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It's really funny to see this because usually I'm pretty lax about shaving regularly. When it gets close to an exam time, though, I make absolutely sure that I'm bald. I wasn't aware people felt differently! I thought I'd get
It's really funny to see this because usually I'm pretty lax about shaving regularly. When it gets close to an exam time, though, I make absolutely sure that I'm bald. I wasn't aware people felt differently! I thought I'd get funny looks if I let my hair grow D:
Nah, doctors and nurses couldn't care less.
I'm a nurse and have worked OBGYN and Post Partum and Maternity. If you are comfortable shaving, go ahead (unless you are pregnant, then you are safer NOT shaving, as shaving opens up micro cuts which can cause infection close to childbirth and can be very dangerous. This is the reason
good modern hospitals NEVER shave pubic hair of women in labor and only very carefully shave the bellies of those needing C Sections. This is done only to clear a sterile field because the cleaning solution and plastic sterile wrap placed over the field can pull and tear out women's belly hair.)
Those who work in doctor's offices have seen every kind of pubic hair, and most of us started working when we rarely if ever saw shaven pubic areas, so really it isn't a big deal to
anyone in your doctor's office.
"Getting a funny look" for any reason is completely unprofessional of any staff member. In years of working, I have never seen anything "get a funny look" with the exception, until recently, of the doctor giving the nurse a faint raised eyebrow if a woman
was shaved. There was a belief, (and in some older doctors there still is) that women who shave are somehow involved in Sex Work. (Strippers, prostitutes, porn models.) It isn't true, but doctors and nurses used to believe it, and some older ones still do.
You aren't doing anyone a "favor" by shaving, but if you are more comfortable, go ahead and do it. It makes no difference to your Health Care Professional.