How often do you shower with your partner?

Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
Almost every time we shower it's together!
Contributor: Calla Calla
I've actually never done it. Showers just don't seem very sexy to me, with water spraying in your face. When I shower I just like to get in and out. I love having relaxing baths though, and we have had baths together.
Contributor: Checkmate Checkmate
Not often enough! Maybe 3-4 times a year.
Contributor: Nora29714 Nora29714
Contributor: HisOneAndOnly HisOneAndOnly
Originally posted by bobomomo
Every other day, Once a week, Few times in a month, Sometimes, Never????
I enjoy showering with my partner as much as I can. My partner tends to work out of town a lot, so when he is home we enjoy that shower time. We like to have sex in the shower among other things, but we make the most out of whatever time we have with one another!
Contributor: Cora Jane Cora Jane
I had an ex who wanted to shower together every single time. It drove me crazy to never have any privacy so with future partners it will probably be once a week or so. I enjoy it, but I need some alone time too.
Contributor: nosrslylol nosrslylol
Contributor: Undecided Undecided
When I was with my ex we showered together almost nightly
Contributor: BrittaniMaree BrittaniMaree
2 maybe 3 times a month
Contributor: Talena Talena
Sometimes but not very often.
Contributor: SaucyxGirl SaucyxGirl
As often as possible, but given our work schedules right now not enough. I would say a few times a month, but early in our relationship when we worked similar schedules it was almost every day.
Contributor: Hazeleyes2012 Hazeleyes2012
Almost never the shower is too small.....
Contributor: lalalalove lalalalove
Originally posted by bobomomo
Every other day, Once a week, Few times in a month, Sometimes, Never????
A few times a week.
Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears OH&W, Lovebears
Pretty often. We have a double shower now. It's great to have someone wash you back. When there was only 1 shower head, one of us would complain about getting cold.
Contributor: konicaguy konicaguy
Originally posted by bobomomo
Every other day, Once a week, Few times in a month, Sometimes, Never????
Almost every day! Can't wait to wake up in the mornings...
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
Not often, we need a bigger shower!
Contributor: hmb12 hmb12
A few times a month, usually whenever both of us have to shower. Of course, one of us is working during the other's shower time. Oddly enough, I can't get romantic in the shower. Maybe a kiss under the running water, but if anything is going to happen, we get out first. It's uncomfortable trying to get intimate in a tight space.
Contributor: hmb12 hmb12
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
When we were younger we did it maybe once a month - now it's pretty much never - too dangerous!
Definitely dangerous! lol
Contributor: TexasFire TexasFire
Rarely. Intercourse in the shower is out of the picture, as the water really "dries" her up.
Contributor: Husband and Wife Husband and Wife
We try to do it once a week.. A nice way to be close and enjoy each other company. Sometimes it can get hot and sexy and others it just a shower..
Contributor: kittyloveswahwah kittyloveswahwah
Originally posted by Taylor
Never it's a shame because I have the perfect shower for it. Two showerheads, a glass door that faces the mirror, and handrails to hold onto.
... Can I shower with you? That's my dream shower. Drool.
Contributor: kittyloveswahwah kittyloveswahwah
Originally posted by bobomomo
Every other day, Once a week, Few times in a month, Sometimes, Never????
We used to shower 85% of the time, but since we moved, our shower is really small and I can barely fit my pregnant butt in it let alone both of us.
Contributor: dm dm
Originally posted by bobomomo
Every other day, Once a week, Few times in a month, Sometimes, Never????
Not nearly enough!