Tampons - With or without Applicator - correct poll

Contributor: Screaming Violet Screaming Violet
I have been doing a lot of research about menstrual products of late for an upcoming feature on my blog. In a lot of what I've been reading has shown me that it seems as though women in the US much prefer to use tampons with applicators rather than those which are inserted digitally. This article in particular link states that only 3 or 4% of US women prefer the Non applicator sttle of tampon compared to 97% of European womnen.

Here in Australia I only know of one type of applicator tampon on the market and personally can't stand them. I much prfer to use the 'digital application' style that you put in place with your finger.

So here is my question, which continent are you from and which style of tampon do you prefer?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Im From the USA
ToyGurl , Ms. Spice , AngelvMaynard , ThoughtsAblaze , Tuesday , Silverdrop , mandiegk , Dusk , DeliciousSurprise , ZenaidaMacroura , emiliaa , Officer Oddy , Peggi , JessCee , alliegator , Ryuson , guard083 , JRabbits , CoffeeCup , mistressg , Gone (LD29) , lovabeleesa , Beck , Jul!a , Love Bites , WhoopieDoo , LaLaLouise , Sunshineamine , indiglo , Starkiller87 , kadytheredpanda , K101 , aliceinthehole , Liz2 , Vanille , joja , Darling Jen , BlackxxxRose , Liz123 , winterseve , wetone123 , bluekaren , wrmbreze , Miss Morphine , Lindsey123 , Bluebird88 , Kaltir , Kitka , LaSchwartz , Choolz , ohmai , Adriana Ravenlust , hexose , xyrella , cburger , bayosgirl , KinkyHousewife , eeep , GoneBabyGone , AndromedaJane , Apirka , SaMiKaY , Swish , Lily Bee , deltalima , Harpina is gone , Nazaress , kroucena , Highmaintenancegirl916 , PDXlady , SaraU29 , PropertyOfPotter , leelee , dream79 , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , The Mother of a SiNner , sweetpea12 , pasdechat , blondie , countryfan1290 , RTC , *Camoprincess* , M.O.'s Girl , Love Obsessed , mpfm , ghent529 , KrissyNovacaine , LovesAPoet , Nora29714 , SkinFlute , KyotoAngel , bradav , srval69 , SkylarrStarr , ellejay , MissBre , Lildrummrgurl7 , Deeder , ksparkles16 , hot lil momma , Neotigress , pfp , PassionCpl , Petite Valentine , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , chelly411 , Toy Fiend , talkless , ARPKasso , my name , Bleu , skippywashere , Leather & Lace , novanilla , Mwar , karenm , hall5885 , Rin (aka Nire) , ohsnaprawr , Do-Re-Mi , Miss Chemical , kdlt , Cheluh10 , Bittenflame , gorgeous , SecretKinksters , RedGlitter , redmango , Pink Lily , caffeinated , cplclegg , Lavendar , LuckyLady , pootpootpoot , damnbul12 , Experiment , falalena , null , Septimus , KinkyNicki92 , captainsgirl , Curiouscat , chantalgiardina , CaseyDeuce , xilliannax , deki123 , Kittybit , ginnyluvspotter , boxunderbed , Trixxxy , bratcat
Im From South America
I'm From Canada
marizipan , Eva Schwaltz , Sex'и'Violence , RedGoddess , zeebot , Woman China , Geogeo , Melan!e , Cora Jane
Im From Australia/Oceania
Screaming Violet
Im from Asia
Im from Europe
Tess , roskat , naturegirl , llellsee
Im From Africa
I'm from somewhere else
I only use Tampons With an applicator
Coralbell , ToyGurl , Ms. Spice , AngelvMaynard , ThoughtsAblaze , Silverdrop , mandiegk , Dusk , DeliciousSurprise , ZenaidaMacroura , emiliaa , Officer Oddy , Peggi , JessCee , alliegator , Ryuson , guard083 , JRabbits , CoffeeCup , mistressg , marizipan , Gone (LD29) , lovabeleesa , Beck , Jul!a , Love Bites , WhoopieDoo , padmeamidala , LaLaLouise , Sunshineamine , Starkiller87 , kadytheredpanda , K101 , Liz2 , Vanille , Darling Jen , BlackxxxRose , Liz123 , winterseve , Eva Schwaltz , wetone123 , wrmbreze , Lindsey123 , Sex'и'Violence , Bluebird88 , Kaltir , Kitka , Choolz , ohmai , RedGoddess , hexose , xyrella , zeebot , bayosgirl , KinkyHousewife , eeep , AndromedaJane , Apirka , SaMiKaY , Swish , deltalima , Harpina is gone , Nazaress , SaraU29 , PropertyOfPotter , leelee , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , The Mother of a SiNner , sweetpea12 , pasdechat , blondie , countryfan1290 , RTC , *Camoprincess* , M.O.'s Girl , Love Obsessed , Geogeo , mpfm , ghent529 , KrissyNovacaine , LovesAPoet , Nora29714 , KyotoAngel , bradav , srval69 , ellejay , MissBre , Lildrummrgurl7 , Deeder , ksparkles16 , LavenderSkies , pfp , roskat , Petite Valentine , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Toy Fiend , talkless , ARPKasso , my name , Bleu , Leather & Lace , Mwar , karenm , naturegirl , hall5885 , ohsnaprawr , Do-Re-Mi , Miss Chemical , kdlt , Cheluh10 , Bittenflame , gorgeous , SecretKinksters , llellsee , redmango , Pink Lily , Lavendar , LuckyLady , Experiment , falalena , Septimus , KinkyNicki92 , captainsgirl , Curiouscat , chantalgiardina , xilliannax , deki123 , joiedejouets , Stujen , boxunderbed , Trixxxy , bratcat
I Only Use Tampons With OUT an applicator
Screaming Violet , ToyGurl , Tess , Tuesday , Sunshineamine , indiglo , joja , bluekaren , Miss Morphine , LaSchwartz , Adriana Ravenlust , cburger , GoneBabyGone , Lily Bee , kroucena , Highmaintenancegirl916 , dream79 , SkinFlute , SkylarrStarr , Cora Jane , Neotigress , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , skippywashere , novanilla , naturegirl , Rin (aka Nire) , caffeinated , cplclegg , pootpootpoot , Experiment , null , CaseyDeuce , Kittybit , ginnyluvspotter , bratcat
Total votes: 333 (171 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Screaming Violet Screaming Violet
Sorry - for a second time I messed up and forgot to include an option for 'I dont care' and the always important 'Other'

Please feel free to expand upon your answer if you wish to
Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
I've used tampons with no applicator before, and they didn't really bother me, but I prefer applicators. When I take a tampon out my vagina is usually really dry, so it can be kind of hard to get the cotton to slide in there compared to a smooth, slippery applicator. That's also why I prefer plastic over cardboard.

The ones without applicators aren't very common in stores around here. The only ones I know of are O.B. so there's like 1 row of them at the store and 20 rows of other types with applicators.

What is it that you don't like about applicators?
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
Originally posted by Coralbell
I've used tampons with no applicator before, and they didn't really bother me, but I prefer applicators. When I take a tampon out my vagina is usually really dry, so it can be kind of hard to get the cotton to slide in there compared to a ... more
I rarely use either, but I use both tampons with and without applicators. I actually find the ones without applicators to be less of a mess.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
I like the ones with applicators because my vag tends to dry up because cotton sucks up all moisture and the applicator makes it easier to insert (lube helps too)
Contributor: AngelvMaynard AngelvMaynard
I have always used applicators and then decided I'd try OB w/o. I never could get it in the place I wanted it and like Ms. Spice said, I had a hard time with the dry cotton alone dragging while putting it in.
Contributor: ThoughtsAblaze ThoughtsAblaze
I remember a day in eighth grade when I needed a tampon and a friend passed me her purse so I could discreetly head to the bathroom. I was flabbergasted to find little OB applicator-less tampons. I recently tried applicator-less tampons to try to cut down my waste, and I find that 25% of the time, I can't get it inserted just right. Now I use a menstrual cup.
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
I don't need tampons anymore but when I did, I always chose applicator-free tampons. OB brand specifically. Loved em.

I liked the idea of less product to throw away. OB seemed like the most environmentally friendly choice. Plus I had no problem inserting them.
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
I dislike tampons in general, but if I have to use one, I want an applicator. Makes it so much easier.
Contributor: Dusk Dusk
I have some of the OB ones that my mother gave me - I don't mind using them but sometimes I have a hard time positioning them right and I get blood all over my fingers. I prefer the Tampax Pearl just because they're comfortable and they get my tampons up in there properly.

It does make me sad to be throwing away so much waste though. I think I'm still a little scarred from trying to use the OB ones when I first started though - I had no idea what I was doing!
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
I don't use tampons anymore, but when I did they HAD to have an applicator. I'm a small girl... so it's hard enough to get something smooth in, let alone something that isn't... and the cotton also irritates me.
Contributor: alliegator alliegator
I don't use tampons anymore, but when I did I preferred tampax pearl because they slid in easier.
Contributor: Screaming Violet Screaming Violet
I must admit that I haven't tried the applicator style of tampons since my teens.

I think the reason I personally dislike them is because when you look at the tampon from the applicator type (theyre called tampax here and are the only applicator brand) the tampon itself had a very rough kind of surface compared to the much smoother texture of regular tampons. With toxuc shock being an issue related to (amongst other things) fibres of tampons possibly being left behind, which I had happen more than once with tampax. Also the way the cord was embedded in the tampon it kind of tried to pull the tampon inside out upon removal. I also found them to be difficult to remove if they werent full. (Like if you expect your flow to be heavy but it ends up being lit and not ready to change after the 6-8hr maximum tim recommended.

I had not thought of the dryness issue before, so I'm very glad to have that brought to my attention. I usually solve that by waiting 5 minutes or so between tampons to make sure everything will slide in easily - but of course at times I forget and make a mess.

Are there any types that you can use with a re-usable applicator? as Im sure that would be a more environmentally friendly option than 1 applicator per tampon as was my experience with tampax.

I might have to try and get my hands on some US applicator style tampon samples to review as I didn't realisethey were so darn popular in the USA.

If anyone is in any way interested in writing something on the subject of tampons, or just periods in general I would love you to msg me as I'm looking for more pieces and contributors for my feature on periods and all the paraphenalia associated with them.
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
I love the smooth, plastic applicators! Anything else is painful! I never thought of using lube! Hmm!
I'd definatley consider a reusable applicator!
Contributor: guard083 guard083
I only use ones with applicators
Contributor: JRabbits JRabbits
I only use those with smooth plastic applicators when I use tampons.
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
Used to use them without an applicator though. Either way is fine, really. I just buy them with an applicator.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Applicator, I buy the tampax pearl ones. They go in nice.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I don't generally use tampons unless I absolutely have to, but when I do I prefer to have an applicator.
Contributor: Love Bites Love Bites
For the longest time, I hated Tampons. I wasn't even putting them in all the way, and so it hurt. When a friend heard of that, and she heard I got my period without any supplies at my fingers, she gave me a box of do it yourself tampons- use your finger, insert it.

I tried, but it wasn't comfortable or easy. I really didn't like it at all, but I used it until I got to a store. I found a new product- U by Kotex. It is wonderful, and they are applicator tampons. They are small enough that they are comfortable going in, and you can actually put the tampin in where it is supposed to go!
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
I'd really rather use my Diva Cup, but I still can't manage to get it in correctly :/ Tampon-wise. Applicators.
Contributor: lovabeleesa lovabeleesa
Originally posted by Screaming Violet
I have been doing a lot of research about menstrual products of late for an upcoming feature on my blog. In a lot of what I've been reading has shown me that it seems as though women in the US much prefer to use tampons with applicators rather ... more
I have only used the ones without an applicator once and I didnt know a such thing existed until I had to get one of a machine in the mall restroom. I was like what am I suppose to do with this. I didnt like it. Ill stick with my applicator
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I no longer use tampons, I've switched to a menstrual cup. BUT, when I used tampons, I ONLY used the non-applicator tampons. There was always only 1 brand of non-applicator tampons here, so I used it: OB. I live in the US.
Contributor: salaciousrex salaciousrex
I can't vote in this, because I use both. I do think I prefer the non applicator tampons, but I usually have a box of both kinds at home and use whichever I feel like at the moment. The non applicator ones are easier to carry around and not as much garbage as the other ones
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
I voted both because I do use both. i do not mind digital application. I prefer those but I have a hard time finding them here in the US. I use OB where I can find them or NATRACARE organic cotton tampons with out applicators. I recently found those on sale and bought TONS since I don't find them very often. I hate having a trash can full of plastic applicators and wrappers. Too much trash.
Contributor: Angelica Angelica
I love Moxie tampons, they are the cutest things ever and are non-applicator.
Sometimes I use applicator ones
Otherwise I like disposable menstrual cups.
Contributor: kadytheredpanda kadytheredpanda
The only tampon I can get in me are Tampax Pearl. Otherwise, I just can't get them in right or without pain at all. I need the applicator to get them in.
Contributor: K101 K101
I've used the ones you slide in with your hands, but with the periods I used to have it was nearly impossible to slide one and and put a new one in without a mess. My periods are EXTREMELY heavy when I'm not on an injection that stops them and helps with endometriosis. I've been on the injection for 7 years and never had my normal heavy period while on it until last month and it reminded me of how impossible it is to live my life for 7 days when I have the periods. So using my hands with a non applicator is far too messy and I can't get it in good and it's always too low, not far enough in. I even have issues getting the plastic applicators in sometimes. Since my periods are painful from the endometriosis, pushing a tampon in can cause pain some days too. I always have to lick the applicator before inserting so it doesn't grab and hurt. I hate periods and I've always considered mine "My Curse" It's really that bad. If it was easier for me, then I would use the non applicators, but it's pretty tough.
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
I just remembered, my sister always threw away the applicators of her tampons and used inserted them herself. I'm still trying to make the switch to the menstrual cup, but having a hard time with insertion and removal.

Maybe they need an applicator (and remover!) for those.
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
I never used tampons w/o applicators, but I know that they are available. I am comfortable now, with the Tampax Pearl. I have tried others but the Pearls work for me.