Menstrual Cups. Do you? Would you?

Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Jul!a
That might be nice, I normally plan my period underwear to be tight and black lol.
Ditto!!!! LOLOL
Contributor: bluekaren bluekaren
I use the instead cup. It is a disposable cup that is not quite the $$ investment of the diva. I have heard great things about the dive cup. There is one day of my period that is so damned heavy I have to use tampons thou...a cup will overflow for sure. Sorry for the TMI!
Contributor: Elaira Elaira
Originally posted by Jul!a
I haven't. To be fair, I haven't tried a tampon since I was in high school and wanted to try and keep going during the swimming portion of gym even though I could have just told the teacher I was on the rag and sat out. After I spent the ... more
U by Kotex makes cute pads, tampons, and pantyliners in fun colors and designs.
Contributor: Diabolical Kitty Diabolical Kitty
I'm not sure I'd use one anymore. My periods are almost non-existant.
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
I use tampons and they are OK for me. The concept of the diva cup has never appealed to me. Somehow in my find, I fear spillage and embarrassment if I had to empty and clean it in a public restroom. Oh well!
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by bluekaren
I use the instead cup. It is a disposable cup that is not quite the $$ investment of the diva. I have heard great things about the dive cup. There is one day of my period that is so damned heavy I have to use tampons thou...a cup will overflow for ... more
I found my Diva Cup on Amazon for $25. After 2 months of Instead, you'll have paid for it and you don't have re-purchase for a year. I have had to get an IUD to control the flow of my period (even though my tubes are tied). Before I got the Diva Cup, I would put on a Super + tampon and bleed through it in 1-2 hours. I still didn't have to change my Diva Cup for 6-8 hours on those days before I got my IUD. Tampons are really bad for your body. They're not nearly as absorbent as promised if you have a heavy flow, there are chemicals in them, and there is also the potential to cut yourself slightly with the cotton and the applicator. I tried Instead but couldn't get it to hook properly behind my pubic bone. The Diva Cup is much easier to use and create a seal with and you'll shock yourself with how little you actually will have to change it. My cramps also lessened to a degree when I changed to a silicone cup versus tampons (and even pads).
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by BBW Talks Toys
I found my Diva Cup on Amazon for $25. After 2 months of Instead, you'll have paid for it and you don't have re-purchase for a year. I have had to get an IUD to control the flow of my period (even though my tubes are tied). Before I got the ... more
That's insane!! I'm glad you found something that works for you!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Elaira
U by Kotex makes cute pads, tampons, and pantyliners in fun colors and designs.
Ooh, even better! Then as soon as I've exhausted the current stash of pads, I'll go check those out
Contributor: Nora Nora
Originally posted by BBW Talks Toys
Plus (in regards to overnights) it's nice to not have to do the "HOLY FUCK" backwards shuffle off the bed in the morning.
So glad to hear other gals do this too! I thought I was alone in that particular "dance"!

I use Always Infinity (overnights only, even during the day), they hold a ton and are fairly far as pads go anyway.

I'm leery to try a cup because I had issues with the NuvaRing when they first came out, I couldn't get it "in" properly. I do have a friend that used a cup for years though...she liked them a lot.
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
Originally posted by Elaira
I searched through the forums and haven't really found the info I wanted about these. What better place to ask than here?

I'm curious about them. I have an insane flow and I'm tired of tampons and pads and all that. Why not try ... more
I put other, because I just used the Lunette for the first time. I'm finding it difficult to insert and remove, but it does feel so much cleaner than pads or tampons. So I'll give the Lunette a few more months, and if it doesn't work out, try a different brand to see if I can get the right fit.

More info:

Youtube link comparing different brands

Blog about menstrual cups - Lots of information here!
Contributor: Elaira Elaira
I checked out that blog. I had no idea these things had such a cult following.

I expect it to be awkward the first few times of use. I mean, tampons were, right?
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by Nora
So glad to hear other gals do this too! I thought I was alone in that particular "dance"!

I use Always Infinity (overnights only, even during the day), they hold a ton and are fairly far as pads go anyway.

I'm ... more
The ring gets placed right at your cervix though, right? This doesn't. It sits right where your tampon would. It's all about making sure you have a good seal (basically, turning it for several rotations once it's expanded). Seriously, an entire nude photoshoot (roughly 5 hours) without any problems at all!
Contributor: Breas Breas
I need to look into this, I would like to try it
Contributor: Wild Orchid Wild Orchid
I love them! I've got a small LadyCup, but it's a bit too small for me (in capacity as well as length). Two larges are on their way to me from the Czech Republic.

To those that want to try but are nervous what to get, in which size etc. - don't sweat. Visit the menstrual cup community, poke there a bit, find the size charts (because they are hiding from me today ). Asses how low your cervix goes during your period and how much flow you have and pick the cup that seems to fit best. If your're 30+, had kids vaginally or bleed a lot - pick something with a higher capacity. If you bleed less, don't have kids, or are under 25-30, pick something smaller. Low cervix - shorter, wider cup. High cervix - longer, wider cup. But it really comes down to capacity - a change of a few millimeters is harder to notice than a change of a few milliliters.

A few pictures:


LadyCups - I'm getting the first and the third one. The third one will probably get sold without opening - I can't afford to keep both.
Contributor: hjtee hjtee
I find they work well. I prefer cloth pads, but I do use the cup when I know I won't be able to change for a few hours.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Wild Orchid
I love them! I've got a small LadyCup, but it's a bit too small for me (in capacity as well as length). Two larges are on their way to me from the Czech Republic.

To those that want to try but are nervous what to get, in which size ... more
Pardon my ignorance, but how exactly is one supposed to determine where the cervix sits at any point in time, let alone during menstruation? (I'm not clicking the link, I rarely click links that go outside of Eden. Just a safety thing. )
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by Ansley
Pardon my ignorance, but how exactly is one supposed to determine where the cervix sits at any point in time, let alone during menstruation? (I'm not clicking the link, I rarely click links that go outside of Eden. Just a safety thing. )
here, just copy this: http : / / menstrual cups (dot) org

It's just a forum. You can usually feel your cervix fairly easily when you put your fingers in your vagina.
Contributor: Starkiller87 Starkiller87
I really wish Eden sold these!!!!
Contributor: Nora Nora
Originally posted by BBW Talks Toys
The ring gets placed right at your cervix though, right? This doesn't. It sits right where your tampon would. It's all about making sure you have a good seal (basically, turning it for several rotations once it's expanded). Seriously, ... more
When I was given the ring, they showed/told me to "just stick it in and it'll go where it needs to", which is basically between the natural ridges. If it is supposed to go "all the up", I had it in wrong and it is no wonder the man in my life at the time kept getting a "blue ribbon" for his efforts, lol!

I gave up after losing 2 or 3 of them and went back to using condoms...much easier and they don't get "removed" without my knowledge! My partner and I now don't usually bother at all...but ya know.

I found the ring to be uncomfortable, but I also couldn't tell when I had "lost" one until a day or two later when I would start my period after only a week or two "off".
Contributor: CoffeeCup CoffeeCup
I tried the diva cup. Eventually stopped using it. It gave me terrible cramps towards the end of my period, when I normally don't get them.
Contributor: AndroAngel AndroAngel
Originally posted by Silverdrop
I put other, because I just used the Lunette for the first time. I'm finding it difficult to insert and remove, but it does feel so much cleaner than pads or tampons. So I'll give the Lunette a few more months, and if it doesn't work out, ... more
I had that problem with mine too, then I found somewhere where it was suggested cutting the stem and turning it inside out. I found it was much, much easier after that. What insertion fold are you using? I find the "seven fold" (I believe is what it's called) works best for me, and when inserting, I find I just have to poke the fold to get it to expand.
Contributor: Elaira Elaira
Originally posted by Starkiller87
I really wish Eden sold these!!!!
I wish, too! I mean, it seems relevant. It's women's sexual health, after all. This is something that would be awesome to read real reviews on and stuff, as well.
Contributor: KrazyKandy KrazyKandy
I love cups, I was curious and tried it and would not go back to tampons.
Contributor: Menarae Menarae
I used to use the Diva cup, and I loved it. But my ferret likes to nom on squishy things, so...I don't know how she keeps finding them. I guess they get knocked down or something. But I liked that I wasn't contributing so much waste, nor was I dealing with nasty chemicals found in some brands of pads. Plus, even though it's a bit of an investment, for how long it's supposed to last, it's worth it. As long as I had it in right, it was quite comfortable and didn't leak.

I tried getting a couple girls at my old job onto these, and they didn't bite...but my boss at my current job loves hers, too.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
i made a little thread about cups not too long ago.


happy cup shopping!

Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Originally posted by Wild Orchid
I love them! I've got a small LadyCup, but it's a bit too small for me (in capacity as well as length). Two larges are on their way to me from the Czech Republic.

To those that want to try but are nervous what to get, in which size ... more
I have two large LadyCups, I think they're a bit too large for me even though I followed their size guidelines. It felt like I'm getting more cramps while I have it inserted, so I've given up using them.

Here's another good website menstrual-cups.livejou , they have all the information you want to know about every single brand that's available.

The best place to buy LadyCups are on Ebay auctions. They're sold by the manufacturer, but at auction prices, always lower than the regular "buy" prices.
Contributor: EJ EJ
I've used a Diva Cup for about four years now, and haven't yet had to replace it. There was a learning curve for getting it in properly because I had to twist it several times and tug it down to create a good suction. I always wear unbleached pantiliners with mine because I also have a fairly heavy flow and have had the cup overflow.

Most of the time, I'm good to go for eight hours or so (and don't have to deal with the issue of changing it while I'm away from home, which is nice). There have been rare occasions during my first or second day when I did have to change it while I was out, and that can be a bit tricky if you're in a multi-stall public restroom because there are little holes around the ring of the cup's open end that sometimes need to be cleaned out in order to enable a good suction when you put it back in. (You can carry a safety pin with you in order to poke the holes clean in a pinch though.)

I have some sensitivities in that area and have had issues with pads, tampons, and even sea sponges. Glad rags work okay and I sometimes wear them for overnight use or if I'm going to be around the house, but they're messier to clean up than the Diva Cup.

Not only is the Diva Cup's packaging transparent, but apparently that particular company also sends display samples of their various cup sizes to some of the health food stores that order their products (so that customers can actually see and feel them beforehand). Even the little health food store where I bought mine had sample cups behind the counter.
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
Originally posted by AndroAngel
I had that problem with mine too, then I found somewhere where it was suggested cutting the stem and turning it inside out. I found it was much, much easier after that. What insertion fold are you using? I find the "seven fold" (I believe ... more
I was mind-boggled at how you could manage 7 folds, until I googled it and found out it was called that because it makes the shape of the number 7, rather than being folded 7 times.

Here's the link, showing several different folds, though it left out the S fold. link So far, I've just used the C fold and the punch-down, but I think I'll try the 7 or origami next time.
Contributor: Elaira Elaira
Originally posted by Silverdrop
I was mind-boggled at how you could manage 7 folds, until I googled it and found out it was called that because it makes the shape of the number 7, rather than being folded 7 times.

Here's the link, showing several different folds, though ... more
So many different folds! Wow!

Now I can't wait to get one and start my period. (Fun, right?)

I just really hate carrying a whole bag full of pads and tampons and I especially hate disposing of the waste at other people's houses. Then, there will be times I need a light tampon and only have a super or the other way around. This just seems so much easier.
Contributor: Screaming Violet Screaming Violet
I haven't yet tried any form of cup but will be trialing numerous ones over the next few weeks ans am quite excited to give them a try