I am on the pill - Lo-estrin 24 - its pricy but it's the only pill that works for me. I've been on pleeeeeeeenty and Lo-estrin 24 is my top choice..brand only still, and no insurance makes it about $85/month (here in arizona, pricing I am sure is different state-to-state) but with a discount card I get it for about $50/month thankfully I get next to no side effects with this one and take active pills for 24 days rather than 21. Love it. That is all we use currently.
What type of birth control do you and your partner use?
I voted for just condoms and the pill because right now my fiancee is on the pill (no clue which one) but we're thinking of switching to just condoms.
I use a Copper T IUD, the kind without hormones. It works great for me since I react very badly to hormones.
The wife and I don't use anything, but if somehow she got pregnant we would be happy.
Can you tell me any more about that? It sounds awesome!
Originally posted by
I use Implanon, the 3-year subdermal implant. Its super awesome!
This seems like the most appealing option to me right now, because I really don't like the idea of using hormones. Can you tell me some of the cons of this? I would imagine it's really expensive, and I've heard of them getting infected. Have you ever had problems with yours?
Originally posted by
Ivy Wilde
I use a Copper T IUD, the kind without hormones. It works great for me since I react very badly to hormones.
My prescriptions are $10 for the shot which lasts 3 months vs $10 per month for GENERIC pills, and $35-$50 for the name (which sometimes DOES make a difference!)
Originally posted by
Thank you so much for all your insight! I really like that you don't have to take it every day, which is what I'm worried about with a pill.
I didn't realize the prices were that more effective, though. How much is the shot ... more
I didn't realize the prices were that more effective, though. How much is the shot ... more
Thank you so much for all your insight! I really like that you don't have to take it every day, which is what I'm worried about with a pill.
I didn't realize the prices were that more effective, though. How much is the shot compared to the pill (assuming I have regular health insurance where a regular prescription is about $15)? less
I didn't realize the prices were that more effective, though. How much is the shot compared to the pill (assuming I have regular health insurance where a regular prescription is about $15)? less
The bone deterioration is true, and a very serious issue if not watched closely. Supplements are a good way of prevention for this with the shot
Originally posted by
I've always used condoms, but have been on about 3 different birth controls. I was on the Depo Provera shot like Peggi, but I did have the weight gain, gaining about 30 pounds in 8 or 9 months. After I was on it a few years, my mom stumbled on
I've always used condoms, but have been on about 3 different birth controls. I was on the Depo Provera shot like Peggi, but I did have the weight gain, gaining about 30 pounds in 8 or 9 months. After I was on it a few years, my mom stumbled on an article about how it can lead to bone deterioration and I went off of it as soon as I could. Then I started on the pill, I was on Yaz for a few years, and switched off of that because a few days before my period each month I'd be so nauseous I couldn't do anything but lay there and be miserable. Switched to Seasonique and have been very happy on that, but I recently stopped taking the pill at all. We're going to be trying for kids in the next few years and I want to give my body a chance to adjust to not having artificial hormones in it for a while before we start. So now we're just using condoms
Yeah, I already take a multivitamin that has calcium, but if I ended up using the shot I'd probably take one for just calcium so I wouldn't have to worry.
Originally posted by
The bone deterioration is true, and a very serious issue if not watched closely. Supplements are a good way of prevention for this with the shot
Do you still get your period on the shot? My friend says she doesn't get hers at all, and that would freak me out a bit, I think.
After being on various hormonal forms of birth control which all acted negatively on me in one way or another we used condoms 100%.
I finally got an IUD which I am very satisfied with and no negative side effects after more then a year.
I finally got an IUD which I am very satisfied with and no negative side effects after more then a year.
We use condoms. Use to be on the pill but got tired of payin for it. Condoms are much cheaper
we don't use any save the withdrawal method. has worked so far just fine.
Just the pill. Have no clue what the brand is.
Ortho TriCyclian Low BC pills. They're amazing. I've never had a side effect.
My man is fixed so we are golden. All the fun , but no sperm.
i was worried about forgetting to take pills but it really hasn't been a problem since i set a recurring notification on my phone. i take lutera, which is affordable and available at pretty much all the pharmacies. made me nauseous for the 1st 2 weeks but fine afterward. no weight gain, no break outs, and no heavy periods make me a happy girl.

I use a birth control called Tri-Sprintec it's a generic for something maybe Ortho tri, and I've been on it for 6 years. It took me about 3 different tries of different birth control pill brands before I found the right one for me.
Originally posted by
I'm looking into starting to use a form of birth control in addition to condoms, and I'm wondering what people here use.
Please comment with pros and cons!
Please comment with pros and cons!
i have the iud mirania. i just got it 2 weeks ago and its ok....
I'm not on any birth control right now, but I've been meaning to get back on the pill.
The first time I got on the pill, it was loestrin-24. I had my period for a month straight! I stopped taking it, and my period stopped, so I got on yasmin and was fine with that until my insurance stopped covering it
The first time I got on the pill, it was loestrin-24. I had my period for a month straight! I stopped taking it, and my period stopped, so I got on yasmin and was fine with that until my insurance stopped covering it
Just the pill for me, Tri-spentic. I have been using this one in between to planned pregnancies. I have no issues with them. I like the pill it has been around 20 years longer than all the other forms of BC and if I want to stop the use it does not take my body 6months to get back to normal. I do not like the idea of most of the other forms of BC. I trust something that has had enough proper time to study, not so much this new age stuff.
Just condoms. but we usually use trojan spermicidal condoms.
Originally posted by
I'm looking into starting to use a form of birth control in addition to condoms, and I'm wondering what people here use.
Please comment with pros and cons!
Please comment with pros and cons!
I'm taking a standard birth control pill. I have no idea what the brand is because the pharmacy recently switched me to a different one.
If you are in a serious relationship &know the person is faithful, the pill is the easiest way to go imo.
Originally posted by
I'm looking into starting to use a form of birth control in addition to condoms, and I'm wondering what people here use.
Please comment with pros and cons!
Please comment with pros and cons!
I use Seasonique. Condoms now because I'm off the pill with an insurance issue. Hate condoms, though, so avoid when we can. Seasonique gives me 4 periods a year and decreases my period from 10 days to 5-6 days.
Oooh! I'm the first diaphragm user here.
I really love it. I can't take the pill or any other hormonal birth control, because it just messes my mind and body up too much. A diaphragm is perfect for me since it's a barrier method, is reuseable and low cost, and lasts a long time. Used with spermicide (and withdrawal, more often than not), it's very effective.
I actually had trouble getting a diaphragm. They're not popular anymore. They used to be... but somehow people just forgot about them. When I asked for one at the clinic, they acted like they barely knew what I was talking about, and the doctor tried to change my mind. I have a theory that they prefer writing scripts for pills because it's easier than doing a fitting for a diaphragm. Also, diaphragms don't make much money for the pharmaceutical companies (because you only have to buy one every so many years), so they don't push them as hard as they do more expensive stuff.
So yeah, any time before sex, spermicide goes in diaphragm, diaphragm goes in vagina, penis goes in vagina. Diaphragm stays in for at least six hours after sex, then is removed and washed. It can be worn for 24 hours, as long as more spermicide is applied (via applicator) before having sex again.
I really love it. I can't take the pill or any other hormonal birth control, because it just messes my mind and body up too much. A diaphragm is perfect for me since it's a barrier method, is reuseable and low cost, and lasts a long time. Used with spermicide (and withdrawal, more often than not), it's very effective.
I actually had trouble getting a diaphragm. They're not popular anymore. They used to be... but somehow people just forgot about them. When I asked for one at the clinic, they acted like they barely knew what I was talking about, and the doctor tried to change my mind. I have a theory that they prefer writing scripts for pills because it's easier than doing a fitting for a diaphragm. Also, diaphragms don't make much money for the pharmaceutical companies (because you only have to buy one every so many years), so they don't push them as hard as they do more expensive stuff.
So yeah, any time before sex, spermicide goes in diaphragm, diaphragm goes in vagina, penis goes in vagina. Diaphragm stays in for at least six hours after sex, then is removed and washed. It can be worn for 24 hours, as long as more spermicide is applied (via applicator) before having sex again.
I use YAZ birth control pills and we almost always use condoms.
I heard horror stories of my friends throwing up for weeks because of them starting on YAZ, but it has been fabulous to me. Cleared my skin up a bit (though two or three zits will still pop up during my period) and greatly helped my cramps. I used to have terrible, writhing-on-the-floor cramps throughout my period before I started YAZ, and now I only have barely-noticeable ones for the first day or so.
I heard horror stories of my friends throwing up for weeks because of them starting on YAZ, but it has been fabulous to me. Cleared my skin up a bit (though two or three zits will still pop up during my period) and greatly helped my cramps. I used to have terrible, writhing-on-the-floor cramps throughout my period before I started YAZ, and now I only have barely-noticeable ones for the first day or so.
None! But I cheat... I have had a partial hysto so my box is always party ready . And I never have a period! Great!!! O's are still in though so no hormone replacement - still get horny as hell - no more prego and no pills or condoms
Originally posted by
I'm looking into starting to use a form of birth control in addition to condoms, and I'm wondering what people here use.
Please comment with pros and cons!
Please comment with pros and cons!
this is awesome
Originally posted by
I use the only form of birth control besides abstinence that's 100% effective every time: lesbianism.
I was on the pill but I didn't like how it affected my body. Right now, I'm only using condoms and I'm pretty happy with that.
Other... Pull & pray! Though my husband is due for a vasectomy. I still wouldn't mind going back on Ortho Tri Cyclen, only so that I know when I'm getting my period. I had a sample of Seasonique but I would tweak out for 3 months until I got my period.
Birth control pill only
Originally posted by
I'm looking into starting to use a form of birth control in addition to condoms, and I'm wondering what people here use.
Please comment with pros and cons!
Please comment with pros and cons!