Girls - At what age did you start shaving your legs?

Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
I started shaving my legs when I was 14. I wore a skirt to school and a girl noticed my hairy legs and asked me why I wouldnt shave. I didnt want tpo get in trouble with my mom. The girl encouaged me to shave my legs saying it wasnt pretty and that once my legs would be shaved what could my mom do, the deed would be done.

So I shaved my legs and told my mom and she sort of was disapointed but she didnt get upset, she wanted me to hold off as long as possible since she wanted to save me the trouble of doing it all the time.

If I had kids I would probably use the menstruating rule. I wouldn't have her shave though, I would get her to epilate her hair not shave that way she wouldn't get darker hairs, they would eventualy not grow back. I wish epilators existed when I was younger!
Contributor: Kim! Kim!
I was 14. My step mom wouldn't let me shave sooner, claiming that I did not need to. So, being the evil child that I was, I shaved my pubes when I was 12. It wasn't like I did it for anyone, I was just being spiteful. No one ever knew but I felt better.
Contributor: SexyySarah SexyySarah
I think at age 12 or so, whenever all the other girls started!
Contributor: Jenn (aka kissmykitty) Jenn (aka kissmykitty)
I was around twelve when I started shaving. The hair on my legs was bugging me for about a year, but it took me that long to convince my mother to allow me to shave. Why it was such a big deal to her I'll never know...
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by Tori Rebel
My boyfriend asked me this this morning because he has a pre-teen daughter and knows it will be coming up soon...I honestly can't remember how old I was, but it was probably between 11 and 12? Is that 'normal'? I figure a consensus of ... more
I cant rember when I started. I know my sister started having to shave her legs just a few monthes ago, shes 11 and got her period shortly after. Two words ELECTRIC RAZOR, its much easier. Not to meantion less acidental cuts. Tell him to spend a few bucks on a good electric razor. Shes lucky your influencing her life, ime sure she appreaciates it.
Contributor: SarahSarah SarahSarah
I have very dark body hair, so I started shaving my legs when I was around 10 or 11. I was very self conscious because the boys would make fun of me for having dark hair on my arms and legs. I stole my moms razor and shaved my entire leg. My mom said your not supposed to go above the knee! But my hair is so dark I need to or it will look horrible. My half sister on the other hand, she is blonde hair and blue eyed so has very light hair. She started to shave her legs because she was in soccer with 13 and 14 year old. She was only 12. So I would say between 10 and 13 girls start to shave their legs.
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
Started at 9.
Contributor: Hannah Savage Hannah Savage
I was probably 10-11 when I started shaving, despite my mother nearly pleading me not to. I would steal her razor, and one time when I did I managed to seriously cut myself and that's when I got the "shaving lecture" about how I had let PURE DOOM loose now that I've started shaving.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I think I was around 13. My mom never told me I couldn't, but there was the whole "well you only shave your legs if you want someone to be touching them and at your age nobody should be touching them" that I would get from my best friend's mom. Since I went to a private grade school that required us to wear skirts my excuse was that I did it cuz I was wearing skirts.
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
Originally posted by Rockin'
I started shaving my legs when I was 11 or 12 , I think, before I got my period for the first time. I stopped shaving my legs in January 2010, and I hope never to go back!
Woohoo! Isn't it amazing? I started when I was around 14, and got HORRIBLE razor burn no matter what I did. My skin is way, way, way too sensitive and I would always end up scratching my legs until they bled. I was raised by a really chill mother who was very relaxed about gender norms and was just like "Why do you bother? If it hurts don't do it."

So at 15 I stopped and haven't done it once since I shave my pits once every two weeks or so just because it keeps stink down to a minimum. I think the only part of my body that I pay much attention to in terms of "grooming" is my vulva, but even that is just trimming.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I should have started shaving around 10, I am Mediterranean and pretty furry. My mother has issues, she refused to "let" me shave at 10 and she actually tried to DYE the hair on my legs with household bleach and peroxide. WTF? Wouldn't it be easier to just let a kid shave? I was teased because I had furry legs. It got so bad I refused to leave the house and she "relented."

It was bullshit. I SHOULD HAVE had the guts to just go ahead and do it. About that time of my life, it occurred to me that my mother might not actually understand how the World really worked and was more concerned with things I had no concern with or had NO concern for things I had concern for, and THEN all hell broke loose.

Anyway, I was either 11 or 12.

Shortly after, I started "streaking" my hair with my acne medicine (benzol peroxide actually does a decent job of streaking hair, if you like coppery streaks) and she got upset because I didn't "ask permission." Shortly after that, I simply bought a dye kit and did whatever the hell I wanted.

Parents who are too clingy or try to control too much usually lose control, from what I've seen.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by Tori Rebel
My boyfriend asked me this this morning because he has a pre-teen daughter and knows it will be coming up soon...I honestly can't remember how old I was, but it was probably between 11 and 12? Is that 'normal'? I figure a consensus of ... more
I was 11 when I first got my period because I had a see through backpack and I had to get rid of it... my poor backpack.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Tori, I think either when the hair is noticeable, or the girl herself THINKS the hair is noticeable. A young girl's impression of herself is very precarious, and letting her do it when she wants (or if she is not really noticing, letting her know that it is noticable, but then letting her decide IF she wants to do it) is the best idea.

Most girls I think would be between 10 and 12.

I'm going to get my Little One, who is 10 an electric razor, I think. She has mild Ausperger's and although highly intelligent, is kind of unaware of Social Mores. I did help her with underarm shaving this summer, as she was afraid of the razor, and now her legs really are furry. But, to save her the fear of the razor, I think we may either go with an electric razor or Nair. The last thing this kid needs is to be teased due to not "fitting in."

I will never get the whole "not letting a girl shave." It's not like shaving automatically leads to teenage pregnancy.

My own mother never understood, and still doesn't that interfering doesn't actually help one "control" other people's lives. She still doesn't understand when I don't pump my own children for information about their own lives. She got mad at me a few weeks ago. One of my dds had broken up with her boyfriend, and they did get back together very quickly afterward. She started asking me about the details. I had NO idea, as I let my kids come to me, and if they want privacy they GET IT. I told her, "I don't know the details. They got back together, I guess." She wanted to know "the relationship status" I told her I had NO idea. She asked "Didn't you ask her? Why don't you make her tell you?" I said she said she wanted to keep it to herself. She insisted that I "should" have somehow made her tell me what was going on. I tried to convey that I let my kids come to me on their own, and that this child's privacy was more important than anyone's curiosity, so she gave me the stink eye for the rest of lunch. SO fun.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Kim!
I was 14. My step mom wouldn't let me shave sooner, claiming that I did not need to. So, being the evil child that I was, I shaved my pubes when I was 12. It wasn't like I did it for anyone, I was just being spiteful. No one ever knew but I ... more
hee hee hee hee, It felt good thought, didn't it? I hate prying people.
Contributor: Hot'n'Bothered Hot'n'Bothered
I don't really remember, I think around 13...?

My mom did NOT want me shaving, I think in reality she was just trying to delay it as long as possible. But one day I was in the car with my dad and commented 'man I have hairy legs' and he said 'yikes you do!' I swear they were almost as bad as his!!

I stole mom's razor that night and shaved....except I forgot to rinse out the blade so she found out rather quickly. lol...
Contributor: Lady Venus Lady Venus
I was shaving my legs, having my period and wearing a 34C bra by the age of 11. I was an early bloomer.
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
I started secretly doing it at around 12 and then I cut myself real bad and I was found out by the huge freaking scab on my leg (oops)

Now that being said, I have an 11 year old. She started her period in June. Prior to that she got a wee tuft of downy pubic hair. I have been watching her armpits and there is nothing there yet. as for her legs, there is hair there but it is very fair and thin. You really cannot see it unless you look really close up.

She asked me if she should start. I told her no, not yet. Mainly because it can barely be seen.

When it starts to come in a little darker then I will show her the ropes.

@ToriRebel If i can be of help in the preteen dept, inbox me
Contributor: butterflygirlxo butterflygirlxo
Originally posted by Chilipepper
My family has a tradition - you're allowed to shave your legs when you get your period. It's a pretty good rule of thumb, since our girls start around 12/13, and it's part of the Rite of Womanhood.
That is a good tradition!
Contributor: butterflygirlxo butterflygirlxo
I started shaving around the age of 11 or 12!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I just bought my 10 year old a cordless rechargeable razor. She's afraid of razors, but really needs to shave. The kid has my hair, I guess. (My Man has little body hair.) She started shaving her underarms this summer, and is still scared of the razor blades.

It's charging in her room, and we'll see how she likes it.
Contributor: socceras socceras
Originally posted by Tori Rebel
My boyfriend asked me this this morning because he has a pre-teen daughter and knows it will be coming up soon...I honestly can't remember how old I was, but it was probably between 11 and 12? Is that 'normal'? I figure a consensus of ... more
12 i think. when i think back at it it seems young but everybody shaved their legs at 12. and when i was 13 if you didn't you were made fun of
Contributor: socceras socceras
Originally posted by Red Vinyl Kitty
I can totally understand that. Yeah, kids are SO mean at that age.
yes kids are extremely mean and if its affecting her she should be allowed to shave them
Contributor: Kimbertrees Kimbertrees
I think I was either 11 or 12 when I started shaving my legs, but I might have been a bit older. I remember being in the 6th grade and having other girls laugh because I hadn't started shaving yet.
Contributor: Sera Sera
I was 12 when I started having periods, and that's when I started shaving.
Contributor: Danielle1220 Danielle1220
I was 11. I'd say thats a pretty normal age for it.
Contributor: Beth D Beth D
I think I was newly 12 when I did it the first time, shortly after I started my period. I hated it, lol. It's not that I don't like having hairless legs, but I've always been tall and I have a lot of leg; it's just too much work I have really dark, very visible body hair but I only ever deal with it when I absolutely have to. It's just so much easier to wear long pants I guess maybe if I had a significant other I'd go through the motions for them. Unless they told me not to bother which would be awesome. But for me, I don't have any problem with being furry
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
Originally posted by Tori Rebel
My boyfriend asked me this this morning because he has a pre-teen daughter and knows it will be coming up soon...I honestly can't remember how old I was, but it was probably between 11 and 12? Is that 'normal'? I figure a consensus of ... more
I was 9 years old... I had some very hairy legs, lol... My poor daughter was cursed with those same hairy legs, so I let her start shaving a couple of months ago. She will be 10 next month. I guess it really all depends on the person. I don't want my child growing up getting picked on like I did, so I try to do things for her like that so she doesn't have to go through the same things I went through in school.
Contributor: Madeira Madeira
Originally posted by Tori Rebel
My boyfriend asked me this this morning because he has a pre-teen daughter and knows it will be coming up soon...I honestly can't remember how old I was, but it was probably between 11 and 12? Is that 'normal'? I figure a consensus of ... more
I started at 14, largely because I was an angry little feminist. My mother would have let me start at 11 or 12, but no, I was too angry and insisted on wearing ankle length skirts all the time anyway... I was a weird kid.
Contributor: BluePixi BluePixi
I was twelve, Mom gave me a razor but NO SHAVING CREAM, I would slice my knees and ankles almost every time I tried to shave.
If the kid is old enough to handle a razor maybe he could just buy her some disposables and some shave cream or an electric razor, put it in the bathroom and tell her its there for her when she needs to use it. That way the decision is hers, she didn't have to ask and hopefully wont feel a lot of pressure from the adults in her life to start shaving. Its better than just handing the kid some blades and assuming she will know what to do with them...