Ladies, do you have hairy nipples?!

Contributor: sexystuffeve sexystuffeve
Originally posted by wrecklesswords
Some ladies have hair on their nipples, some don't. Some have a forest, some have "sapplings." What do you have? And what do you do about it?

I didn't start getting little hairs around my nipples until the last few years. ... more
Most people have hair pretty much everywhere. . . but ON my nipples? no, my hair is light though, so if I did no one(my man)would notice it most likely
Contributor: sexystuffeve sexystuffeve
Originally posted by Ryuson
No hair but bumps!
I'm pretty sure thats normal
Contributor: sexystuffeve sexystuffeve
Originally posted by Vanille
I get some. I frankly find it embarassing. I shave them off though.
Ouch... shaving a nipple seems like it would be painful.
Contributor: CindyH CindyH
no hair on niples
Contributor: vanilla&chocolate vanilla&chocolate
I have some hair, but it is not very visible.
Contributor: gloomybear gloomybear
i think ive had one in my entire life lol
Contributor: pootpootpoot pootpootpoot
Unfortunately I have some around my areolas that always grow back no matter what I do. The worst part is that they are very dark and coarse and sometimes curl, and the rest of my hair is straight and very fair, making them extra conspicuous!

My partner, on the other hand, has a forest, and his love for nipple stimulation makes them a big nuisance. He doesn't want to shave them because he's so sensitive there, so I put up with it like a good girl
Contributor: marrythenight marrythenight
I have a couple very small ones, but they're so tiny and thin and since no one else but me is seeing me braless anyway right now, I do nothing about it. meh.
Contributor: kitty1949 kitty1949
none. at least not yet, lol
Contributor: powerandintent powerandintent
Surprisingly one of the only spots I DON'T have hair. lol
Contributor: SalmiakkiVodka SalmiakkiVodka
I have maybe two or three around each, usually I pluck them when they get annoying.
Contributor: xMila xMila
No hair.
Contributor: lost686girl lost686girl
i do, but i can easily trim them with a small pair of nail scissors.
Contributor: LoveBug721 LoveBug721
Originally posted by wrecklesswords
Some ladies have hair on their nipples, some don't. Some have a forest, some have "sapplings." What do you have? And what do you do about it?

I didn't start getting little hairs around my nipples until the last few years. ... more
no hair
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
Originally posted by PussyPurr
I have one or two that pop up on each side. I pluck 'em.
same here
Contributor: Bodhi Bodhi
None. except for the really fine hairs that are all over the body.
Contributor: theavocadopit theavocadopit
Originally posted by BlackxxxRose
I get a few dark hairs that grow on the outside of the areola. They annoy the crap out of me though and I think they look ugly so I pluck them.
Same here.
Contributor: Librarian Librarian
Originally posted by wrecklesswords
Some ladies have hair on their nipples, some don't. Some have a forest, some have "sapplings." What do you have? And what do you do about it?

I didn't start getting little hairs around my nipples until the last few years. ... more
I pluck. Gets out the hair an no stubble left behind and no accidentally shaving off the nipsey russells. LOL
Contributor: vitriolicvertigo vitriolicvertigo
I have one. I pluck it out. Boo.
Contributor: Janis Janis
Nothing but the same fine, near-invisible fuzz that covers my entire body.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by wrecklesswords
Some ladies have hair on their nipples, some don't. Some have a forest, some have "sapplings." What do you have? And what do you do about it?

I didn't start getting little hairs around my nipples until the last few years. ... more
There's no hair on my nipples.
Contributor: meezerosity meezerosity
No hair. If I ever found one I'd pluck it out.
Contributor: epiphanyjayne epiphanyjayne
no hair, at least not yet
Contributor: hybridinsurge hybridinsurge
I get mostly light hairs and 3 or 4 solid black hairs. My natural hair color is red! I trim them because if I pluck them they become ingrown.
Contributor: wicked48 wicked48
no hair
Contributor: lilyflower lilyflower
I have like 3-4 dark hairs around each nipple, I pluck them.