Do you think knowing your lovers "Number" is important?

Contributor: WD40watcher WD40watcher
Originally posted by TexasBrat
As in their number of lovers they've had?
I honestly do not want to know the number, but can have a guess to what it might be.
Contributor: Positwist Positwist
I like to get the gist of their number. It's not critically important, but I think it's a fascinating bit of history. Probably I'm interested in their experiences more than the number per se. Have they had a happy sex life? Have they explored? Have their past partners empowered or disempowered them? so on and so forth.
Contributor: peachmarie peachmarie
both of the guys I've been with were virgins by coincidence but i think if i had a new boyfriend i would probably just not ask and ask that he do the same. As long as we both were clear of STD's i wouldn't care how many women he'd slept with.