I have to open it at once. It's so exciting.
When you get an order in, do you immediately play with it?
Most of the time we play with it the night it comes in. We actually have backed up a bit because I've been a little overzealous with ordering so we've got some things on the to-try list.
When my first package arrived from EF, I have never driven home from the post office so fast! I sure when packing 2 gets here it will be exactly the same!
Meh. I'll get to it when I get to it!
We use our toys together - since I work at home, I get them first, then figure out the best time to introduce the new toy. Sometimes its that night - others it may be days or even weeks later.

I open the package in a hurry and play with the toy later.
I try to get to it ASAP but unfortunately I usually gotta wait a few hours
I immediately open the boxes to get rid of the "evidence" since I don't live alone. I'll use things when I feel like it, maybe not for a few days after it gets here.
I rip it open. And if I have time I play with it then and there. But that does not always happen
Depends. Last week when my order arrived, it was only a day or two after my kitty turned up missing, so I didn't even want to touch or look at it. For some reason I felt so damn bad and sad and guilty when I thought about opening the package. I just kept thinking I could be doing something to get my cat back, so I never opened it until I'd put up flyers and had her put on the news. Still nothing.
Originally posted by
Sometimes it's just too exciting to get a box from EF in! What are you most prone to do when it's finally in your hands?
Then I finally got excited again and am able to sort of let myself be a little happy without feeling guilty, so I did get to it!
Honestly, here's what I do when any order I've bought from online arrives... this is kind of bad. Lol. I let it sit there until I'm all good and ready, got a perfectly clean workspace and then I'll open it. It's crazy! I have always been weird like that. Here's what I do: empty the trash, make sure my bed is made up, sweep, clear away dishes and make sure the kitchen's clean. Then I grab my Xacto knife and empty trash can, place it on the bed (since I usually end up having to open an EF package in private) and then I'll go fix a cup of coffee or do ONE more chore. THEN, I'll light up a smoke, sit down on my clean, made bed with my scissors and empty trash can! I know, it's awful! LOL. I guess I let the excitement build I don't know. I also am the same way when I'm going to be working on my novel or even school work! I'll clean like mad because I cannot ever really get in my mode to produce something good unless everything is nicely put away and clean. It's so annoying, but I think it's about the relaxation and destressing part of everything being cleaned, and it makes me able to have a clear mind. NO idea why this little routine is necessary for me to open a package, but it doesn't feel right any other way. Ha Ha.
Anyways though, sometimes the item won't be used for a day. My last package had a pair of boxers, a dress and a glass dildo. I wasn't in the mood for sex, or trying on a dress for that matter - very weird of me! So I let it sit there, but gave the boxers to my lovie, and when they didn't fit, I took them over and loved them. Lol. The dildo didn't get used for another whole day and the dress, I put on first thing when I woke up the next day.
absolutely. packaging every where. it's my favorite thing, playing with new toys
I take my pictures as soon as I get my order. When I get to play with it is usually the next day. My mail comes late and I'm usually leaving to go pick up my son by the time I'm done with the photos. Sucks!
I usually open and take a look, but I'll play with it whenever I am inspired, that always varies... depending on the toy and my mood.
It depends on what's going on at the time. Usually I'm not even home when the package arrives, but I typically open it up as soon as I get my hands on it to check everything out and make sure I got what I ordered.
I'll wait to start playing with my toys until I have some time to myself, which might not be for a day or two with our work schedules. For instance, my new Hitachi arrived on Wednesday, it's Friday now and today will be the first chance I get to try it out.
I'll wait to start playing with my toys until I have some time to myself, which might not be for a day or two with our work schedules. For instance, my new Hitachi arrived on Wednesday, it's Friday now and today will be the first chance I get to try it out.
That's not bad at all. I don't do it when opening packages, but I have to admit that my solo playtime is pretty ritualized as well. Nothing wrong with that!
Originally posted by
Depends. Last week when my order arrived, it was only a day or two after my kitty turned up missing, so I didn't even want to touch or look at it. For some reason I felt so damn bad and sad and guilty when I thought about opening the package. I
Depends. Last week when my order arrived, it was only a day or two after my kitty turned up missing, so I didn't even want to touch or look at it. For some reason I felt so damn bad and sad and guilty when I thought about opening the package. I just kept thinking I could be doing something to get my cat back, so I never opened it until I'd put up flyers and had her put on the news. Still nothing.
Then I finally got excited again and am able to sort of let myself be a little happy without feeling guilty, so I did get to it!
Honestly, here's what I do when any order I've bought from online arrives... this is kind of bad. Lol. I let it sit there until I'm all good and ready, got a perfectly clean workspace and then I'll open it. It's crazy! I have always been weird like that. Here's what I do: empty the trash, make sure my bed is made up, sweep, clear away dishes and make sure the kitchen's clean. Then I grab my Xacto knife and empty trash can, place it on the bed (since I usually end up having to open an EF package in private) and then I'll go fix a cup of coffee or do ONE more chore. THEN, I'll light up a smoke, sit down on my clean, made bed with my scissors and empty trash can! I know, it's awful! LOL. I guess I let the excitement build I don't know. I also am the same way when I'm going to be working on my novel or even school work! I'll clean like mad because I cannot ever really get in my mode to produce something good unless everything is nicely put away and clean. It's so annoying, but I think it's about the relaxation and destressing part of everything being cleaned, and it makes me able to have a clear mind. NO idea why this little routine is necessary for me to open a package, but it doesn't feel right any other way. Ha Ha.
Anyways though, sometimes the item won't be used for a day. My last package had a pair of boxers, a dress and a glass dildo. I wasn't in the mood for sex, or trying on a dress for that matter - very weird of me! So I let it sit there, but gave the boxers to my lovie, and when they didn't fit, I took them over and loved them. Lol. The dildo didn't get used for another whole day and the dress, I put on first thing when I woke up the next day. less
Then I finally got excited again and am able to sort of let myself be a little happy without feeling guilty, so I did get to it!
Honestly, here's what I do when any order I've bought from online arrives... this is kind of bad. Lol. I let it sit there until I'm all good and ready, got a perfectly clean workspace and then I'll open it. It's crazy! I have always been weird like that. Here's what I do: empty the trash, make sure my bed is made up, sweep, clear away dishes and make sure the kitchen's clean. Then I grab my Xacto knife and empty trash can, place it on the bed (since I usually end up having to open an EF package in private) and then I'll go fix a cup of coffee or do ONE more chore. THEN, I'll light up a smoke, sit down on my clean, made bed with my scissors and empty trash can! I know, it's awful! LOL. I guess I let the excitement build I don't know. I also am the same way when I'm going to be working on my novel or even school work! I'll clean like mad because I cannot ever really get in my mode to produce something good unless everything is nicely put away and clean. It's so annoying, but I think it's about the relaxation and destressing part of everything being cleaned, and it makes me able to have a clear mind. NO idea why this little routine is necessary for me to open a package, but it doesn't feel right any other way. Ha Ha.
Anyways though, sometimes the item won't be used for a day. My last package had a pair of boxers, a dress and a glass dildo. I wasn't in the mood for sex, or trying on a dress for that matter - very weird of me! So I let it sit there, but gave the boxers to my lovie, and when they didn't fit, I took them over and loved them. Lol. The dildo didn't get used for another whole day and the dress, I put on first thing when I woke up the next day. less
As soon as i get to my room I open it, but I don't play with it right away
Originally posted by
Sometimes it's just too exciting to get a box from EF in! What are you most prone to do when it's finally in your hands?
I want to open it right away, but of course that's not always possible. I rarely use anything immediately, but if circumstances allow I will get it out and fiddle with it.
I don't need to use it right away, but I do want to open it right away and check it out. And usually can.
we wait until we have time to test out our purchase
If I've got free time I open it right up and inspect everything, then wash 'em then have a go
Sometimes I just stare at the clock, counting down to when the mail arrives.
When I get to it I play.
I always open it right away, but it could be a day or two before I actually use the products inside. It just depends on my mood and what I've got going that day.
i rip into the box right away!!!! but with little kid in the house i cant actually enjoy the toys or try the lingerie on until she's in bed lol SUCKS having to wait
Typically I will wait till that night.
I open it right away to check it out, but with two kids I can't just get down to business whenever I want to!
I open things up and put them where they will be ready for later use.
I open things up and put them where they will be ready for later use.
I rip it open and admire it but usually wait til that night to spend some quality time with it
I almost always check it out right away. I like to know if everything is there and working fine.
I get excited, but I also exhibit a little restraint
mail man can barely let it go and I am ripping the box open