I always read the reviews before buying but I need the instructions because I never know where to put batteries lol
Featured by EdenFantasys
You have a new toy. Do you read the instructions first or start looking through EF reviews?
I play around with the toy before reading the instructions -- then, I read the instructions to see if it has a special feature that I may have missed.
Sex toys have instructions O_o i thought it was self-explanatory.
Usually it's intuitive enough
I always read the instructions, especially if the toy is rechargeable
Originally posted by
Petite Valentine
I recently bought a Fleshlight for my husband, and when it came time to clean it, we had a conversation that went like this:
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the ... more
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the ... more
I recently bought a Fleshlight for my husband, and when it came time to clean it, we had a conversation that went like this:
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the instructions first?
Husband: I read the reviews on EF.
Which leads to my question:
When you get a new toy from EF, what do you do first? less
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the instructions first?
Husband: I read the reviews on EF.
Which leads to my question:
When you get a new toy from EF, what do you do first? less
I read the instructions first.
Fun time, I figure it out as I go.
If I buy a toy, I have probably already read most of its EF reviews, but I'll read the instructions if it comes with them.
The instructions will be around for awhile but more than likely I will never look at them. The only time I look at them is if I'm having problems with the toy.
I tend to read the reviews before making the purchase, and if I'm particularly excited about something I'll read them again while the item is in transit. So I usually have all the information I need before the toy's arrival, and only bother with the official instructions if I have to wait for it to charge or something before use. Often the instructions don't get read until I sit down to write a review, after multiple uses of the toy.
If it comes with instructions, I read those first. If not, I'd hit EF.
I usually read the reviews BEFORE buying the toy, then I'll read the instructions when I get it.
I just dive in
depends - some things are pretty much self explanatory
Fun time, I figure it out as I go.
Originally posted by
Petite Valentine
I recently bought a Fleshlight for my husband, and when it came time to clean it, we had a conversation that went like this:
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the ... more
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the ... more
I recently bought a Fleshlight for my husband, and when it came time to clean it, we had a conversation that went like this:
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the instructions first?
Husband: I read the reviews on EF.
Which leads to my question:
When you get a new toy from EF, what do you do first? less
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the instructions first?
Husband: I read the reviews on EF.
Which leads to my question:
When you get a new toy from EF, what do you do first? less
Yeah, I just figure it out on my own, to be honest.
assuming I bought it at EF I probably have read all the reviews already! But generally I am a learn as I go person.
figure it out as i go
Sometimes I'll flip through all the packaging and instructions just to enjoy the fun of having a new toy but, by that time, I've usually done my homework and already read the reviews.
Originally posted by
Petite Valentine
I recently bought a Fleshlight for my husband, and when it came time to clean it, we had a conversation that went like this:
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the ... more
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the ... more
I recently bought a Fleshlight for my husband, and when it came time to clean it, we had a conversation that went like this:
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the instructions first?
Husband: I read the reviews on EF.
Which leads to my question:
When you get a new toy from EF, what do you do first? less
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the instructions first?
Husband: I read the reviews on EF.
Which leads to my question:
When you get a new toy from EF, what do you do first? less
Depends on what it is.
I normally read the reviews before I buy it...
Most instructions are so badly written...or generic, I almost always just "figure it out".
Originally posted by
Petite Valentine
I recently bought a Fleshlight for my husband, and when it came time to clean it, we had a conversation that went like this:
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the ... more
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the ... more
I recently bought a Fleshlight for my husband, and when it came time to clean it, we had a conversation that went like this:
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the instructions first?
Husband: I read the reviews on EF.
Which leads to my question:
When you get a new toy from EF, what do you do first? less
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the instructions first?
Husband: I read the reviews on EF.
Which leads to my question:
When you get a new toy from EF, what do you do first? less
The EF user reviews have always been far more helpful then instructions that come with the toys.
Originally posted by
As we're getting into nicer and nicer toys I find that I go through the directions just to make sure. But usually I've checked out the EF reviews before I've even ordered the thing!
Us too.
Originally posted by
I usually read reviews first to get an idea before I buy it.
For some strange reason, I LOVE reading instructions. So yeah, I read the instructions before using any toy that comes with them.
I just try and figure it out on my own.
Reading the instructions takes away from the potential hilarious mess ups that might ensue. I always just set them off to the side unless it's something I genuinely can't figure out after a few minutes of playing with it.
Originally posted by
Petite Valentine
I recently bought a Fleshlight for my husband, and when it came time to clean it, we had a conversation that went like this:
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the ... more
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the ... more
I recently bought a Fleshlight for my husband, and when it came time to clean it, we had a conversation that went like this:
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the instructions first?
Husband: I read the reviews on EF.
Which leads to my question:
When you get a new toy from EF, what do you do first? less
Wife: Did it come with instructions?
Husband: I don't know.
Wife: You don.. you used it without reading the instructions first?
Husband: I read the reviews on EF.
Which leads to my question:
When you get a new toy from EF, what do you do first? less
I figure it out as I go, but occasionally I come to Eden for a bit of extra help or tips if I need them.
I never read instructions for anything unless if it breaks.
I love the reviews but I first try myself. I have gone to Eden for tips too!