That pesky shower hair ball: whose responsibility is yours?

Contributor: surreptitious surreptitious
I've posted this is women's sexual health, but anyone with long hair or living with someone who has long hair is more than welcome to comment.

My hair is hip-length and though it is fine in terms of strand thickness, it's very thick in terms of density. This inevitably means that when I wash my hair, some of it winds up stuck in the shower drain. During college, I lived with three different sets of roommates, all of whom were male with short hair, and I always took it upon myself to make sure that the drains were clean. I figured that since it was unlikely that they were contributing very much to the problem (though one of them had so many women over that he very well might have done so more than me) it was my responsibility even though it was a totally icky job (especially since the drains were NEVER clean when we moved in).

That being said, I did far more cooking than anyone else I lived with, but I was never responsible for taking out the trash. I made it clear when I moved in with my roommates that I prefer to take on other chores. I don't like taking out the trash, and I will pawn it off on someone else for as long as I don't live alone. I find cleaning the shower drain to be equally disgusting, but since I know that I'm not alone in that (and none of my roommates cared much about trash disposal), it somehow seems like a much more doable task.

What about you guys? Since there are so many different situations in which one could find oneself, I'm
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
There is only one person with long hair in my household, and he/she is responsible for cleaning the shower drain
Rossie , never shy , travelnurse , ChubbyNerd , Geogeo , Trysexual , Wicked Wahine , indiglo , bratcat , woodsdragon , married with children , Gunsmoke , evie.amor , Cosmonaut , Leather & Lace
There is only one person with long hair in my household, and he/she is not responsible for cleaning the shower drain
padmeamidala , Rory , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , doowop , The Vixen , Munko
There are multiple people with long hair in my household, and one of them is responsible for cleaning the shower drain
PropertyOfPotter , Miss Morphine , MsDrProfKitty , XxFallenAngelxX , null
There are multiple people with long hair in my household, and they share the responsability for cleaning the shower drain
Lildrummrgurl7 , KinkyKatieJames , bratcat , MistressDandelion
There are multiple people with long hair in my household, and someone with short hair is responsible for cleaning the shower drain
Whoever notices that she shower is draining slowly cleans it
Katelyn , KinkyKatieJames , Cinnyree , bratcat , MistressDandelion , The Vixen , dv8
There is no one in my house with long hair
Katelyn , Genderfree , Alyxx
We have never had to clean the shower drain
Mmmbop, ba duba dop. Ba du bop, ba duba dop. Ba du bop, ba duba dop. Ba duuuuu - yea-e-eahhh
Darling Jen , Woman China , Genderfree , Alyxx , MsDrProfKitty , eri86 , *Camoprincess* , MistressDandelion , Virgingasms , evie.amor , null
Total votes: 53 (39 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: GingerAnn GingerAnn
Insightful breakdown of Shower Dildo:

Do you shower/ bathe in the morning or night?
Most people have a routine and a preference whether they shower or take a bath in the mornings or evenings. Which do you prefer?

How long do you shower for?
I shower for about 10 minutes when I shower. You?

What type of shower door/curtain do you prefer?
What type of shower door/curtain do you prefer?

Men: How often do you shower and/or take a bath?
Men: How often do you shower and/or take a bath?

fleshlight shower mount
fleshlight has a shower mount on their website for $24.95 retail. hope ef gets this soon, im going to have to order one from them, i think it just...
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
I really liked that last option so I had to chose it lol.

I have hair down to my butt (and I'm about to sell it! *gasp*) and I live alone. So I, obviously, clean everything myself. But I have tricks that make it no big deal. (During my shower, as I feel it coming out, I gather it in a ball on the side and toss it in the trashcan next to my toilet when I leave.) I may once a year at most have to do a drain cleaning and it's nothing more than merely buying that drain liquid stuff and pouring it down there. Easy-peasy!
Contributor: surreptitious surreptitious
Originally posted by Darling Jen
I really liked that last option so I had to chose it lol.

I have hair down to my butt (and I'm about to sell it! *gasp*) and I live alone. So I, obviously, clean everything myself. But I have tricks that make it no big deal. (During my ... more
Props to you on selling your hair! I've wished every now and again that I'd never colored mine so that I could do the same, haha.

I try to ball as much of my hair up to throw out as possible (or even better, brush it directly before I get in to the shower), but I'm usually in such a hurry that it doesn't work out exactly how I want it to.

I've found that it differs based on the shower too, of course - we had this one with a teeny, tiny drain that required cleaning every month regardless of how careful I was. It was pretty ridiculous.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I'm the only one with long hair, and I'm the last one to shower every night, so I'm the one picking up the hair balls. It really isn't that hard a task, as I have drain strainers over all my drains, so I just grab a bunch of bathroom tissue and pick them up.
Contributor: never shy never shy
I'm the only one with long hair so I clean it
Contributor: travelnurse travelnurse
Oh I have the long hair and I am always pulling the hair off the drain cover!
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
With four out of five people in our house being female and having longer hair, it's inevitable that there are some hair/drain issues. My husband and I take turns cleaning out the drain since it's not something that the kids should have to be responsible for.
Contributor: Incendiaire Incendiaire
The only thing worse than hair in the shower drain is a clump of hair and men's bodily fluids in the shower drain.
Contributor: Lildrummrgurl7 Lildrummrgurl7
My roommate and I both have waist-length hair. We both take turns cleaning the hair out of the drain.
Contributor: ChubbyNerd ChubbyNerd
My hair is probably to my mid back area, So since i'm the only one with really long hair in my house I get stuck cleaning it.
Contributor: Miss Morphine Miss Morphine
Whoever showers/takes a bath is responsible for cleaning the drain afterward.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
I have below my shoulder length of hair and my hair is always everywhere. I am actually quite shocked that I am not yet bald with the amount of hair I find all over.

But as for the shower drain my maid cleans that.
Contributor: Geogeo Geogeo
Originally posted by surreptitious
I've posted this is women's sexual health, but anyone with long hair or living with someone who has long hair is more than welcome to comment.

My hair is hip-length and though it is fine in terms of strand thickness, it's very ... more
i love alone and my hair sheds a ton so its all me
Contributor: Rory Rory
I have the long hair and my bald husband has to clean the drain!!
Contributor: Genderfree Genderfree
We both take turns leaning the drain. Neither of us has long hair. Doesn't matter to us.
Contributor: Sera26 Sera26
I have my own shower so I have to clean it myself.
Contributor: Alyxx Alyxx
Right now, it isn't a problem since my boyfriend and I both have pretty short hair. With my ex, his hair was way longer than mine and he shed hair badly. There wasn't just hair all over the shower, but it would end up all in the carpet, too. When he was younger his mom had to call s plumber once to clear his hair from the drain, and the guy thought that maybe a small furry animal had crawled in the drain and died there was so much of it. Ewwww. I made him clean it, since it was all his hair. Mine has been shoulder length or shorter pretty much since I graduated high school. Although on the occasions that I did grow it a little longer, I took care to remove any of my hair that I saw in the shower.
Contributor: MsDrProfKitty MsDrProfKitty
I have medium length brown hair and my roommate has medium-short length blonde hair. I am always the one cleaning out the shower drain partly because my roomie doesn't ever notice these kinds of things and partly because my hair is more noticeable since it's darker. It doesn't bother me since she usually is the one that picks up the living room.
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
She sheds her long hair like crazy, so she usually cleans it, but I do the heavy work when it gets clogged.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I have to clean out the hair in the drain if it goes down it. My daughter has really long hair and I am always picking it up she is only 2 she can't do much. One of my biggest pet peeves is hair left around place. My mom came over the other day and left hair on my sink I told her I was going to kick her butt.
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
I am the one one living here & have bum length hair that I plan to cut soon. I use hair traps on the drains & collect hair as I wash. I dispose of it after every shower. I only have to snake or use drain opening liquid once every few years because I'm really careful about not letting hair down the drain.

@Woman China, Wish I had a maid, too! Unfortunately, I'm the maid!
Contributor: Cinnyree Cinnyree
I clean it out most of the time. It does not bother me. Maybe because I know it is not my responsibility alone.
Contributor: lilacviolet lilacviolet
Everyone has long hair in my family. I always pick up the hair with toilet paper when I see it before I have a shower. It's nobody's responsibility, I guess we just clean it out when we see it. I guess I'm the one who cleans it out the most.
Contributor: doowop doowop
We sadly don't have a trap over our drain, so it's my or my dad's responsibility to go in there with a plumbing balloon thing and clear our the drain. So gross. I have short hair too so it's not really my fault. Haha. I don't mind being helpful though.
Contributor: eri86 eri86
Ugh... cleaning the drain of clumps of wet hair always makes me gag.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
Originally posted by Rossie
I'm the only one with long hair, and I'm the last one to shower every night, so I'm the one picking up the hair balls. It really isn't that hard a task, as I have drain strainers over all my drains, so I just grab a bunch of bathroom ... more
Ha! I do the same thing! I'll grab tissue to pick my own hair out just because it grosses me out a little.

I'm the only one with long hair here, and every time I wash my hair I just pull it off the strainer as I go. I usually have to grab it 2 or 3 times at least, but I don't wash my curly hair daily, so I think a lot of extra shedded hair gets caught up and only comes out when I wash it.
Contributor: *Camoprincess* *Camoprincess*
Luckily my hair that does slip down the drain doesn't really clog it up. I usually run my fingers through my hair an pull all the loose strands out and stick it to the wall until I am able to get out the shower an throw it away.
Contributor: bratcat bratcat
At home I have my own bathroom which i only share with guest or when my partner is in town, so when the drain needs to be cleaned it's on me - however my mother will be kind enough once in a while to clean off the counter tops for me. At home i try and keep my hair out of the drain and despose of it in the compost when i clean out my shower, but for a while it's often left on the wall as a type of "art" until i get around to it. I actually end up being the one to snake all the drains in the house when the time comes usually, i even had to teach my partner how to DIY snake the drain for his bathroom skin at his house (which his roommate may have clogged since she brushes her hair over the sink/wear extensions a lot). Honestly it's something that doesnt really gross me out, so i will do it when i notice it, but if im living with someone else and the responsibility isnt shared i dont know how willing i'd be to do it every time i noticed it.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Originally posted by indiglo
Ha! I do the same thing! I'll grab tissue to pick my own hair out just because it grosses me out a little.

I'm the only one with long hair here, and every time I wash my hair I just pull it off the strainer as I go. I usually have ... more
I wash my hair daily, so I don't have that big a clump...but I still don't wanna touch it!

I just don't get it, why can't everyone purchase a drain strainer...such a simple solution to avoid clogging!