Rant about my birth control!

Contributor: Blinker Blinker
Originally posted by El-Jaro
more people --> job security

I can't wait for that male BC to come on the market!
Yeah it's called A CONDOM.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Blinker
Yeah it's called A CONDOM.
har har
Contributor: Envy Envy
Originally posted by Alicia
I've actually heard that Depo-Provera is used to chemically castrate some sex offenders. I don't know if it's true or not, but there is quite a few articles if you google it.
They also give them the antidep Paxil for the same reason.
Contributor: Alan & Michele Alan & Michele
Originally posted by PassionQT
I had the Implanon put in at the end of May and have had 4 flipping, long-ass periods since then (having one now in fact, on day 7!). Hardly a day has gone by where I am not spotting. Frankly, this is ridiculous and I'm calling the Gyno tomorrow ... more
Oh God that sounds just like Norplant... which was the most screwed up BC the medical society ever pushed on women. I was on it in the 90s, and it made me nuts. For three months I put up with daily bleeding, cramping, shaking, my hair coming out in big clumps, heart palpitations, and constant nausea.

The doc kept telling me to "wait it out" but it was just TOO much. I demanded that she remove them, but she refused, as did 4 other doctors after her. When Alan came home and found me with a bottle of Jack Daniels and a kitchen knife ready to take the damned things out of my arm myself, he panicked and called his urologist. The guy said it was the oddest surgery he'd ever performed, but if they were causing that much trouble he couldn't see the sense in leaving them in. Bless his heart!

After that I refused any birth control that I couldn't physically stop taking myself.
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
I feel for you! I have tried many different hormonal methods but my bod can't tolerate any of them. I have also used a diaphragm, works but my present b/f is allergic to the contraceptive gel.
I have relied on condoms alone for awhile...took some time to find ones that fit my guy and that were also comfortable.
But anyway, this week I finally got an IUD!!! I have been trying for awhile, but my gyno always said no unless you were previously pregnant and I was not.
She relented after I agreed to sign a lengthy consent form holding her "harmless", in case I develop a problem that may cause sterility.
In hurt like hell going in and the discomfort is still there but I am optimistic.
Some of my friends have IUD's and there was considerable discussion on the EF Forum awhile ago. I feel I was so ready for this.....
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Alan & Michele
Oh God that sounds just like Norplant... which was the most screwed up BC the medical society ever pushed on women. I was on it in the 90s, and it made me nuts. For three months I put up with daily bleeding, cramping, shaking, my hair coming out in ... more
I've heard these stories before, Michelle. They are heart breaking. Actually heard of women going ahead and doing it (taking out the Norplant) good think Alan stopped you and found you a doc who would do it. Isn't it sad, that even in THIS day and age, women sometimes have to have a man find someone to do something like this for us?

I've had patients who have wanted their breast implants removed, and their doctors have said something to the effect of "You need to see how your husband feels about that, first." One of my clients wanted hers removed before she got pregnant with her first baby, and her doctor refused to do it, because she told him she would NOT "ask her husband" if it was OK with him to get them removed. She got pregnant while trying to find a new doctor to take them out. She as OK, and able to nurse the baby (as are nearly all breast implant users) but she had some nasty engorgement, and really wanted them out before she got pregnant. I have no idea if she ever was able to get the damn things out after the baby was weaned, we lost touch with her.

I'm glad you're OK, Michelle. I wished I could have stopped the Depo in the middle of a 12 week cycle, but it's in your body and nothing will take it out. I went NINE months after my last Depo Provera shot before I got a period. Luckily for what we wanted for our family, I was still able to get pregnant about a year later again. I've heard people say they couldn't. (THAT isn't on the insert for this drug, either.)
Contributor: Sera Sera
Originally posted by PassionQT
I had the Implanon put in at the end of May and have had 4 flipping, long-ass periods since then (having one now in fact, on day 7!). Hardly a day has gone by where I am not spotting. Frankly, this is ridiculous and I'm calling the Gyno tomorrow ... more
Yeah, I would stop taking it.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by PassionQT
I had the Implanon put in at the end of May and have had 4 flipping, long-ass periods since then (having one now in fact, on day 7!). Hardly a day has gone by where I am not spotting. Frankly, this is ridiculous and I'm calling the Gyno tomorrow ... more
ERGH then perhaps this isn't the system for me.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by sarahbear
It really all depends on her body. Some women react negatively to hormones, some need them to help balance out their own. Most -good- OB/GYN do discuss all the options with their patients and talk to them about the risks vs. rewards of each type. But ... more
My libido went so far into the tank when I started on the mini pill that I was losing ground even here at EF! I had no drive but after about 5 months I started noticing that my body was starting to respond more normally again and my periods are almost annoyingly predictable! (What a problem to have, Eh?) Still the worst I had to go through was a bit of blahs and some mood swings I can't imagine bleeding that goes on and on....my heart goes out to you PassionQT I hope you get some relief soon.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Envy
I'm in the same boat as Alicia where every bc under the sun messes with me too much. And i was on low low doses. Reason why i was put on was due to having extremely bad cramps. I later found out after 2 years of being on birth control my cramps ... more
Problem is everyone thinks you are too young as well. It's stupid that a man can opt for a vascetomy but a woman needs her husband's permission or her father! Thing is they worry you might change your mind and most porceedures are very permanent and irreversible, plus they can also interfere with your cycles since we don't know all of the subtle tiny things out fallopian tubes and ovaries do. If you seriously want permanent BC look into the types that block the fallopian tubes but don't injure them, the control is permanent but you won't be inadvertently doing yourself more damage.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Envy
Well I'm not sure if they would refuse my bf, but for NOW yes they would, he's only 19, lol. (I'll be the big 23 next month, haha.)

Thing is, my bf offered to have a vas because he knows the trouble women have with tubes being ... more
harvesting sperm cells and storing them is very expensive. Most reversals result in a low to nothing return rate and the body is almost always allergic to it's own sperm (it's an odd reaction but doesn't cause any health effects). Also to be totally safe for zero sperm they have to take quite a chink of the vas deferens so reversal is usually not possible. This is why they want to be absolutely sure you are 100% committed to not wanting more children. This actually happened to us, I had a horribly scary second pregnancy and Sigel immediately had a vascetomy...then realized 8 years later that he wanted another child. Lucky for me Arch came along and is a perfect life partner for Sigel and I, but we'd have considered adoption or fostering if he hadn't been there. Still at age 27 he was SURE he was done, at 37 he regretted his decision.
Most doctors don't want to look into your eyes after they dash your hopes for a child knowing they were the ones who ended that chapter...hence the pressure to make you wait.
Contributor: guard083 guard083
It may be your bodys way of reacting to the hormones. I can't blame you for missing those things. I can't take YAZ without it messing with my emotions. Some people can handle certain hormones and others can't. Good luck and it will get better
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
Problem is everyone thinks you are too young as well. It's stupid that a man can opt for a vascetomy but a woman needs her husband's permission or her father! Thing is they worry you might change your mind and most porceedures are very ... more
Sometimes even men have a hard time. A friend of mine was 47 years old, married twice, no kids and his doctor told him, "You might want to be a father some day." And would not do it for him or refer him.

He found an other doctor, and the day it was scheduled, they found out his wife (only a few years younger than he is) was pregnant! Great timing. They had the baby and they love their little boy, but he was a surprise. They didn't have health insurance either. Scary.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
Problem is everyone thinks you are too young as well. It's stupid that a man can opt for a vascetomy but a woman needs her husband's permission or her father! Thing is they worry you might change your mind and most porceedures are very ... more
Sometimes even men have a hard time. A friend of mine was 47 years old, married twice, no kids and his doctor told him, "You might want to be a father some day." And would not do it for him or refer him.

He found an other doctor, and the day it was scheduled, they found out his wife (only a few years younger than he is) was pregnant! Great timing. They had the baby and they love their little boy, but he was a surprise. They didn't have health insurance either. Scary.
Contributor: Robin Goodfellow Robin Goodfellow
Look into Lady Comp, which is a fertility computer and a natural form of birth control.
Contributor: K.loves.J K.loves.J
i got the mirena at my 6 week post partum appointment.
i have no complaints, other than the wires!
my hubby is WELL above average, i've had the strings tucked, cut, and they still have a way of poking him sometimes. :/