Have you ever had a yeast infecton?

Contributor: The Mother of a SiNner The Mother of a SiNner
Originally posted by SapphirexIce
To see how many women have had this. I've had a few myself, let me tell yea there annoying.
ive had a few one thing i have to say is worse when ur pregnant
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
I have had one twice! I only seem to get them when i'm on antibiotics.
Contributor: One true love One true love
Originally posted by SapphirexIce
To see how many women have had this. I've had a few myself, let me tell yea there annoying.
Yes...and they are the worst....
Contributor: null null
I've gotten a couple, I tend to get UTIs way more.
Contributor: AndromedaJane AndromedaJane
Originally posted by SapphirexIce
To see how many women have had this. I've had a few myself, let me tell yea there annoying.
Yep I've had several.
Contributor: Eva Schwaltz Eva Schwaltz
No I haven't and I hope it stays that way.
Contributor: jedent jedent
maybe two or three in my life time. utis are more common though, but i havent had one of those in about 3 years.
Contributor: voenne voenne
I've never had one, and am not looking forward to the possibility of having one in the future.
Contributor: levellc09 levellc09
I used to get them all the time from my antibiotic treatments for my blood disease. Yogurt and crandberry juice will save your life. Stay away from sugar tho yeast loves it. My dr. Perscribed a 1 step pill that usually worked.
Contributor: MamaDivine MamaDivine
Yeast Infections are the worst!!! Of course, my first experience was really bad. I had no idea that I actually had one (this was when I was younger of course) and no idea what to look for. went about a week with it before I went to the doctors. By then of course, it was REALLY bad. Ugh. Why is it the women get all the "good stuff" ...Giving birth, bleed a week out of every month, menapause, YEAST INFECTIONS lol. Gotta love it.
Contributor: mandaj mandaj
Originally posted by ZenaidaMacroura
Yes. And they are horrible. UTIs are worse, but oh man, yeast infections suck. And having a UTI and yeast infection at the same time= hell on earth.
i know how u feel i got a uti and the meds they gave me made my ph balance irregular which gave me a yeast infection!!! its awful!!! im gonna start taking cranberry pills faithfully!!! cuz i get uti and yeast infections at least couple times a yr!!!!
Contributor: twistedkiss twistedkiss
Yuck. I've had several. Too much sugar and simple carbs, caffeine...all my favourites.

I drink unsweetened cranberry juice (absolutely no sugar and a must with a UTI) and...believe it or not, I will insert a clove of peeled garlic when I first feel one coming on. Yes, I probably smell but I hate using those expensive OTC drugs and the garlic usually works, especially if I catch it early enough. I also drink lots of water.

I don't take antibiotics ever.
Contributor: meezerosity meezerosity
YIs are horrific. I got my first one in college and had no idea what was wrong with me. I hadn't been with a partner in months so I knew it wasn't an STD. Thank goodness for the internet, I figured out some symptoms and went to the store to pick up some Monistat and pain yogurt. I tried the yogurt first. Didn't work so well. Monistat burned like the hell of a 1,000 angry suns but it worked. Next time I may give the yogurt another shot or try garlic and taking pro-biotics.

Anti-biotics trigger them for me. I have a bad immune system so even a Z-pack will usually give me a mild YI. Those are easy to deal with but when you're itching like mad you want to dig your crotch out with a butter knife...ugh.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by SapphirexIce
To see how many women have had this. I've had a few myself, let me tell yea there annoying.
get them all the freakin time. have tried everything. still get them, and keep them, and/or they turn into BV. have now been through 3 rounds of antibiotics for BV... and still have it. i'd say i've had it for like 4 months now.
Contributor: (k)InkyIvy (k)InkyIvy
I'd never had any vaginal health problems until last year when I got a UTI. We didn't catch it until it was in my kidneys and I was peeing blood. Scared the hell out of me. But that's the only health issue I've had of that sort.
Contributor: goingtogeorgia goingtogeorgia
I took antibiotics for a long stretch and I was prone to them for YEARS afterwards. Luckily things seem to have settled down for the moment. They're awful.
Contributor: PDXlady PDXlady
Knock on wood.
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
Yes, two or three. Haven't had one recently though! Ugh, god I hate yeast infections -.-
Contributor: xGOLDx xGOLDx
Been there! I swear if I look at a bottle of lube with glycerin in it, I get a yeast infection.
Contributor: samanthalynn samanthalynn
Originally posted by SapphirexIce
To see how many women have had this. I've had a few myself, let me tell yea there annoying.
no thank god
Contributor: darkkitty darkkitty
Originally posted by SapphirexIce
To see how many women have had this. I've had a few myself, let me tell yea there annoying.
Contributor: leelee leelee
Originally posted by SapphirexIce
To see how many women have had this. I've had a few myself, let me tell yea there annoying.
Yes very annoying
Contributor: sweetpea12 sweetpea12
Originally posted by SapphirexIce
To see how many women have had this. I've had a few myself, let me tell yea there annoying.
No I've never had one
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
I've had a couple. They suck big time.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Originally posted by SapphirexIce
To see how many women have had this. I've had a few myself, let me tell yea there annoying.
Contributor: rosythorn rosythorn
never had one but I am terrified of getting one!
Contributor: Melan!e Melan!e
I've had one bad one and a couple very minor ones that barely bothered me at all. I just got my first UTI this year and it was terrible. In and out of the hospital for 6 months kind of terrible.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by SapphirexIce
To see how many women have had this. I've had a few myself, let me tell yea there annoying.
Yes, and it was AWFUL!
Contributor: Apirka Apirka
Never had one.
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
I've had probably 3 or 4 in my lifetime so far but they're not usually too bad. Monistat usually takes care of them right away so I'm lucky there.