Have you ever been injured having sex?

Contributor: badk1tty badk1tty
Reading all of these posts makes me feel fortunate that the worst I've ever gotten was some cramps.
Contributor: michael scofield michael scofield
yes it was during a wacking off marthon on friday night. it must of been the 16th time i was ready to climax and had to stop! a sharp pain and it was fast. i waited about 20 seconds and continued. thought i was fine and was ready to cum again and it happened again!. i waited a few hours and tried again and same thing the pain only started when i was ready to cum. i got so scared and thought i broke my penis. i decided to wait a few days before i would got to a doctor. thankfully it worked. it was longest time i ever went without wacking off. i guess i strained it or something. lol
Contributor: CindyH CindyH
have not been been badly injured while having sex have had a few mad marks on my back
Contributor: Passion plum Passion plum
Yes but just pulled muscles. Should do more stretching first.
Contributor: Love Obsessed Love Obsessed
I have had a sore vagina a few times.But,once I was on top of a guy and I hurt my leg.It just starting hurting really bad I think it was just that I really didn't know how to be on top and strained a muscle.
Contributor: beccawalton beccawalton
no and i hope i wont
Contributor: kitty1949 kitty1949
i've fallen off my bed while masturbating a few times lol