Oh, I love pirates, too! I just don't like porn stars trying to act like them. See my comment on theoretically adding a hard-core sex scene to "Pride and Prejudice;" if Disney could convince Johnny and Keira to rock a dinghy in pursuit of pornographic pirate-y pleasure, I'd not only be first in line--I wouldn't even leave the theater opening weekend! I probably couldn't if I wanted to, because I'd be stuck to my seat. (Ok, that was crude, even by my standards.)
Originally posted by
Emma (Girl With Fire)
I am with you on the ff button, but you lost me when you said pirates are not appealing. I happen to love pirates.. not the real thing of course but the romantic version of a pirate gets me every time. I am IN LOVE with the POC trilogy. And not just
I am with you on the ff button, but you lost me when you said pirates are not appealing. I happen to love pirates.. not the real thing of course but the romantic version of a pirate gets me every time. I am IN LOVE with the POC trilogy. And not just because Johnny Depp is in them. Gypsies and Pirates... mmmmm. ....