I like my body.
Self image
I love my body!
I get self-conscious from time to time, and there are things about my body that other people wouldn't like but I feel comfortable with. I'm not perfect but I was lucky in the lottery of the genetic pool!
I get self-conscious from time to time, and there are things about my body that other people wouldn't like but I feel comfortable with. I'm not perfect but I was lucky in the lottery of the genetic pool!
I'd be lying if I said there are no times I'd like something to be different about me physically...but it isn't a constant problem. Only on those bad days.
When it comes to my body, I'm pretty much happy with most of it. I've had my ups and downs. I went from too much self-confidence in my late teens and then I plummeted down to a great unhappiness with my body when I was depressed. But I worked hard on my diet and my attitude and well, quite a lot. I dabble in modeling now, but I'm not exactly vain. I have body parts that I know some people don't like the shape of. I hide them out of fear of criticism (But I was born with some of these features!!). And I consider modesty a virtue. But in bed, I hide nothing!
Most of the time I want to kill myself and I feel worthless. I don't have good self esteem at all.
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Midway through
I haven't seen anything on this. But I'm curious of how many people actually have a positive body image. Poll is private so no names will be shown, feel free to be honest. This is just something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I
I haven't seen anything on this. But I'm curious of how many people actually have a positive body image. Poll is private so no names will be shown, feel free to be honest. This is just something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I have a few friends with fairly low self esteem..
I cried the other day when the doctors told me I would have to loose some weight, especially around my middle. My fat and I have been friends for so long I am going to be sad to see it go!!! LOL!!!
It took me so long to get comfortable within my own skin, and then to be happy with what I look like and eventually now I love and adore the way I look. I am perfect with all my imperfections. That is not easy living in a society where the people are naturally small, petite and weight as much as my left thigh. That I seriously was not happy when the doctors told me I would have to loose a little weight to help my back issues.
Now my self worth on the other hand... I am working on boosting it a little!!!
It took me so long to get comfortable within my own skin, and then to be happy with what I look like and eventually now I love and adore the way I look. I am perfect with all my imperfections. That is not easy living in a society where the people are naturally small, petite and weight as much as my left thigh. That I seriously was not happy when the doctors told me I would have to loose a little weight to help my back issues.
Now my self worth on the other hand... I am working on boosting it a little!!!
I like the way I look. I'm happy with me. Although I must admit, it did take a long time. I think self acceptance is very important. And I do what makes ME feel good (diet, exercise, etc) for no other reason other than it makes ME feel good!
Hell, I was born with what I have and I, more than likely, will die with it. I better like it or learn to live with it.
Originally posted by
Midway through
I haven't seen anything on this. But I'm curious of how many people actually have a positive body image. Poll is private so no names will be shown, feel free to be honest. This is just something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I
I haven't seen anything on this. But I'm curious of how many people actually have a positive body image. Poll is private so no names will be shown, feel free to be honest. This is just something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I have a few friends with fairly low self esteem..
My self esteem is poor, I don't have good body image and don't like my body.
I've gained some weight since getting married, but my husband is still skinny as a pole. It makes me uncomfortable to weight more than him. But I love everything else- hair, skin, breasts, etc.
Ha! Me too!
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I go back and forth. Honestly I could/should lose some weight, I know that. But some days I love my curves and other days I'm all "Ugh WTF I need to lose weight NOWWWWW"
It does help! A lot.
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Most of the time I'm happy with the way I look. It helps to have a partner who loves your body, too, to boost your own ego.
it usually does depend on my mood....
Originally posted by
Midway through
I haven't seen anything on this. But I'm curious of how many people actually have a positive body image. Poll is private so no names will be shown, feel free to be honest. This is just something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I
I haven't seen anything on this. But I'm curious of how many people actually have a positive body image. Poll is private so no names will be shown, feel free to be honest. This is just something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I have a few friends with fairly low self esteem..
That's definitely true and has helped me a ton over time.
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Most of the time I'm happy with the way I look. It helps to have a partner who loves your body, too, to boost your own ego.
I'm starting to become allot happier with my body as of late. Now if only I could tone my stomach a bit and I would be A ok~
This is definitely an ongoing process...
Yeah I am flip flopped. Sometimes I love my body, sometimes I don't. I mean I guess it all depends on what mood I am in that day and/or time.
Pretty comfortable with myself but Im sure there are things that we would all change
I'll always be at odds with my body image. :/
I'm okay with my body image; my self-esteem, on the other hand, not so much. Working on it though.
Ditto. Sure, there are a few small things that aren't my favorite, but overall I'm happy most days.
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I love my body, but that doesn't mean that I think I'm perfect.
I have never been comfortable with myself. I have always been embarrassed about my big chest (still am) and felt that I am not much to look at.This tends to change the older I get and sometimes it is for the good and sometimes it is not.
I want bigger boobs, that's about all I would change.
to be honest, i have low self esteem, and I switch back and forth. Sometimes ill like my body sometimes i think im fat.
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For the longest time I loved my body. After I got out of high school I lost a lot of weight, and joined the military. I thought I was in good shape. But a while back I was put on the overweight program and my confidence went right out the window! Now I'm in the gym for two hours a day, trying to look like a damn Victoria's Secret model!
It all depends on my mood. I've had days where I could barely stand to look at myself and other days where I could just stare at myself in the mirror forever. I'd say more often than not my self image is on the poor side, unfortunately.
I flip flop. Some days are better than others. There's a lot about me that I WISH I could change, but there's nothing about it that I can physically do myself (other than lose some weight). That makes it rough.
Self esteem...whats that? After being told my entire life by practically everyone how ugly or fat or boring my features are in my mind I'm like well if everyone(but bf) thinks that then they must be right so the only body image I have is a bad one except with bf when I am with him I feel beautiful and sexy but that's the only time I see myself in a good way.
i love my personality and i like my body; i just need a couple adjustments and i'll be content
i would change a few things about my body if i could