Menstrual Cups. Do you? Would you?

Contributor: KnK KnK
Originally posted by Elaira
I searched through the forums and haven't really found the info I wanted about these. What better place to ask than here?

I'm curious about them. I have an insane flow and I'm tired of tampons and pads and all that. Why not try ... more
I love my diva cup. I recommend it for any menstrating woman. For reals
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
I've heard a lot of good things!
Contributor: FleurDevereux FleurDevereux
Never heard of them..
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
I have tried them, but I'm paranoid about the fact that they leak sometimes with heavier flow. I like them aside from that, it's sooo much better than pads and tampons. (I use them sort of like I would have used tampons--I've never been comfortable using tampons. I now use the disposable softcups whenever I feel like swimming on my period or something.)
Contributor: CherryDyke CherryDyke
I guess I would try them, but I don't think I would like them.
Contributor: viciouschristine viciouschristine
I LOVE my Diva Cup and will never go back to using tampons or pads. I estimate that using a cup saves me over $35 a year on hygiene products, and I've never had any issues with leaks or overflowing. I highly recommend trying a cup.
Contributor: ThoughtsAblaze ThoughtsAblaze
I am in love with my DivaCup. If you have any questions about cups, you really must spend some time on the Live Journal Menstrual Cup community. They have charts, pictures, anecdotes, EVERYTHING you could ever possibly want to know about cups there. I used their charts to decide which cup would fit me best.

It took a few tries to get the fold just right and get my DivaCup inserted correctly. I problem I ran into early on was letting it unfold too soon, thus keeping me from inserting it far enough into be comfortable. I also trimmed the stem a little so it didn't bother me. I love having a period and NOT having to worry about leaks, carrying extra tampons, etc. When I used tampons and pads, I never quite felt clean and felt I had a bad odor throughout my period. Now, I feel much fresher since everything is contained up in the DivaCup.
Contributor: Tess Tess
Originally posted by Elaira
I searched through the forums and haven't really found the info I wanted about these. What better place to ask than here?

I'm curious about them. I have an insane flow and I'm tired of tampons and pads and all that. Why not try ... more
I use a Divacup and it is absolutely fantastic!!! It took me a few goes to get the suction right and sitting nicely but once I cracked it.. never looked back. That said, I have a friend who just couldnt on with hers but I convinced her to switch to a different sort and now she loves her mooncup.

I guess we are all built a wee bit different to each other but persevere I say
Contributor: Love Perpetua Love Perpetua
I'm completely obsessed with my Lunette cup! It has made my periods so much easier. For instance, I have been traveling during this period, sitting in a car for 10 hours at a time, etc, and if I didn't have my cup I would have been so cranky!! I always found tampons/pads really uncomfortable - tampons felt dry, the string always bugged me, and pads would feel just..icky. The cup is really comfortable, never leaks, and I don't have to worry about running out of supplies halfway through my period - everything I need is already there.

I definitely recommend trying a cup! There are lots of different brands of menstrual cups, and they all have slightly different shapes/sizes, so I'd do an internet search for menstrual cups and take a look to see what might fit your body. I've heard great things about the Divacup & the Lunette.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I just bought a box of Instead Softcups. When I get a period I'll let you know how they work.
Contributor: Screen Door Screen Door
it's interesting..maybe one day.
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
This will be my third month with my Lunette. I can't seem to quite get the knack of insertion and removal, and I wouldn't dare risk wearing it away from home yet, but when I can get it to work, I like it so much better.
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
Originally posted by AndroAngel
Mine's a Lunette, and I love it. It had a real learning curb to to get used to it, but once I did, I'm never going back to pads. I save a ton of money, it's good for the environment, much more body friendly, and I barely know I'm on ... more
OMG! Do NOT do this if you have ANY trouble with removal!!!! Mine is stuck inside and I can't get it out.

I'm on the menstrual cups forum reading all the suggestions and trying them all (squatting, bearing down, wearing latex gloves, etc) but It's. Not. Working! I'm afraid I'll have to go to the walk in clinic tomorrow.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Silverdrop
OMG! Do NOT do this if you have ANY trouble with removal!!!! Mine is stuck inside and I can't get it out.

I'm on the menstrual cups forum reading all the suggestions and trying them all (squatting, bearing down, wearing latex gloves, ... more
Silverdrop. Here's what to do: squat down on the floor, you can put a towel down, preferably an old one or a red or maroon one. Push as if you were in labor or like you were going to the potty, but center it in your vagina, using the same muscles you use for Kegels, but pushing instead of squeezing down. Hold each push to the count of 10. Do three in a row. Now, relax and try to remove the cup. Grab under the ring from the front. If you are still not getting it out, do an other round of pushes. Try again. Then take a break, lie down and rest. The best time to try is also have you have gone to the bathroom, as you are more relaxed.

It should come out within a few rounds of pushes. I grab mine from the inside of the cup towards the edge of the cup.

I hope it comes out OK.
Contributor: Red Vinyl Kitty Red Vinyl Kitty
I've got a Diva Cup, but I didn't do any research before I got it, and unfortunately it doesn't work for me. My uterus is tilted, and so the cup is ALWAYS uncomfortable. It's a bummer, I've heard so many stories and they seem so simple to clean and care for.

For the past 7 years or so I've been using cloth pads. I prefer them to regular ones because I can wash and dry them without throwing away too much trash like with normal pads.
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
I finally got it out!!!!!!

Okay, I'll give my tips in hopes that it helps someone in the future. I was not able to squat because of a leg injury, so I had to try something else. I was about half an hour from going to the NHS walk in clinic. Warning: Plenty of TMI below:

1. If you have a LEGAL prescription for any sort of anxiety medication like Xanax or Valium, then take some. If not, try a cup of chamomile tea. Basically whatever works for you when you need to relax. My bf reminded me to take my valium (over the phone - if he'd been in town, I'd have made him dig it out!) because of how much I was crying, but it also helped the whole relaxation stage.

2. Wait until you have to pee anyway, as you'll naturally be using the right muscles. Oh, and get naked, because you don't want to have to think about keeping your clothing blood free.

3. Put a small stool in front of the toilet, or a pile of books (covered by a towel, for obvious reasons) or something you can raise your feet up on while you pee. It's probably not as good as squatting, but it helps a bit with way less muscle strain on the legs.

4. I could tell after I peed that it was close, so I tried using latex gloves. Still couldn't quite get a grip so...

5. I used a washcloth that I didn't mind blood getting on to dry myself out inside. Just pushed it up with one finger and swished it around.

6. The next time I tried, I was able to grab it with thumb and finger and pull it out.

7. Not quite blood everywhere, but I definitely had to clean myself and the toilet seat.

8. And now I'm having a Baileys, and considering whether to indulge in comfort shopping or a nap afterwards.

Soooo relieved I don't have to go to the clinic and wait who knows how long. Right now, I'm not inclined to try again with the cups, but if I ever do, I think I'll get a speculum and forceps first, just in case.

Bring on menopause. That's all I can say. >
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Silverdrop
I finally got it out!!!!!!

Okay, I'll give my tips in hopes that it helps someone in the future. I was not able to squat because of a leg injury, so I had to try something else. I was about half an hour from going to the NHS walk in ... more
I'm so glad you got it out!

I got Today Sponges stuck twice. The first time, I was really young, and I freaked out and went to the emergency office center. Today Sponge actually paid me back when I called them and told them what happened and then sent them the receipt. The second time, I had had a child already, and the woman on the phone gave me the "relax, push, try, relax and then push again" routine. I've used it with patients with stuck sponges, diaphragms and menstrual cups every since.
Contributor: lovabeleesa lovabeleesa
Originally posted by Elaira
I searched through the forums and haven't really found the info I wanted about these. What better place to ask than here?

I'm curious about them. I have an insane flow and I'm tired of tampons and pads and all that. Why not try ... more
Ok so I had never heard of them until this, so thanks so much for bringing it up. Definitely something that I would try!!!
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
I had to google this, because I've never herd of it before. Now knowing it is, I'll stick to my pads. I don't know it just seems too messy for me.
Contributor: FaerieLove FaerieLove
Diva cup= Awesome!!
Contributor: 0letitgrow 0letitgrow
On days when I am going to be at the house I use them. I dont want to have to wash it in the public restroom at work.
Contributor: kadytheredpanda kadytheredpanda
I would love to try them out. I have really heavy flows so I think they would be useful.
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
Originally posted by Miss Anonymous
I had to google this, because I've never herd of it before. Now knowing it is, I'll stick to my pads. I don't know it just seems too messy for me.
The times I was able to use it correctly, it actually felt much cleaner to me than pads, since the blood wasn't touching my outer parts.
Contributor: Sex'и'Violence Sex'и'Violence
Never tried it, but I don't think it's for me.
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
I have a menstrual cup, but I was sent the wrong size and can't even get the thing to fit inside me
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
Originally posted by Silverdrop
The times I was able to use it correctly, it actually felt much cleaner to me than pads, since the blood wasn't touching my outer parts.
Same for me. The cup feels soooo much cleaner to me also. Even cleaner than tampons, a TON cleaner than pads.
Contributor: Angelica Angelica
I dont get a period anymore, so I dont use anything now. I used to use the disposable menstrual cups, and wanted to get around to buying a reusable one.
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
What the Hell is a menstrual cup lol? I guess I have some googlin' to do since I'm on my iPhone sending this message, and can't read all the comments right now.
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
Okay, now that I have a better idea of what it is, I definitely don't think it's for me; I have enough issues putting anything inside my lady parts, unfortunately.
Contributor: kellyg kellyg
the idea behind it is interesting but i still havent tried it..most likely wont. my periods are fairly light and don't last longer than 3 days, so a few tampons and I am good to go.