Do you know how to parallel park?

Contributor: Do emu Do emu
Yep. I never really had a problem. I guess it was in the way I learned.
Contributor: Stagger13 Stagger13
Originally posted by Lily Night
Not a kinky question, I know, but it comes up between my boyfriend and I a lot. So, can you parallel park? My boyfriend guesses that 85% of people can't (just like me) and hey, this is Eden, right? So feel free to post any kinky things to the ... more
I am pretty good but my wife is excellent at it.
Contributor: swaggsohott12 swaggsohott12
i drive better than my bf!!
Contributor: Brandonn Brandonn
Yes. that's kind of a funny question.
Contributor: ellejay ellejay
Yep, but it takes a few tries.
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
You know what we call parallel parking in England?


If you can't do it, you better not start the car, because you won't have any place to put it when you're done driving.
Contributor: Azule Azule
I live in the city so I basically have to know how to parallel park, particularly under pressure when I'm holding up an intersection and everyone's watching.
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
minimal chance to parallel? i can only imagine that happening in really small towns. any place downtown that i've seen, esp. cities, have parallel parking. maybe i'm wrong.

i didn't have driver's ed at my school but it was on ... more
I've actually never had to parellel park before, so I really have no idea how to do it. I see circumstances where it might need to be done, but I usually find a spot where I don't have to.
Contributor: Breas Breas
I COULD parallel park if I wanted to, but I usually don't do it because it makes me nervous lol
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by Lily Night
Not a kinky question, I know, but it comes up between my boyfriend and I a lot. So, can you parallel park? My boyfriend guesses that 85% of people can't (just like me) and hey, this is Eden, right? So feel free to post any kinky things to the ... more
I can!
Contributor: Howells Howells
Contributor: Ciao. Ciao.
Yes, I can definitely parallel park, but it's not something I have to do all that frequently here.
Contributor: Pi Pi
I am a man and I have in the past but I am not in practice any more its been about 10 years since I've tried and fear that it would not go smoothly.
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
I parallel park like a professional. I am oddly really freaking good at it. My boyfriend just tried to do it a few weeks ago with me in the car and he just flat out can't. It took him four tries. He got so mad when I offered to teach him. It was hilarious.
Contributor: dragonn dragonn
It's kind of sad when you encounter people who can't parellel park. it's even sadder when they don't get your instructions as you try to coach them through it. i learned in drivers ed and did it for the test.
Contributor: garylangworthy420 garylangworthy420
i parallel park better than anyone i know, but i cant back into a space to save my life
Contributor: Alyxx Alyxx
I pretty much taught myself to parallel park. I kind of had to either learn on the spot or be late to class because I couldn't find another spot. Never hit any cars trying, either. I also find it pretty hilarious that no men so far have fessed up to not being able to parallel park...
Contributor: curious kitten curious kitten
It's not that hard.
Contributor: shoutitout87 shoutitout87
I physically CAN do it, but I try and avoid parallel parking whenever possible. It usually takes me going back and forth about 8-10 times to finally get into the spot.
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
Originally posted by indiglo
I don't think it's taught in Driver's Ed anymore, but when I took Driver's Ed we were taught (and tested on) parallel parking. I think most people live in places where there is minimal chance to parallel park, so no one learns how any more.
To obtain a valid Drivers Licence in Washington state, it is part of the test; parallel parking IS required! Whether or not it is taught in some kind of formal Driver's Ed would be doing injustice to the young person!
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
It's not hard at all for me.
Contributor: BlooJay BlooJay
I know how to park all sorts of ways.
Contributor: meezerosity meezerosity
I can but I'm not very good at it.
Contributor: amandaco2011 amandaco2011
I can. I have to when driving into the city.
Contributor: clockwork451 clockwork451
Yes I can, and proud to say so.