Have you named any of your toys?

Contributor: KnK KnK
Originally posted by LavenderSkies
I came across a post on EF of a woman who had named a toy of hers. I smirked at first, but then wondered how many of you do it as well Poll below!
Not exactly, but I have found myself sweet talking some of them, which I thought was rather funny. I think I may have called one of them, big boy or something silly
Contributor: KnK KnK
Originally posted by Clitical Jenne
I have a blue dildo that is named Papa Smurf because that's what he reminds me of. A glass dildo I own is also called Mr Blue Skies and I have named other favorites of mine. The reason is simple if I'm playing with Hubby and he's reaching ... more
I like this
Contributor: Eliza Eliza
I haven't, but I don't think it's silly. I'll probably do it eventually. I name a lot of inanimate.
Contributor: Eliza Eliza
Originally posted by Eliza
I haven't, but I don't think it's silly. I'll probably do it eventually. I name a lot of inanimate.
*inanimate objects.
Contributor: Navigator Navigator
I don't think it's weird at all, but I haven't named any of mine, yet. Collectively, I refer to them as Coin Operated Boys (I'm such a nerd XD).
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
Originally posted by Navigator
I don't think it's weird at all, but I haven't named any of mine, yet. Collectively, I refer to them as Coin Operated Boys (I'm such a nerd XD).
Love it!
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
LOL I was going to create a similar thread, so glad I found this one!! My man actually named my first 2 so we could refer to them quickly when necessary... but now my collection is getting so big, there aren't enough names! We call them things like "the fat one", "the G", "ET" (that's this one), and so on. Some of them we call by their proper name - like Ina.
Contributor: LittleMissBliss LittleMissBliss
Lets see. My very first toy was a purple bullet. It broke recently... When I went to change the batteries in it that metal piece that touches the batteries to cause the vibrations broke. I told James "I brok-ed my little Buddy!" So I have to replace my Little Buddy now...very sad. I also recently got a Oui and named it Button all because it is button operated. I like simple cute names.... lol. I guess. My fiance' has named me Little Pink, as he likes to express. My newest Little Buddy will be from California Exotic, the Crystal High Intensity Bullet (Pink). I might decide to name it LittleMissBliss, because I have a feeling this "little buddy" will be my fave ever. Until "Cottontail" the Jack Rabbit comes along.
Contributor: sbon sbon
No, I don't. I might one day, though, if I have one that's really awesome or unique or something.
Contributor: IrishLassie IrishLassie
HAHA! Actually the hubs and i did name on our 1st toys. It was called the mutated purple penis, or MPP, because it was kinda mishaped a little. But we dont have names for the others.
Contributor: idunshire idunshire
Not really name-names, nothing like Fred of Janis or anything.. more like 'The Beast' or 'Bitty'. Self-describing is going to be a bit harder if I keep buying toys in the same colour >.>
Contributor: Mr. & Mrs. Peg Mr. & Mrs. Peg
I may use the name they were given by the manufacturer, but I don't call my fleshlight a female name.
Contributor: Mr.RightNow Mr.RightNow
not yet anyway
Contributor: girl next door girl next door
never thought of it, but I am a dork and probably would in the future
Contributor: slynch slynch
we have a Vixen Johnny in a bright red color. We call it "Big Red".
Contributor: Fuck it. Fuck it.
I've only named one. It's not something I feel the need to do. As I get more, I'll probably have to give them some sort of a name so the boyfriend knows which one I'm talking about.
Contributor: kittychilla kittychilla
i only have given my bad dragon dildos names. one is named elias and one is blackseadramon.
We name the Hitachi Wand "turbo". The 8" blush dildo is "Gummy bear", and the lelo is "the finger"
Contributor: Linga Linga
I don't think naming your toys is silly but I don't so it because I think of Daddy when I'm using them so having it called something else is just weird to me.
Contributor: Eden C. Eden C.
Yeah, I usually give them a simplistic, childlike name. There's a pink one named Pinky, a Mini rabbit vibro wand named Weenie, and an egg vibrator named Eggbert. I'm not very creative.
Contributor: crazybat crazybat
I never really name my toys, I always just associate with them as whatever name they were given by the company. I never really see a 'need' to name them, it doesn't help or disadvantage my imagination or fun with them so I never felt I had to. I would if it had any compelling meaning to me I guess.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
We've got so many - you've got to have some way to ask for what you want.We just use colors and shapes - not peoples names or body parts.
Contributor: Solar Ray Solar Ray
No I haven't named any but if my partner wanted to name one of her vibes Bubba or something I think it would be humorous.
Contributor: bbb bbb
Originally posted by Orion
Lol we use Lelo toys mostly they come with names >.>
I was going to say the same thing...the naming is already done for me.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
Not really the closest thing is that I occasionally refer to my Whal as "almighty Whal".
Contributor: Scarlette Scarlette
No, I havent. And not because its silly, but they already had names or product names, I guess, so...I had no urge to name them anything else.
Contributor: xoflxokcxo xoflxokcxo
haha, I've never given it a thought before. I think I would name my faves.
Contributor: Alyxx Alyxx
Originally posted by Woman China
Colours. I usually just call them by their colours. Unless it is The Glass One. It is uber special!!!!
My simple little red go-to vibrator has been "Red" in my mind since I got it, but I don't call it that out loud. Heh, if I did mention it to my boyfriend by that name he would probably be confused as hell, he's nearly completely colorblind. Oddly enough, one of our two glass dildos is referred to by us as The Glass One too. It's the one he gave me for Christmas that was made by our glassblower friend. It's my favorite toy, and his favorite to use on me.
Contributor: Sebmissive Sebmissive
I named my Little Chroma, my favorite toy of all, "Little Mikey" after my boyfriend.
Before I gave him to my BFF, I named my Throb "The Beast".
None of my other toys have names.
Contributor: aBeastlyLittleThing aBeastlyLittleThing
Originally posted by LavenderSkies
I came across a post on EF of a woman who had named a toy of hers. I smirked at first, but then wondered how many of you do it as well Poll below!
they're my friends! friends should have names!!