open it right away!
Im so excited. Mine should be coming in the mail any minute now!
I usually open the package up right away, since my roommate has no problem with sex toys, and we're pretty open about stuff like that. If I were still living with my parents, I'm sure that would be a much different story. I don't always actually use it that same day, but I like to see it right away.
I want to right away but I usually have to wait.
I'll open it immediately and explore it, but timing is everything, so sometimes it's immediate playtime and other times the toy sits waiting for the perfect occasion.
Almost always within a day or two
Originally posted by
Sometimes it's just too exciting to get a box from EF in! What are you most prone to do when it's finally in your hands?

Depends what I'm doing that day. I may not use it right away but I definitely unpack it that evening!
local post is not on top to say the least. I got one of my packages more than a month after shipping, so I kind of stopped expecting it too much.
Yes, too excited to wait to open it!! Although I don't always have time to use things right away.. unfortunately.
oh yeah I definitely open everything up right away! I don't always play with them immediately, but at the very least I will read the manuals and push all the buttons
I always get SUPER stoked, but I usually don't get a chance to play with things right off the bat.
rip it open
Originally posted by
Sometimes it's just too exciting to get a box from EF in! What are you most prone to do when it's finally in your hands?
I have to at least take a toy out of the box as soon as it comes. I want to hold it and touch it and "oh" and "ah" over it. But I might not play with it for a few days. It really depends on what kind of mood I'm in.
Lol, sometimes I'm like that too. Other times, I check the mailbox a couple of times the day the package is suppose to arrive.
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I open it right away like a mad woman, however I do that with any package not just EF ones. Even if I know it's something boring like a vacuum cleaner or something
I wish I could open it right away! I live in a dorm so I can't unless there's no change of my roommate walking in.
They get checked out as soon as they arrive, cleaned and stowed away. The anticipation of the sitting there really helps so when the feeling hits me...........(confetti )