Ménage a trois- have you ever had a threesome?

Contributor: Feisty Feisty
No and I have no desire for one.
Contributor: dm dm
Originally posted by StickySweetLeena
A lot of us think about it, but have you actually done it?
I think it would be fun but my wife doesn't have any interest which is fine with me.
Contributor: bellaapple23 bellaapple23
Yep. I had a few with a married couple who had experienced lots of threesomes and group sex. It was a great experience because they were both really understanding and patient with me because it was a new experience for me. Everyone was open to sharing with each other and there was no jealousy or drama because we were all very open with each other and with our limits.
Contributor: CaliGirl CaliGirl
I did it but she was not someone I wanted anything to do with, so it made it awkward.
Contributor: pirata pirata
No, but it is one of my most persistent fantasies. I am DYING to have one with another woman and my boyfriend. I just have no concept of how to find this mythical woman who would bang a couple O.o
Contributor: cagypsy cagypsy
Yes and it was great fun and I hope to have many more opportunities to do it again!
Contributor: Ash1141 Ash1141
No, but i'd like to with my hubby and another guy.
Contributor: kozykitten65 kozykitten65
no, not interested
Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears OH&W, Lovebears
No we are very happy with twosomes with ourownsomes.
Contributor: konicaguy konicaguy
Originally posted by StickySweetLeena
A lot of us think about it, but have you actually done it?
I'm the jealous type...
Contributor: Glinteye Glinteye
I finally did, and it was a lot of fun!
Contributor: Slutty Girl Problems Slutty Girl Problems
Yes, and it was great! But not the "fireworks" I expected.... would definitely take some work to perfect the art!
Contributor: CinnamonNights CinnamonNights
I haven't yet but my boyfriend and I would like to eventually.
Contributor: TheHardOne TheHardOne
Like most guys, still hope'n.
Contributor: EastCoast36 EastCoast36
Fantasy vs. reality for me and my wife. It is fun to watch in porn and fantasize about, even roleplay with toys, but not even a consideration in our lives.
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
Yup, when I was younger, but right now, no.
Contributor: bellaapple23 bellaapple23
Originally posted by StickySweetLeena
A lot of us think about it, but have you actually done it?
Yes, I had a few with the same couple, and it was great!
Contributor: rom323 rom323
My wife and I both want to have a FMF and MFM just finding the third is problem

she wants a stranger so things don't get weird.

we are considering vegas and hiring someone.

anyone ever done this?
Contributor: LilyLust LilyLust
It sounds great in my head. But I have a my reservations. Mostly because of a failed marriage that failed because of sexual issues. But I've always wanted to. if my partner and I could find someone we both felt comfortable with then it may be a possibility.
Contributor: Becky Lee Becky Lee
no way i dont like to share